Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Tomorrow evening I'm going to get dressed in fancy clothes and smelling all pretty. I'm taking Farm Babe to a Merry Christmas concert.

The commercial below is a standing joke with my adult children. According to them, it's the reason why they were conceived.

I just checked the top of the bottle, it's dusty, I shook the bottle a little, there's still some in there. It's been a long while since I opened it. Who knows what may happen when I slap some of this stuff my face.

Marketing Departments 🙄

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
today's tasks will be puttering around with this code i'm writing (learning via doing) and some sous chef washing up when Mom takes breaks from cooking. perhaps it won't be too much, but can't tell yet. :)

breakfast was oatmeal with peanuts added after it was cooked, a little nutmeg and cinnamon. no sugar... trying to do a lower sugar morning today to see how it goes. slept well last night.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
today's tasks will be puttering around with this code i'm writing (learning via doing) and some sous chef washing up when Mom takes breaks from cooking. perhaps it won't be too much, but can't tell yet. :)

breakfast was oatmeal with peanuts added after it was cooked, a little nutmeg and cinnamon. no sugar... trying to do a lower sugar morning today to see how it goes. slept well last night.
It’s so hard to give up sugar.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
I went out at 5
pulled /swept all of the slush off the coop roof, then I went inside the coop to make sure the ceiling was dry and if it was damp I towel dried it,
Fed the dogs and heated up some of the chicken and rice soup I made yesterday. Its just the bone broth with rice and chicken. I did add a sprinkle of curry to my bowl.
I have a load of towels in the dryer and one basket of clothes to do.
DGD# 3 of 4 is turning 11 next week. She is having some friends over today for a BD party, so grandma will go for a few hours if I can get the truck out of the snowy driveway.

:cafWe dont use sugar except to make kombucha. We do have raw honey and some maple syrup for oatmeal or herb tea but that's it.
We have cut out all breads. I haven made tortillas and rolls for ??? a few months, I lost count. We have cut back on the cheese consumption, lolo at least I have DH loves cheese.
I switched to coconut milk in my coffee as of yesterday when the 1/2 &1/2 was empty.
I wont buy anything that has canola oil and fake ingredients, "chemical food" I call it.
I am making an extra effort to consume much less and only eat what is good for my health.
I am my best insurance policy.
I like making my own noodles but have put that off. I want to go 3 months with out any flour foods.
Just keeping it simple,
I bought a lamb roast. I am going to roast it today and then make lamb & barley soup for our lunches next week.

🤢I am now totally grossed out at going out to eat, #1 it is SO! expensive #2 the food really isnt good for you #3 looking at the people handling the food and everything, how 😳NOT clean most restaurants are.

Anyway, time to put wood on the fire.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
It’s so hard to give up sugar.

so very true, especially when i have such a sweet tooth to begin with. i've cut down quite a bit of it already, but would like to keep at it.

mostly as just a way to cut extra calories out of my diet - winter gets long and i want to keep my added weight for the winter season as low as i can. a normal winter i might put on 5 - 10 lbs. if i can keep it level or just a few that would be nice. i'm already up a few from my low so now is the time to get back at it and watch more carefully.

when my sister visited we did some feasting and while i was pretty good it is now time to get back at it before Christmas Dinner comes along.

seasonal difference between exercise and how many calories i can have is quite large. in the summer and when i'm more active i can burn 3,000 - 5,000 calories a day. during these winter-like days when i'm doing very little i need to keep my diet at about 800 - 1,200 or do some exercises (or both! :) )...

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
so very true, especially when i have such a sweet tooth to begin with. i've cut down quite a bit of it already, but would like to keep at it.

mostly as just a way to cut extra calories out of my diet - winter gets long and i want to keep my added weight for the winter season as low as i can. a normal winter i might put on 5 - 10 lbs. if i can keep it level or just a few that would be nice. i'm already up a few from my low so now is the time to get back at it and watch more carefully.

when my sister visited we did some feasting and while i was pretty good it is now time to get back at it before Christmas Dinner comes along.

seasonal difference between exercise and how many calories i can have is quite large. in the summer and when i'm more active i can burn 3,000 - 5,000 calories a day. during these winter-like days when i'm doing very little i need to keep my diet at about 800 - 1,200 or do some exercises (or both! :) )...
Exactly! The next 3 months are torture on the body, and then to jump right back into the outdoor chores at my age is just painful for a good 3 weeks. I tell my self , woman your not dying, this will pass, it’s just muscle pain 🤪 and joints and 3 herniated disks, waa waa 😫 waa 😂


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
🤢I am now totally grossed out at going out to eat, #1 it is SO! expensive #2 the food really isnt good for you #3 looking at the people handling the food and everything, how 😳NOT clean most restaurants are.

having worked in the flooring business i can say from direct experience that you never want to have to clean up a place that has been in business awhile... *gack* indeed...

we're limited in where we can go out to eat because of Mom's reactions to various food additives. spices like black pepper are used in almost everything and even if you ask for them to not use it that won't get you a clean griddle or if the food supplier puts pepper in things (white pepper in gravies...) etc. a few places we frequent enough to make it worth it are predictable and good enough we can go there, but even then i'd still not go in the kitchen and look under anything...

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