Bee~ Journal of then...


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I can still buy raw milk at my health foods store. It runs about 8 dollars for two quart container. There are all kinds of people trying to pass legislation against it.

I thought about doing the same thing with my eggs. Sticking them in a mini fridge out front and taking donations for them, instead of "charging". Kind of makes things easier.

I like the cow bell idea. It sounds so country. :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I love all these replies, gals! It helps me so much, as I have been out of the dairy world for soooooo very long. We haven't eaten/bought dairy foods(particularly milk) for about 13 years!

This is all very interesting! I didn't know so many people drank raw milk....and when I mentioned it in church this morning, a few of the ladies were quite appalled! Said how unsafe it was! Oh, the modern mindset that equates store bought with safety! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Same women who scoops the "rooster" out of the egg before cooking! So very funny! Real mixed up about what can kill you and what cannot, I would say.

Sort of like the pressure canner vs. boiling water bath thingy.....if you rapidly boil any liquid for 90 min., by golly, anything growing should be dead! If not, its welcome to take up habitation and start paying rent, cause its too much germ for me! :gig

When we were homesteading, we milked the cow, strained the milk and placed it in the spring to keep it cool. Then we drank it. No refridgeration. We never got sick....not once, never a day. We didn't have refridgeration all that first summer and fall. My oldest sister is 57 years old, there are nine of us....NONE of us have had any chronic disease process that requires that we take a pill or an injection.

This germaphobia is mildly irritating to me, as I think folks are taking it too far and in the wrong direction. They will gladly eat commercially grown meats and veggies and quail at the thought of homegrown goodness and cleanliness.

They will eat a storebought egg from a commercial eggery and think that farm eggs are dirty. The commercially processed chickens are chilled in tanks that have inches of fecal matter in the bottom.....basically the meat is sitting in a fecal soup bath! But because it sits in a cellophane wrapper with USDA stamp emblazoned on the label, it must be full of sterile goodness!



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
You know Bee I am sure that the way you were raised and your exposure to raw milk etc is why you are so healthy. When my kids were little I gave them raw milk, it was the only milk other than breast they could digest for the first year. The pediatrician almost killed me. Gave my daughter a TB test. It's unfortunate that the kids today are not exposed to as much along the way. I imagine this is why they all get so sick so often. A little dirt doesn't hurt. That was my moms motto!!! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
We use to milk cows by hand. It sure strengthens up the grip. To this day, I still have a very firm grip. Anyway, I remember we would bring some milk into the house, mom would strain it through a cloth, and it was ready to go. I'll never forget the time when she was straining through a cloth which had a tight weave. She abandoned that cloth for on old thin undershirt because the milk could go through faster. If you got a glass of milk with a speck in it you just fished it out and move on!

Our water ran off of the roof of the house and passed through a charcoal filter into a cistern. About once a year or so the water started to tasting terrible. My dad would take the cover off of the cistern and fish out a dead mole or mouse. :ep After awhile the water was tasting just fine again.

My how times have changed. :old


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
About once a year or so the water started to tasting terrible. My dad would take the cover off of the cistern and fish out a dead mole or mouse. After awhile the water was tasting just fine again.

My how times have changed.
:lol: :lol: Don't you know you can get Salmonella from mice!!! :lol: :gig :lol:

I know what you mean about our childhood know, back in the good ol' days!

You know, some of the dirtiest families I knew, while growing up, were also the healthiest! And, conversely, the prissy, clean freaks all developed auto immune disorders and cancers. Makes one wonder about immune systems and all, doesn't it?

As a nurse, I am exposed to some pretty nasty stuff every day...some with names that are hard to pronounce. I've taken care of AIDS patients, elephantiasis, syphillis, herpes, TB, name it, I've come in contact with it. I use good handwashing techniques, but I'm not a slave to sterility. I absolutely hate the alcohol hand-wash, as it dries out my skin like crazy!

It think that one has to build up certain antibodies to thrive in this world and you can't do that in a sterile existence. Those dirty little kids of my childhood had a runny nose now and again....but they never got really sick.

Just good ol' common sense cleaning always worked for us. My mom always said that its okay to be poor....just not dirt poor! :lol:

Acre of Blessings

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 21, 2008
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Lil' ol' town of Axton Va
Beekissed post#1243....You said it the way it is. I can't stand the fact that the gov't is in such control over certain areas of the food industry.

You can take a backwoods family that lives off the land and a family that lives in the city that buys all their food from a grocer and take both of them to a dr., I'll bet the dr. would say that the backwoods family had a mental issue. :p

But then again the city family would probably have physical ailments, which would probably come from all the "crud" that is added to the foods that the govt' are in control of.

Just my 2 cents on what the govt' calls "preserving"


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Oh, you just HAVE to read Sally Fallon's book Nourishing Traditions or the articles on the Weston Price website!! Or his book, Physical is the title? It will validate with science everything your instincts are telling you to be true.

So why can I drink all the raw goat's milk I want and get extremely sick from storebought milk if it is so healthful? Hmmmm??

The same docs who freak over raw milk also tell you to take Tums for calcium..... :smack I took a display from the waiting room into my Gyn's exam room and pointed out to her that calcium needs an acidic environment to be absorbed, and Tums neutralizes acid. It may have calcium, but it is not available. She tossed the display in the trash, mumbling that the office staff must've put it there. Looked like she was endorsing it, I pointed out.

She then took the speculum out of the freezer and started my exam...... :ep


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Exactly Bee.
Pasturisation and all those other chemicals in commercial dairies just allows them to be dirtier over all, because the chemicals and pasturisation will kill the bad germs they've been carelessly allowing. BUT it also kills any goods bacteria.

There was a study where a doctor or scientist or something put E coli in a container of storebought milk, and E coli in a container of raw milk. After like 10 days the good bacteria had killed off the E coli, but in E coli thrived in the storebought milk because it was pasturised. I read that a couple dif places but I'm not sure where..

I read the following on a site, but I can't remember which, but I copy and pasted it:
"Paturization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Inspection of dairy herds for disease is not required for pasteurized milk. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods. But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection. And pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria for Johnes disease suspected of causing Crohn's disease in humans with which most confinement cows are infected."

My dad and mom grew up on raw milk, and my mom and I drink our raw goat's milk daily. I'd say I'm pretty healthy :p