Bimpnottin's Journal - OFG: Bacon scarf


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
bimpnottin :hugs responsibilty really DOES suck. I know and here's my PROOF...hubby won't let me get a cow right now either :smack You people are MEAN :lol:
It's a darn good thing I can live without one for a little while longer :p

P.S. I want a Dexter too :D
Here ya go, pal, I'll buy ya two moo cows !!!!
Jamie - your generosity makes me speechless - doesn't happen too often. :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Bimpnottin said:
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
bimpnottin :hugs responsibilty really DOES suck. I know and here's my PROOF...hubby won't let me get a cow right now either :smack You people are MEAN :lol:
It's a darn good thing I can live without one for a little while longer :p

P.S. I want a Dexter too :D
Here ya go, pal, I'll buy ya two moo cows !!!!
Jamie - your generosity makes me speechless - doesn't happen too often. :D
I will spare no expense for my pal WBF!!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
It's our 1st 1st day of school here today. Oldest daughter packed off and in 3rd grade. 2nd daughter doesn't start 4K until next Tuesday.

I have hope, but it requires a call to the bus garage and confirmation. We're technically not in the school district that my oldest goes to. My husband has always dropped her off and picked her up, but they raised the rates on before and after care to $5/hour! :barnie Here's where my glimmer of hope comes in, the school bus for that district has driven past our house to get to their route for the past three years. THis morning, it STOPPED at our house and HONKED! :idunno So, I have to call the bus garage to see if that was for real or if it was a fluke?! That would save me from running after the kid, which would still be a savings over before/after care. Then, I might be able to afford guitar lessons for the oldest and dance lessons for the middlest.

On the home front, been canning a pot of tomato soup a day. So, managed to do 7 quarts last night. Have salsa today and put 9 racks of peach slices into the dehydrator. I also made 3 quarts of peach puree and froze it, so I can turn it into fruit leather when the dehydrator is empty.

Dad and I went to a pick your own veggie place yesterday. I picked 2 5-gallon buckets of tomatoes. Also got a bunch of jalapenos and green peppers. I weighed my tomatoes and it was 63 pounds for $12. That's 19 cents/pound! :celebrate


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
:weee WooHoo! Mama's doing the happy dance. Mama's doing the happy dance. :celebrate

Just got off the phone with the transportation office at the school, aka bus garage, and my kid is on the bus route!!!!!!!!! We have literally watched the bus drive by our house morning and night for 2 years, but since we are out of district, they wouldn't pick us up. I don't know what changed, and I didn't ask too many questions, in case they changed their mind, but that's going to save us $15/day in before/after care costs. Folks, that is $2745 that I don't have to pay!!!!!!!!!!!!

:woot :woot


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
Some days, it is really the little things that make you do the happy dance! :bun

Today, it was my hubby bringing home roughly 5-gallon food safe plastic tubs with tight-fitting covers and strong handles from work. They aren't buckets, but have 2 handles on them. He works at a vitamin/supplement company and just found out that he can get some of these containers that they were just recycling. One of those things where the packaging manager has to walk them outside to the "dumpster" and then you can get them. I did the happy dance when I saw these! :bun They are used for ingredients at work, where everything is always double-bagged, so a quick wash out with hot soapy water and I'll have the best containers EVER for my extra flour, sugar, etc. Plus, these things will be great for going to pick my apples, etc.

Plus, took my 3YO in for her well child check today. Yippee - no shots today! Perfectly healthy and way too smart for everyone's good. According to the silly Denver Assessment thing, she should be about 4yrs 7 mo, instead of 3yrs 1 mo. According to doctor, she should be 4 1/2 and in kindergarten! Makes me feel good as a parent. :celebrate And she's such a peanut. She's a whoopin' 3ft tall - exactly, and 28 lbs, so she's at the 20th percentile - barely. Keep telling them that she looks EXACTLY like her Great Grandma, who lies and says she is 5 ft tall. :D

ETA: And my 4YO had her 1st day of school today. I've never seen a bigger smile on that face as when she got off the bus and told me all about her day. I don't think she stopped telling people about it until she fell asleep.

I love being a parent! And days like today, really help that!

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