Bee~ Journal of then...


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Farmfresh said:
As far as the Silkie blood in your pullet, I think Silkies are the only ones with that black skin. I really don't know all that much about them, but I do think they have down curving tails.
I did some research on this earlier this year. One of my friends was interested in black skin chicken breeds for a specialty market. There are 3 breeds I know of that have black skin, but only the Silkie breed is here in the States in any quantity. The other two are in Asian countries.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Kel, you know, that pullet has all the black skin on the comb, wattles and feet but her actual body has white skin. Go figure! Its almost as if she was frost-bit, as you can faintly see a little pink at the base of her comb and wattles. Weird, huh? :p


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Sorry to hear about the apples. Local news last night says if our temps. just drop a bit we're going to have a great year. Too bad my own two little trees didn't survive. :(


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
If yours are anything like mine, it was that last hard frost this spring that did the fruit in.

I have no apricots, nectarines or plumbs this year and only a few peaches.

This is an interesting time of the year. If it weren't for school starting I would be relaxing too... fall garden in and just picking and some light canning to do. I never feel like I get to enjoy the late summer or fall. I just run, run, run.

You enjoy it for me Bee.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Farm, if I got bogged down in how much my garden didn't produce or how flat my plans have fallen for having the fullest cellar on record.... well, I'd be lying on the ground kicking and screaming right now! :(

Instead, I've chosen to count my blessings and enjoy this time of the year. This will give me an exercise in faith and will make me more determined to do better next year. The gardeners mantra: Just you wait 'til next year!

You guys ever catch up with an old friend and get off the phone feeling like the most blessed person on Earth?

To listen to what their lives are like and almost feel their desparation through the phone lines....well, its like watching a bug squirm on a pin! Its sad, frustrating and fulfilling ~all at the same time. Hard to describe, really..... :(

They usually tell you all about their troubles(usually from money woes) and how hectic their lives have been (usually from trying to have it all, be everywhere and do everything) and how their health is bad (usually from spending all their time worrying and rushing).

Then you tell about your life. You tell about how much fun you are having raising a garden and animals for food, how cheaply you are living, how at peace you are in your life right now.

Then comes the inevitable statement: Must be nice! (In that tone that implies that, somehow, you just got lucky along the way...sort of like winning the contentment lottery.)

Like the two lives are being lived on separate planets and your life could not possibly be achieved on their planet. :/

Then you try to explain that what you are doing can be done at their house and they spend the next ten minutes denying that this is possible, due to this or that.

Then you get off the phone feeling defeated because one more person you know is wallowing in the mire that is commercialism and living the American Nightmare, instead of the American Dream.

You can't persuade and you can't convert. You can only be an example that they will promptly forget when they get off the phone.

They will then only call those who can commiserate with their difficulties because this doesn't make them feel like they have somewhere missed the signs and are traveling on the wrong road. If they can touch base with others on the same bumpy ride, they can feel like they are at least going where everyone else is headed.

Do you guys ever get that feeling? :idunno

Did I plant a seed? I've been planting those seeds for so long that you would think something would take root!

Very sad..... :(


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Bee, I have had those converstions myself. It is frustrating to not be able to get through to those people, that if they simply stopped participating in that rat race, their lives would change pretty quickly.

I never gave a hoot about dressing in the latest fashion or having the newest car or getting the latest electronic thingamajig. I patched my clothes, my car and repaired the electronic thingy I needed and don't worry about having updates. My cell phone is more than two years old, I'm told I cannot get a spare battery for it, because they don't make them anymore :he . I showed them, I went on line and got spare parts for way cheaper then "they" were selling them for in the first place.

My sister is coming round more and more. MY DD is still pretty much in the rat race, she counts on me for if TSHTF time :rolleyes:
Well she is still young and has that excuse, but she was raised by me, so that excuse doesn't go that far :th

We have a friend who spends sooo much money on the latest and greatest hunting gear. You should see the stuff he has. The camo outfits, the this, the that. I go out and walk in my regular clothes and spot more deer than he does with his fancy schmancy stuff that he spent soo much money on. :gig
He gets frustrated with us because we concerve our resources, he tells us to just go out and buy it or get a job. That's when I want to punch him in the nose. Couse we are working, just not for money. He doesn't see it that way. It is only work if you go to an office and get paid money for doing so. He always wants us to give him our harvest for free. You have so much, you didn't pay for it. As if what one doesn't pay for has no value. :he
Yet he complains of how hard his life is, with the wife working two jobs and him going to school and taking care of the kids. Oh pitty him. :smack :lol:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My friend isn't really living large but he is living big enough that they struggle to meet the bills like cable, utilities, cell phone, car payment, etc.

When I suggest doing without these things and using wood heat to defray utility costs, he starts to tell me how they "couldn't live that way" and that a person should be able to have cable TV and cell phones in "this day and age."

Its the same old story. This feeling of entitlement and feeling like its just not normal or somehow "backwoods" to do without gadgets and entertainment fed through a box.

I think its a fear of not running with the flock. A fear of being ridiculed, or of not being thought of as a success.

I'm wondering how past generations ever survived without that little black box being held to their ears continually and ringing at inopportune moments to summon them away from this little thing we call life.

When did being stressed and harried, strapped and broke, in debt and in bad health become such a popular thing? Why does it seem decidedly unpopular to be happy and content?

Nothing to, whine...about? :hu


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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We know a few people like that too. Kinda sad. They've been brainwashed by society! lol.

Black skin birds.. There are also Houdans that has black skin as a breed standard.

However, a bird we got in the Cackle Hatchery Surprise looks like a Black Star has black skin on the comb, wattles and feet also, while the skin is normal. we had a couple others like that a couple years back if I remember right. As well as a hen with a greenish leg, and a blackish/bluish leg.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I had this very conversation today with a young co-worker.

She was very upset and frustrated because she is behind on her electric and gas bills and if she pays those she may lose her apartment and have to move in with her parents.

Now this gal is a HARD worker - just underpaid and a little too "modern".

Evidently her AC bill for the old house poorly insulated house she lives in put her over the top.

I tried to explain that even though she WANTED to pay all her bills and everything - people CAN live without gas or even electric lights for a month or two if necessary. Especially at this time of the year when it is not too cold or hot and daylight is still lasting a while. At least that way she could keep her home and catch up a bit.

I explained how she could use canned foods or even a ice chest to keep her food safe. Cold baths and wash ups won't kill you either and heck we even have a pool pass since we work for the school district and there are nice hot showers there!

She said, "That stuff is just easy for you. I don't think I could do it."

People are so dependent now a days.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
I hate the "Must-be-nicers". I'm old enough and "wise" :lol: enough now that I just say, "You know what, now that you mentioned it, IT IS NICE!!!" Then look away smiling as if you are thinking how nice it is. Ahh. :) Life is GOOD!

My sister is a prime example of a must-be-nicer. She never did that to me again after I finally told her that yes, it was very nice, and thanked her for bringing it up. I also donned a big, fake, sappy smile. (It is nearly impossible to shut my big sister up too.)

Must-be-nicers like to be miserable IMHO and nothing you can say or do will make them feel better. They thrive on the good life that others have worked hard to earn because it makes them more miserable.