Food Guru
A great book is "The 36 Hour Day" and is about the various forms of dementia.
It sounds like your mom is in serious danger now, it seems to be no longer an issue of her choosing to stay with an abusive man. It sounds like her life is truly in danger.
It is definitely more than she can handle. She needs someone strong (hint-hint) to step in and take control. It feels like betrayal to her to take care of business herself. And she has been putting up with it for years, as the violence gradually escalates. Kind of like the frog in the pot of cool water that a flame is under. The frog never figures out when it is time to jump out and ends up cooked.....
I have a dear client in a similar situation, without the violence....yet. I have urged her, with some success, to get her children involved. Like most families, there is only one who is willing to step up to the plate. But that is all it takes.
In my family, it is me, the problem solver and caretaker. I bet in yours, it is you! It can be a stressful and exhausting role, but what alternative do we have?
This is meant to cheer you on, I hope it doesn't sound....any other way. I am currently dealing with a similar situation in my own family. It is heart-wrenching.
It sounds like your mom is in serious danger now, it seems to be no longer an issue of her choosing to stay with an abusive man. It sounds like her life is truly in danger.
It is definitely more than she can handle. She needs someone strong (hint-hint) to step in and take control. It feels like betrayal to her to take care of business herself. And she has been putting up with it for years, as the violence gradually escalates. Kind of like the frog in the pot of cool water that a flame is under. The frog never figures out when it is time to jump out and ends up cooked.....
I have a dear client in a similar situation, without the violence....yet. I have urged her, with some success, to get her children involved. Like most families, there is only one who is willing to step up to the plate. But that is all it takes.
In my family, it is me, the problem solver and caretaker. I bet in yours, it is you! It can be a stressful and exhausting role, but what alternative do we have?
This is meant to cheer you on, I hope it doesn't sound....any other way. I am currently dealing with a similar situation in my own family. It is heart-wrenching.