Congrats on your sale. Of course your are going to miss her for a while, but it sounds like you found her an excellent home. So now you only have the one calf right? What are plans for that one? Freezer or canning or other?
As far as the Silkie blood in your pullet, I think Silkies are the only ones with that black skin. I really don't know all that much about them, but I do think they have down curving tails.
Genetics are weird, aren't they? How in the world, from MY flock, would I get any silky lines stuck in there?
Hitch, the other calf, will be fattened and processed here on the place. We will do it just like a deer....tenderloin into steaks, a few other choice cuts for steaks and the rest will be burger and jerky. I want to can any deer we get.
I can't even describe to you how quiet it has been here all day!
My younger roo, Toby, is the only roo left and he hasn't crowed once all day long. Maybe a day of silence for fallen comrads?
I hope this lasts.....I simply LOVE it! And, as usual, every hen layed an egg. I tell you, folks, after every killin' it seems to shake up the flock and they decide to start earning their keep!
Every time! Who says chickens are dumb?
And sheep.....I don't know who decided sheep were stupid, but mine are quite the smart little girls with cute personalities.
I got to see them get mad this evening when Jake stole an apple from Ugly Betty. This little sheep chased that dog down the yard, butted him in the side, pawed him with her front leg and butted him again! I was cheering on the inside and laughing to beat the band on the outside!
To top it off, Black Betty ran down to the dog and butted him a couple of more times, for good measure. He ran up to cower under my legs and they followed him and kept butting him! Soooooo very funny!
Then, Black Betty started to lick my elbow and give me a nip! I think they were really feeling their oats this evening.
Finally, Jake had had enough of being bullied by sheep and he snapped at Black Betty. She shook her head, ears flopping, and stepped back, as if to say, "I'll back off this time, but pick on my sister again and you are dog meat, mister!"
Oh, this life provides a never ending source of amusement, beauty, peace and joy!