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Mountain Sage
dragonlaurel said:So now we know what you guys do for a family reunion.
Hey everybody... Oct 9th, ... let's meet at the courthouse. I hope your Mom starts feeling herself again soon.
I hope that wasn't out of line- just trying to give you a laugh. You probably need ti.

Sad, isn't it? When families are so dysfunctional that it takes a court appearance before they will even look at each other? Don't know why things have to be so bad for these people....it's like they are incapable of love, compassion, reason....all the things that make one human, they seem to be lacking.
There is really nothing in this world that could conduce me to act in this manner towards a family member....be mad, get over it. But go to court and try to lash out at someone who has never done you any harm? Weird!
Even if they HAD done me harm, which most of them have in one way or another....one can't harbor that hurt, hold it to your chest and nurse it along for years. The only person this wounds is oneself. Where is the sense in that?

Let it go, grow up, get on with ye life! Love, laugh, live free of hostility and strife.....anything less is just wasting one's time on this earth. Who wins? Those who have hurt you!
I have had a sister call child protective services on me, one who tried to trash my reputation, one who loosened the lug nuts on my car before I went to work one night, they have cursed my name, stolen from me, turned others against me and turned their backs on me for years.....
Do I dwell on this? Nope. I feel sorry for them and wish they could be normal so we could have fellowship and a loving relationship, like a family should.
As for me and my house, we work hard on happiness and make sure our every efforts and energy are turned towards that goal. We won't let others take that away, nor will we dwell on old hurts and words. Not worth it!