Improvising a more SS life
Hi Dawn
Wow that stuff must be intense, but it would be a kick butt formula for cold season.
Wow that stuff must be intense, but it would be a kick butt formula for cold season.

doc_gonzo said:hey D L,
all good..... still wasting O2! 6 rows of garlic in the ground (120 SQ FT) rainy day didn't get much accomplished. weather man says chances of flurries, i'm off till thur so bring it !!! lil mama gave me a knuckle bump on that one hehe.
as you know, the reason for dawn and i to be in y'all's neck of the woods was so that i could take my boiler operator's liscense exam in lil rock, whoop whoop mission accomplished, i am now a steam engineer, yayweeee!!! i realy enjoy my job, we burn wood waste from our mfg process and produce steam for the drying kilns, heating the plant, hot water, and 50 to 70 K$ in electricity every month. pretty cool green job ay.
so anyway..... we're looking foward to the spring visit we're planning, a couple days longer and a few more activities involved.......
blessed day