Bee~ Journal of then...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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BeccaOH said:
Standing in a church and saying you are a Christian doesn't make you one, any more than standing in a garage and saying you are a Cadillac makes you a car!
This is so true. Can it be part of our lazy modern American existence that we don't want to work for anything? We want grandfathered in to our wealth, freedoms, rights, and (sadly) our salvation. We just don't know how close we are to losing it all.
Well said! :clap


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I agree, Aly! Becca, you are right on the money. It does take work to think about what you say or do and how it affects others. I don't know if folks realize how far reaching their little fits and moods are and what impression they leave.

Our preacher dines with his family at a local diner. Word has it that he is very picky and never satisfied with his matter what he has ordered, its never good enough or something is wrong. Doesn't seem like much, I'm sure, to him to be a chronic food complainer....but, to the folks who work there it leaves a bad taste in their mouths. Also, the fact that his wife hasn't smiled in this decade doesn't help. Its the little things, really.

It comes easier with practice but it does take some constant monitoring of one's effect on others to show "good fruits" in one's life.

Been playing with an idea.....I'll toss it past you folks and see what you think. My garden is total crap and has only yielded a few heads of lettuce, a few measly heads of broccoli and a few yellow squash. Everything was either planted too late, the weather was too cold, I crowded the beds and I neglected it when it needed me the most.

All in all, its the worst gardening effort I've ever put forth. Life just got the best of me during this crucial season. I've already resigned myself to buying produce from local farmers for my canning and root storage needs.

Here's my idea......

I'm thinking of tearing down the ragged fencing and letting the animals have their way for awhile....they have been picking through anyway here and there and the stampede just finished the job.

I thought I'd let the herd have the immature corn and pumpkins and whatever they like best, as an extra food source. That way, it won't be past good nutritious value by the time I finally throw up my hands and realize its a great big bust.

Better sooner than later, in this case? It would also help me get rid of this embarassment of a garden much quicker and let me focus on other things.

Give me your views on it? :hu

I plan on plowing it up this fall and planting winter wheat and starting fresh with a permanent lettuce bed in one row for the winter, covered with plastic, of course. But the rest will be winter food for the herds.

Meanwhile, I'd like them to eat all they want so I can mow it down and stop feeling like a complete failure over know, out of sight, out of mind? :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Bee, I am so sorry your garden was a bust. Ours was terrible this year too. Too much rain, not enough sun, too cold. blah, blah, blah....
As for letting the animals in. HECK YA! they eat the weeds and all...fertilize...and till the ground! Cant beat a "multipurpose animal" like that!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I usually overwinter my City Biddies in my backyard garden. They are great for tilling and plowing!

If it makes you feel any better MOST gardens were not very productive this year. I am hoping for some fall crops to make a little more difference.

There is always next year!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Global warming? Not this year!

My garden has managed to survive much neglect. Before I got poultry, I'd be out there every evening tending the little things. This year the birds get that little time and so the weeds have swamped the garden. The broccoli, green beans, and beets have managed to do well. The tomatoes are bushy with some green fruit, but they aren't turning. The zucchini was a surprising bust. Usually zucchini will survive anything.

I plan to plant a winter cover this year. I know my soil could use help. I do wish there was an easy way to route my chickens into the garden, but I'm not sure I can do it without exposing them to predators.

If you think your garden is a total bust, let the critters have it and start this fall for a great garden next year. :)


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Yup, me too.
Let the critters have it. They'll actually improve it as they eat, scratch, dig and poop. While they are out there, you can toss them their kitchen scraps and what ever you normally give them, just not something with seeds, that you don't want growing in the garden.
At my former house, when I had just 3 chickens, I would put them in a small section of my garden, fenced in of course and let them have at it. After about two weeks nothing was left in there. Then I'd move them to a different spot. The spot they just vacated, was easy to turn and the vegies I planted grew better and tasted better.

As the saying goes: If life give you lemons, make lemonade.

The weather shure has been odd this year. We've had mini heat waves (having one now), but not the general overall heat we usually get. Our crops are doing well, but they are late. Our tomatoes are just turning. My pickling cukes died, and a lot of our sunflowers are just shriveling up, like something got them at the root and they just wilt. Our green beans are loving the weather. They got so tall and dense that some of the poles snappped yesterday. I picked 6 lbs yesterday and it looks like I have to go out and pick again this morning.

Wish I could share some of my harvest with you all, because I have not been able to sell it around here. And I'm underpricing the stores!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Well, folks.... one of the ads came out in the papers yesterday. Its official~Blossom and Shade are for sale. So far I've had three calls. I always hate to sell things via ads and I'll tell you why:

Its always a crap shoot as to what kind of people call. You get the ones who schedule to come and see your item and then never show.....leave you waiting all day, never call. This gets my dander up! :rant It hasn't happend this time.....yet!

Or you have the ones who try to get you down on the price before they even see the item. These are not likely prospects. :rolleyes: This hasn't happened this time either....yet!

And then you have the the lady who called yesterday at 10:30 pm!!! and didn't have any cash to buy the cow but wanted to trade a herd of 16 mixed Friesian sheep for her. Now, I'm offering the cows for $1200 OBO. When last I checked, a grown ewe goes for around $125-$150 a piece around here. If they were in good shape, I'd make out like a bandit!

BUT.....the more we talked, the more I realized why she wanted a trade. Her sheep are wormy and she can't seem to break this cycle. Now, I'd already told her I couldn't keep the cows because I didn't have enough grass here. How in the world would I feed 16 extra sheep on the same grass? :hu

If you seriously wanted to trade, would you tell someone you've used some pretty high powered chemical de-wormers on your stock and it just doesn't seem to work? Funny how folks are, huh?

Since I didn't mention any barter potential in the ad, it left me very puzzled. Nice lady but just a little......woohoo! :p

A fellow called this evening and left a message that sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher. Now why, I ask you, would a fellow with a mouthful of marbles want a milk cow? Couldn't drink the milk without swallowing a few Steelies, now could he? :lol:

Finally, a real prospect called this evening and wants to see her on Saturday. I think he's from Maryland, so he will be traveling a far piece. My experience tells me that, when someone travels far to see an item, they generally plan on taking it home, regardless. At least, I'm hoping that's what happens! He has other milk cows, so I hope Blossom won't be lonely. Those beef cows really treated her badly. Maybe she will fit in in this fella's herd and become the boss cow...who knows? :)

I'll keep you all posted! Plan to kill half the chicken flock this Saturday, so I should be good and bloody when he comes...hope it doesn't scare him off..... :cool: ;) :lol:

Update on the folks: Mom and Dad are doing fine! Dad seems very cheerful in the facility he is in for evalution. He says he is helping the other patients and everyone seems to know his name. Since he really thrives on attention, this is right down his alley. I'm glad it's like that, instead of what we all imagined.

Mom is driving around in the herself! And seems very proud of her driving skills. She is keeping very busy getting ready for more proceedings with Dad's case and care. She is also getting things sorted and ready for moving, as she goes along. All in all, she is doing great, under the circumstances. She has bad moments but she is trying to keep busy to avoid getting down in the dumps. I'm very proud of her!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
So glad to here the update on your parents! God is taking care of business.

I hope you get the cows sold with a minimum of fuss as well. Ads drive me crazy as well. :)


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Bee - so glad your Dad is not being the problem you thought he would be. And your Mom sounds good under the circumstances.
The Old Bat will do well. It will just take some time.

I hate adds too. Good luck and maybe your long distance traveler will take Blossom home.

Don't you just hate those wierd phone calls from ads? :barnie