big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
I'm still catching up here, but by stock panels do you mean that 16 foot long welded wire panel? The kind that comes flat, not in a roll? If so, that is almost all I use for permanent fences.
Thankfully my neighbor has a bolt cutter he lets me borrow if I need to change the length or height for the project etc.
I LOVE them!! I have the pipe gate panels too, but they don't bend or can't be cut, so I don't like them as much. The stock panels can also be rounded in any shape you need. They can also be used to make a green house, my next project.
O.k. back to reading and catching up.
Thankfully my neighbor has a bolt cutter he lets me borrow if I need to change the length or height for the project etc.
I LOVE them!! I have the pipe gate panels too, but they don't bend or can't be cut, so I don't like them as much. The stock panels can also be rounded in any shape you need. They can also be used to make a green house, my next project.
O.k. back to reading and catching up.