Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
big brown horse said:
And you deserve every bit of it! How dare they eyeball you! Sometimes I think I would enjoy church if most of the other people would stay home. :/
:yuckyuck You are SOOOOOO right! :lol: :gig :lol:

Well, you know what they say....the best place to find hypocrites is in a church! :p I go there so that I know at least one person there is not a hypocrite! :lol: :gig :D

The ol' Bat is going this year to show all those old church biddies how a real woman circles around all the menfolk! :p


Covered in Compost
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Santa Fe, Tx
Beekissed said:
big brown horse said:
And you deserve every bit of it! How dare they eyeball you! Sometimes I think I would enjoy church if most of the other people would stay home. :/
:yuckyuck You are SOOOOOO right! :lol: :gig :lol:

Well, you know what they say....the best place to find hypocrites is in a church! :p I go there so that I know at least one person there is not a hypocrite! :lol: :gig :D

The ol' Bat is going this year to show all those old church biddies how a real woman circles around all the menfolk! :p
Thats amazing about how single women are viewed that way in some its a decision I made to just make my life harder and "hey! can you point it out to me at church and make me feel worse?" At least I am not married to any of those hypocrites--there is an upside to being single! lol! ;) I personally think they are intimidated by a woman who can sling a 50lb bag of feed over her shoulder and throw it in the trunk of her car like its nothing. You go show them Bee! If I was not so clumsy I would be chopping wood too!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
I've kept this saying to myself, but my mother always said a church is like a hospital, only the sick attend. She has been mad at God for most of my life.

Delia you are soooo funny!!!!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Well, there are twits in all walks of life..... but it sounds as if those women are church goers and not Christians. It certainly doesn't glorify Christ or His work to be mean-spirited, and I think they will have to answer for this when called. He commanded us to love one another as our selves.

My thoughts are this - If people professing to be Christians can't act as Christ did towards others, what makes us think non-Christians will want to follow Christ? Anyone can take the low road - I prefer to leave it to Satan.

I remember you talking about the wood ministry last autumn. It sounds like a wonderful ministry, Bee; Heart- and home- warming! I am sure there are people in your community who wouldn't make it through winter without the help. What a blessing to be a part of it!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Single women at church are a definite threat...unspoken but spades! I don't care how unattractive, old or fat...single spells trouble to the safely wedded women of the church. :rolleyes:

No matter how many churches I have attended, no matter how much I smile and act friendly, no matter how circumspect in my behavior and dress....I have never been befriended by any woman in any church.

By a married couple~once~ I have been treated kindly...but the woman of that couple is very...well...suspicious acting and a little snarky mouthed about things. :rolleyes: I get the message loud and clear and try to avoid any reasons for jealousy.

Some of the women are nice but very distant and don't invite any deeper relationship. It's very clear that I am a nonentity and, possibly, contagious...... :p My independence, my ability to do manly work, my infectious joy.....all of it...contagious and to be avoided at all cost! :lol:

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
keljonma said:
Well, there are twits in all walks of life..... but it sounds as if those women are church goers and not Christians. It certainly doesn't glorify Christ or His work to be mean-spirited, and I think they will have to answer for this when called. He commanded us to love one another as our selves.

My thoughts are this - If people professing to be Christians can't act as Christ did towards others, what makes us think non-Christians will want to follow Christ? Anyone can take the low road - I prefer to leave it to Satan.
AMEN!!!! :)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
We are indeed blessed at our church. I tell people that ask me about our Baptist church that most of the people that go to my church are gray. We have a large senior population and many of them were raised in the depression and have been through several wars.

The mind set is VERY different than in most churches. Everyone works hard. We have a food pantry, a clothes closet, low cost dinners on Wednesday, a school supply give away, free garage sales and a community wide Thanksgiving dinner each year just to name a few things. The old and young, the rich and poor, and the single as well as the married all seem to work towards the same goals. There may be a few quibbles ... we are still people after all, but by and large it is an awesome group of people. I give those seniors all of the credit too. They set a great example and are "old people" enough to say what they mean and take care of business if the need arises! :thumbsup


Covered in Compost
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Santa Fe, Tx
Beekissed said:
Single women at church are a definite threat...unspoken but spades! I don't care how unattractive, old or fat...single spells trouble to the safely wedded women of the church. :rolleyes:

No matter how many churches I have attended, no matter how much I smile and act friendly, no matter how circumspect in my behavior and dress....I have never been befriended by any woman in any church.

By a married couple~once~ I have been treated kindly...but the woman of that couple is very...well...suspicious acting and a little snarky mouthed about things. :rolleyes: I get the message loud and clear and try to avoid any reasons for jealousy.

Some of the women are nice but very distant and don't invite any deeper relationship. It's very clear that I am a nonentity and, possibly, contagious...... :p My independence, my ability to do manly work, my infectious joy.....all of it...contagious and to be avoided at all cost! :lol:
Thank you Bee! You just described my church going experiences....they always seem to make me feel like I am carrying the plague-but like Kel said--they are not real Christians to treat anyone that way ..I always feel like it said in the Bible.."you never know when you are entertaining Angels" So I always try to keep that in my mind all the time and when I meet new people... Does that make sense?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Farm, your church sounds wonderful! Wish we had one like it around here...... :( The Bat and I are going to search for a better church when she arrives.

Our church is mostly silver hairs also but the attitude is vastly different. They don't want to have a church garden ministry because they each have a tiny garden at home where they grow a few maters and a bed of lettuce. They DO NOT want to work a garden or freeze foods at church. They don't seem to get the idea that the food would be for those who cannot afford land for a garden or who can no longer garden for themselves. :rolleyes:

They don't even like to stand around and talk after church, and rush right home when it is done. They also barely tolerate a church dinner and go straight home fellowship.

They don't really do much of anything together and they enjoy keeping the money they have made in their old age. The poorest folks in the church are my family, if you can imagine. I doubt if anyone any poorer could stand the frigid atmosphere there..... :p

Don't get me wrong...there are a couple of people there who are kind and who one could call a Christian by their fruits. The rest? I wouldn't presume to judge them but they sure could use a shot of joy, love and compassion in the derriere! :D


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Beekissed said:
They don't even like to stand around and talk after church, and rush right home when it is done. They also barely tolerate a church dinner and go straight home fellowship.
Churches like that abound! We used to go to a church like that. We used to just stay seated in our pew until most of the people left the building. If you got in their way when they were leaving they would practically run you over! We had a couple of gray haired old ladies that would drive like race car drivers to get out of the church parking lot!

The next church we went to was AWFULLY concerned with the letter of the law. What you wore to church was a big issue to be discussed behind your back later. :(

I am so glad we finally found our church and funny thing is it is within walking distance of my house! We decided to visit there because I remembered going to a vacation Bible school there when I was a little kid and the folks were very nice, even then. It was a great fit. Those oldsters worked their stuff on us as well. One day after we had been visitors for a couple of YEARS ( :ep ) one of the old ladies went to my hubby and said, "Get your tail up there and join this church young man! I don't know what you are waiting for - you have both been coming here for way to long not to join." :lol:

So we both got up and joined that day!

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