Nasturtiums...Hmmm, never heard that one..but we DO plant Marigolds with the corn, to keep worms off. Well, I didnt get to plant my marigolds this year...just hopeing I dont have worrmy corn! Heck, at THIS point, even wormy corn is better than nuttin. Hubby and I woke 52 degrees..and shivering! He looked at me and said " just how long did we sleep? Is it October already!?" All those green tomatos...I just hope they ripen. No cucumbers green beans..yet...and only a small handfull of beets, enough to pickle 2 pints. I SURE hope I am not going to have to buy...canned veggies... Come on SUNSHINE!!!!
Yea, isn't this weather something else? I keep saying, "Where's my summer?!" Ernie seems to think our hot months are going to be September and October this year. He read somewhere that a cool summer means a warm winter.
He remembers cutting hay off our property that we live on now in mid December!!!!!!! He said the temps in Mid December were in the '80's!!!!!!!!!
They all thought the end of the world as we know it was just around the next month or two back then. We're talking 20 years ago folks!
Prepare for an unpopular rant!
The problem is "Global Warming!" - not.
If you really do a little scientific investigation you will find that we are in the middle of a very unusual solar cycle. It is supposed to peak within the next two years. The sunspots are going a little crazy.
The temperatures on Mars are fluctuating on the same scale as ours are. (Yet there are no SUV's on Mars.... hmm go figure!)
Another report that I saw (on PBS even) was talking about the Northern Lights and how they are caused by "space weather" (ion storms and the like) and mentioned that "due to the current solar cycle the space weather has been very extreme and active" and will be for a while. Of course they never mentioned that a little thing like the sun, which is about a MILLION times as big as the Earth, effects the climate on the Earth as well as space weather!
This cycle has been going on forever. Ever heard of an ICE AGE? Or been told what conditions on Earth were like when the dinosaurs walked the Earth? No SUV's then either. Hmm. If you are interested in historical global climate changes in the past look up "Medieval Warm Period" AD 1050 and 1400 or "Little Ice Age" 1650, about 1770, and 1850.
I don't know what the political reason is but the fact is PEOPLE are NOT causing Global Warming or Global Climate change. We are far too insignificant to get it done. There must be another agenda at work.
Oh - I do however believe that we are poisoning ourselves and our planet. I am all for ecology, renewable energy and NON-GMO foods. I just don't think "Mr. Richy" driving an SUV is causing global climate changes.
Bee....I have no garden
I have some spuds growing for the first time ever and I have a bunch of seedlings that I need to get into the ground...but DH does not want to invest in a raised bed since we have no idea how long we will be here
I went to the farmers market yesterday and loaded up on some fresh fruits and veg....filled the bowl on my kitchen counter with lovely tomatoes of all shapes and sizes and an assortment of peppers. Suddenly I got sad and realized how much I missed having all that produce sitting out like I did last summer....when I had more tomatoes, cherry toms, squash, and peppers than I knew what to do with! Hopefully next year I will get in a nice big garden!
I love flowers in the veg garden....I am a huge nasturtium fan as well, they are very pretty in a salad )
Talk about being cool there... its around 102 here in oklahoma! we finally got a little break from the heat over the week end. Its in the mid 80s, what a relief. We just need rain now.. garden isnt producing very well do to lack of rain. Hard to water when u have to becareful on how much u use perday.. Keep us in your prays.
FArm, you can't rant on my porch anytime! I happen to agree!
I will be heading down to my folks' place at the end of August and hope to visit some of the great farmer's markets in OH and see if I can pick up some veggies to can up if mine just do not produce. Seeing as how I have around 75 tomato plants out and only have approx. 10 small tomatoes on all those vines right now, I'm sure I won't have a bumper crop by then. I'm not above buying bulk veggies to place in my cellar, even if they were grown with pesticides.....not my first choice, but sometimes its better than nothing.
Its about teenagers.....or rather, the parents of teenagers. I've read alot of rants on BYC on the woes of raising children, specifically teens, and I hear the same thing from co-workers. Teens are bad. Face it. Expect them to be bad and just expect this to be the "miserable" teen years and just wait it out and they will return to being human beings when they are older and appreciate you more.
I must say that I have always been annoyed by that assessment of the teen stage and feel like slapping some parents until they bleed from the ears.
I was never allowed to be a moody, mouthy, grumpy teen girl and so it just never happened. I have never allowed my children to be moody, mouthy, grumpy and disrespectful either and so it just never happened. We actually really enjoy each other's company and always have.
I didn't just "get lucky", as one of my friends said~who happens to have the seed of Satan living with took work, folks. Just like anything else. All children have the capabilities of being brats, some more than others. Mine are no exception to that rule. But I just put a little more effort into turning out the finished product and, as with most things, hard work pays off. Every day, without let up, monitoring, tweaking behaviors, and not allowing any lapse in consistency of discipline.
I guess it all comes down to expectations. If you believe everyone who just throws up their hands and let the terrible twos, threes, teens, just blow them away, then I guess you will feel justified when your child also turns into an objectionable brat. After all, ALL teens are like that and one just has to suffer through that "stage"..... BULL!
You just never get to hear about the teens who are sweet, funny, hard working, respectful, thoughtful and nice....because no one is complaining about them on a forum or at the work place. Actually, I have found that no one wants to hear about nice teens. They don't believe you. They cannot believe you....because that would mean that they DID have a choice and could have actually done something about their monsters. If they do hear you talk about it, they dismiss it with the usual, "Well, you just got lucky."
Nope. No luck involved. Two of my children took some serious...and I do mean serious, correction each and every day. One of them didn't require it quite so much but did indeed require it. I had something better than luck on my side. I chose to raise them with God in their lives and relied heavily on God to help me and guide me. That has not let me down and is so much more powerful than luck. I didn't force religion down their throats or beat them in the face with a Bible....I just expected them to act a certain way, reinforced my expectations at all times and, lo and behold, it worked out just like God said in the Bible.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Check.
Do not invoke your children to wrath. Check.
Honor your father and your mother. Check
Bring up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. Check.
Thou shalt have no other God before me.... check.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Check.
And so on....
I've heard many people say that there is no manual that tells one how to raise children but I beg to differ. There is a very good manual that tells how to raise a human being, after all we are not raising children, but men and women.
Its not always easy.....actually, I don't think anyone ever promised easy. But all the best things in life usually result from someone's hard work and dedication.
So.....anyhoo....rant over. Teens don't have to be bad. Parents just have to do their job with all their hearts and minds and have faith in God that what He promises, will be.