Bee~ Journal of then...

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
TopinaBEE said, Bee-

I have dealt a lot with conservatorship & guardianship. It has been my experience that the judge has the ward's best interest at heart. He also wants the ward's hard earned money to be used for the ward's care. Also, the conservator must file with the court accountings of how the money has been spent along with receipts. Perhaps he felt that at your mother's age, she would not be efficient in doing this. It sounds as if someone is just out to get your father's money and doesn't really care what happens to him. Perhaps if you have so many issue with your sister still having conservatorship, then you should request that a non-interest party be awarded conservatorship. It sounds like someone should be praying for your father and his health and well-being. I don't feel that it is a very christian thing to be calling your family names. It doesn't give a very good impression of you.

Interesting first post. :/

I'm not sure if it is very "Christian" to judge others, just sayin'.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
big brown horse said:
TopinaBEE said, Bee-

I have dealt a lot with conservatorship & guardianship. It has been my experience that the judge has the ward's best interest at heart. He also wants the ward's hard earned money to be used for the ward's care. Also, the conservator must file with the court accountings of how the money has been spent along with receipts. Perhaps he felt that at your mother's age, she would not be efficient in doing this. It sounds as if someone is just out to get your father's money and doesn't really care what happens to him. Perhaps if you have so many issue with your sister still having conservatorship, then you should request that a non-interest party be awarded conservatorship. It sounds like someone should be praying for your father and his health and well-being. I don't feel that it is a very christian thing to be calling your family names. It doesn't give a very good impression of you.

Interesting first post. :/

I'm not sure if it is very "Christian" to judge others, just sayin'.
Even from a Earthy persons point of view, who are they to judge? I have no judge, I am just worm food in the end.

Why the attack?


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Actually, I think Bee gives a very sincere, kind, and glowing impression. Happiness and love radiate from her and her words. At least that is what I see. Bee and I don't see eye to eye in some things and have different religions, etc. but she has been nothing but supportive and loving to me and others.

I'm not sure if you have read some of the past posts but she has had a very tough time with some family issues and is frustrated. This is very understandable in her position; many would do the same, and she could be oh-so-much harsher about it. Get to know her a bit more.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Topinabee said:

I have dealt a lot with conservatorship & guardianship. It has been my experience that the judge has the ward's best interest at heart. He also wants the ward's hard earned money to be used for the ward's care. Also, the conservator must file with the court accountings of how the money has been spent along with receipts. Perhaps he felt that at your mother's age, she would not be efficient in doing this. It sounds as if someone is just out to get your father's money and doesn't really care what happens to him. Perhaps if you have so many issue with your sister still having conservatorship, then you should request that a non-interest party be awarded conservatorship. It sounds like someone should be praying for your father and his health and well-being. I don't feel that it is a very christian thing to be calling your family names. It doesn't give a very good impression of you.
Marianne or Johanna or whatever minion you have doing your bidding at the moment.....give it up, honey! ;) Harassing someone online is a cowardly and sad way to get your evens. But, this is the way you live and the way your character has developed and I must say it is a pitiful thing. Please grow up, get on with your life, try try try to be happy and spread some love and joy where you are.

Also? You might try giving your mother and father back their lives, their possessions and their money and leave the whole family in peace? Now THAT would be a fine Christian thing to do, huh? :)

And the above statement about my mother's age? Ageism and couldn't be further from the truth. There is an actual age and a mental/emotional mother is sharp as a tack and can manage money with the best of them. You know this. This a horrible attempt to wrest what little money they have from your own parents....shame on you! And guess what? I'm sure God feels the same way! ;)

God called people like yourself all kinds of names and he was right to do so. Read your Bible and see what you'll most likely find the appropriate scripture near and around where he describes the same people who don't honor their father and their mother.

It also says that you can judge people by their fruits~yours is rotten to the core and twice as bitter.

Now, kindly leave this forum and these kind people to their forum and their lives and go work on your is seriously lost and limping somewhere along a dark path.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, Bee!

I was wanting to interrupt your journal to have a discussion about the whole "do not judge thing" but I didn't want to hijack your journal :lol:

My mom and I had a discussion about this a few weeks ago, because I was confused about something. My question was this:

If we're not supposed to pass judgement, then why does God command us to broach our brother/sister in Christ when we see them going down the wrong path? God tells us we are supposed to help them see the error of their ways, but many people see it as judging them.

Now, I was referring to Professing Christains, but who still live in a raging amount of sin - or do things that would be considered immmoral - and are serving in their congregation.

God commands us to bring the sins to their attention. He laid out a very specific plan on how to deal with it, right?

My mom and I discussed in depth how the scripture judge not lest ye be judged is actually telling us we cannot pass judgement on who does or does not go to Heaven. That's God's to judge and only His, because when someone leaves this earth, we know not the condition of their hearts or their relationship with Christ at the time of their death.

What's your take on that?

*sorry for interrupting your journal!*


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Beekissed said:
Topinabee said:

I have dealt a lot with conservatorship & guardianship. It has been my experience that the judge has the ward's best interest at heart. He also wants the ward's hard earned money to be used for the ward's care. Also, the conservator must file with the court accountings of how the money has been spent along with receipts. Perhaps he felt that at your mother's age, she would not be efficient in doing this. It sounds as if someone is just out to get your father's money and doesn't really care what happens to him. Perhaps if you have so many issue with your sister still having conservatorship, then you should request that a non-interest party be awarded conservatorship. It sounds like someone should be praying for your father and his health and well-being. I don't feel that it is a very christian thing to be calling your family names. It doesn't give a very good impression of you.
Marianne or Johanna or whatever minion you have doing your bidding at the moment.....give it up, honey! ;) Harassing someone online is a cowardly and sad way to get your evens.
It also says that you can judge people by their fruits~yours is rotten to the core and twice as bitter.

Now, kindly leave this forum and these kind people to their forum and their lives and go work on your is seriously lost and limping somewhere along a dark path.
My first suspicions as well. I think you hit the nail on the head Bee. :hugs


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Well put, BEE :p

I knew you would handle it well! And appropriately.

BB, I also like what you said.

I figured it best to just ignore the nasty remark and not fuel it by commenting on it.

I have a lot of respect for you BEE, and it just went up a couple of notches :hugs :love


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I didn't dig back to see who yuns are talking about, I thought it was done in poor taste and seemed more like a personal attack rather advice. Being that you called them by a name, I assume you know who they are. I don't know who they are, bee, you seemed to have handled it properly. If you wanna pinch these gifs and use them towards who ever posted that you can, I would have.



SO before theres any more trouble

I am getting out of here!!


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