Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Coffee is ready, on my second cup. Sheep are still laying down, so I don’t have to rush outside yet. LOL

Big Girl, registered ewe, just got up. I’ll give her until July 8 to lamb, or not. July 15 before I give up on her. She was with my old ram Ringo before he died and I really want lambs from the 2 of them. Little Girl, also registered, was with him too, but doesn’t look pregnant. But she could be fooling me….. So that’s 2 more I’m waiting on. Maybe, maybe not.

Sheep are starting to get up, guess I need to get dressed and start the day.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Smile on my face this morning. This weekend is our little town's summer festival. Lots of small vendors, downtown blocked off, tractor parade tomorrow, General parade Sunday.

Cotton candy and Italian sausage sammies.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA a good Italian sausage! I bought a PKG yesterday...& Rolls....plenty of onion/ peppers here. I'll treat myself with one sandwich, other sausages in a pasta sauce.

Finishing coffee and heading out for chores. :old


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
413 a good Italian sausage! I bought a PKG yesterday...& Rolls....plenty of onion/ peppers here. I'll treat myself with one sandwich, other sausages in a pasta sauce.

Finishing coffee and heading out for chores. :old
Yep, semi local little company just east of here. Grilled onions and peppers. :drool


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
You just confirmed a lot of what I was thinking about. Thank you for taking time to reply 👍

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I don't want you to feel like I am being critical... I am not. I want you to get the "best bang for your buck"... have healthy cattle, and not spend more money than is necessary. And to raise the cattle the way nature intended them to be. We have developed our dairy animals to be very dependent on the feed coming to them... and in part it is due to the costs of producing milk... needing higher production in order to be able to make the cost of production "doable"... and so many of the beef cattle have also been developed with additional grain feeding to make them "look good" and to get them to slaughter weight faster... we are doing more damage to the breeds by not letting nature do what it does so well...
Ever see the "joke" about the company trying to make plant based material taste like beef... funny thing is that cattle have been doing that for centuries.... well, it is soooo true. They are designed to turn roughage, grasses and such that humans cannot process as a food source... into meat that humans can process as food.
You have plenty of pasture, not too many animals... and they need to utilize your grass into what their systems do best.
And, just like people... too much "rich food" makes cattle fat and lazy, making everything in their body not as healthy or efficient.....
I want to see a little bit of "body" as opposed to seeing roly poly fat. And galloway's tend to carry good body condition on less than perfect pasture. Also, due to their double hair coat... they do not need as much to keep their body heat up in the winter because they have a built in extra coat of insulation.

I want you to know that I may know more about cattle, but your ability at the grafting has blown me away... I am in awe of how well you have taken to doing that. I watched the video that you referenced... and learned alot from it... but your success is fantastic. :thumbsup:thumbsup:bow:bow:love:love:celebrate:celebrate


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I don't want you to feel like I am being critical... I am not. I want you to get the "best bang for your buck"... have healthy cattle, and not spend more money than is necessary. And to raise the cattle the way nature intended them to be. We have developed our dairy animals to be very dependent on the feed coming to them... and in part it is due to the costs of producing milk... needing higher production in order to be able to make the cost of production "doable"... and so many of the beef cattle have also been developed with additional grain feeding to make them "look good" and to get them to slaughter weight faster... we are doing more damage to the breeds by not letting nature do what it does so well...
Ever see the "joke" about the company trying to make plant based material taste like beef... funny thing is that cattle have been doing that for centuries.... well, it is soooo true. They are designed to turn roughage, grasses and such that humans cannot process as a food source... into meat that humans can process as food.
You have plenty of pasture, not too many animals... and they need to utilize your grass into what their systems do best.
And, just like people... too much "rich food" makes cattle fat and lazy, making everything in their body not as healthy or efficient.....
I want to see a little bit of "body" as opposed to seeing roly poly fat. And galloway's tend to carry good body condition on less than perfect pasture. Also, due to their double hair coat... they do not need as much to keep their body heat up in the winter because they have a built in extra coat of insulation.

I want you to know that I may know more about cattle, but your ability at the grafting has blown me away... I am in awe of how well you have taken to doing that. I watched the video that you referenced... and learned alot from it... but your success is fantastic. :thumbsup:thumbsup:bow:bow:love:love:celebrate:celebrate
I don't think your being critical at all. When you say something like "DID YOU FALL AND BUMP YOUR HEAD?" then I might have a thought of criticism 😂

Truth is I'm currently in a mixed bag of herd maintenance and beef production with the two brangus beef steers left "to go to market" by January. Then I'll just have the 4 belted galloways overwinter and will have to adjust accordingly (feed included). But for now I'm going to maintain my routine because it seems to produce some mighty tasty beef that's not "gamey or grassy". I'll change my routine when the steers go into the finishing yard, this fall.

As far as fruit tree grafting... It's a lot like joinery in wood working. After all it's only just wood. But with grafting it's wood that has life, instead of being dead, like with wood working. You should try grafting it's something I find simply amazing. Almighty most definitely has his role in healing the graft and making it grow and becoming fruitful 👆 all I can do is my imperfect best to care for and try and make it work right. The rest is in His amazing creation and the life He gave it in the beginning.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸