Jan 24, 2011 #21 M MsPony Lovin' The Homestead Joined Mar 16, 2010 Messages 892 Reaction score 0 Points 83 Location Santa Barbara It makes us healthier Pat! I'm a recovering germaphobic (eww to picking it out of a dogs mouth!!) and I'm healthier now!!
It makes us healthier Pat! I'm a recovering germaphobic (eww to picking it out of a dogs mouth!!) and I'm healthier now!!
Jan 24, 2011 #22 Nifty Super Self-Sufficient Administrator Joined Nov 13, 2007 Messages 1,618 Reaction score 262 Points 237 We really need to ban any subjects that combine "bacon" and Catastrophe" I mean... isn't there already too much suffering and injustice in the world?!?! OH THE HUMANITY!!! This thread will make me feel better (and hungry): http://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=1646192
We really need to ban any subjects that combine "bacon" and Catastrophe" I mean... isn't there already too much suffering and injustice in the world?!?! OH THE HUMANITY!!! This thread will make me feel better (and hungry): http://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=1646192
Jan 24, 2011 #23 freemotion Food Guru Joined Jan 1, 2009 Messages 10,817 Reaction score 90 Points 317 Location Southwick, MA BACON!!! When, oh when, will I get my bacon back from the butcher? Sniff....
Jan 24, 2011 #24 Denim Deb More Precious than Rubies Joined Oct 21, 2010 Messages 14,993 Reaction score 619 Points 417 I just told my hubby we need to get a pork belly and he says why, that's bacon.