Bee~ Journal of then...


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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When I was growing up we had avocado green kitchen appliances, flowered wallpaper that looked like the 70s threw up, and green vinyl flooring. My mother in her moment of insanity decided to paint all the cabinets the brightest green she could find to match the ugly wallpaper and then trimmed them in......wait for it..........................

safety cone orange. :sick

Man was that kitchen ugly. In the living room we had the patterned green shag carpeting, and in the master bedroom, multicolored patterned shag carpeting in avocado green, burnt orange, and yellow.

That is a decade I do NOT want to go back to!!!! :gig


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
From my porch to all of yours.....hope you all are feeling warm and loved during the holidays! :frow

Update on the Bat and her situation, briefly......the Toxic Trio are waking up in the bed they made! :D :lol:

Bat visited him this weekend, with my oldest brother as a body guard, and Dad was very happy to see her. The opposing faction acted ugly and childish, per norm. The result? Dad has been told all this time that Mom ran off to Indiana to live with her that he knows she is in this state he is determined to find her. He is also waking up to the fact that these people are NOT his friends.

He hasn't been taking his meds and these kids are getting to see what Mom has been living with all this time.... :lol: It's so fun when folks get what they ask for for the holidays! :D :lol:

So far he has tried to escape twice, Evil Son tried to run him down with the car(actually bumped him with the car) and drew back his fist at this He's Only A Little Confused and Not As Bad As They Are Saying little man, he has threatened to kill his caregivers with a knife and is determined to go to his wife.

I think they are probably getting real tired of the taste of crow right now and can barely swallow the bites they have bitten off.....which is probably just why God has allowed this to play out.

Who says there is no justice in this world? ;)

Poor Mom still is having a hard time with this...which is only normal...but the fact that they are getting a taste of her life is somewhat a vindication for her.

Just thought you all would like to hear that you were correct.....they indeed should have been very careful for what they wished! :p


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
lorihadams said:
When I was growing up we had avocado green kitchen appliances, flowered wallpaper that looked like the 70s threw up, and green vinyl flooring. My mother in her moment of insanity decided to paint all the cabinets the brightest green she could find to match the ugly wallpaper and then trimmed them in......wait for it..........................

safety cone orange. :sick

Man was that kitchen ugly. In the living room we had the patterned green shag carpeting, and in the master bedroom, multicolored patterned shag carpeting in avocado green, burnt orange, and yellow.

That is a decade I do NOT want to go back to!!!! :gig
Oh, Lori! That gave me my laugh for the day....well, among other things told to me that were so amusing...but yours wins! :lol: I remember the 70s being a lot about the orange, hot pink, and lime green....with olive green and gold for the grown ups. :p

Morel...I have found that, eventually, people who hate and hurt others usually get what they are wanting in this life...more and more misery. ;)

Those who are busy looking for happiness usually find it! :)


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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Safety Cone Orange? Seriously? :ep

Bee, as for Karma.....I know 2 members of my disfunctional family that will get theirs soon enough, I'm just waiting for it to play out....I hope its as good as yours! :pop


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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It was hideous.....then later on in life she tried to paint all the cabinets white. Got the wrong paint and it all peeled off and we had to paint over all that green and orange AGAIN. That was the house I grew up in. Then when they moved they got a house with more acreage out in the sticks and everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, was beige. I don't know which was worse--the technicolor house or the everything blends into everything else and never stops house. :lol:

Glad to hear that the terrible trio is getting a good dose of reality. Do you think they'll try to give him back now???


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Jen, I hope you get to witness does make one feel a smidge better to see justice on earth.

Lori, I don't think they will just give him back....I would be very shocked. I think they will offer to bring him up to me to live but will try to maintain control of him and his money. When this is turned down, they will offer guardianship, but won't give up the money. When this is turned down, they will try to get him in a nursing home....but it is nigh impossible now for many reasons. Then, I think, he will wind up right where he started, in the mental hospital.

At which time, we will have filed for removal of guardianship and conservator and petitioned for same.

They were already discussing bringing him up for a "visit"....which I will nip in the bud. We will not let them have their cake and eat it too. They will make an appointment, stay in a hotel, I will meet them to pick up Dad and bring him to my house for a day visit...nothing else will be considered until they give up their game. They would just LOVE to have control but not have to do any of the responsibilities of caring for him.

Nope....they made this bed, let them have their nightmares in it. :p


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
A song comes to mind ... I am not Dacjohns, but ... "You can't always get what you want... You can't always get what you want... But if you try sometimes ... You just might find ... You GET what you NEED!! Ya ya ya YA!"

And as for ugliest house I will take you all on!

When we moved into this old house it was a mind blower. The bathroom had (still has :sick) white ceramic tile from floor to ceiling on two walls and half way up on the other two... white ceramic tiles with giant avocado green flowers in the middle of each one! A beautiful band of reverse tiles - avocado with white flowers and a metallic gold strip above and below that was in the center of the shower stall. (Now thankfully covered by a shower stall wall). All remaining walls were avocado green... yes even the ceiling! The window was green with a band of burnt orange around each window pane and there are 7 of them. The sink vanity and another large cabinet behind the toilet were done in a bright reddish cherry stain AND there was a nice big mirror to reflect everything!

The living room used to have nice 6 inch wood trim (now it does again), but when we moved it it had been updated to thin cheapo molding about 4 inches tall. The plaster was finished to the top of the old molding - below that point the wall had the look of unfinished plaster... just above the new molding. Then you paint the whole thing high gloss avocado green and add some green velvet striped wallpaper in the dining room. Paint the entire kitchen dark "pony" brown with yellow vinyl flooring. Put about 5 layers of wallpaper in each bedroom AND on the ceiling then spray the ceiling with so much popcorn that the wallpaper starts to let go and well... you see why we got the place cheap. :lol:

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