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- #121
Almost Self-Reliant

Been a beautiful week here with temperatures in the 60's, tons of sunshine and wind...lots of wind. It's been blowing 10 - 20 mph with gusts up to 30 so I haven't gotten a lot done outside for fear of everything blowing away.

I had hoped to get the fruit trees sprayed with dormant oil this week, but couldn't because of the wind and it would have been a great week to break out the shop vac, open the windows and give the camper a much needed overall cleaning but doc works night this week so that plan fell through too! Oh well!

Still haven't been able to get my old pix of the external hard drive and am so glad it was supposed to be so easy to do!

But today is the eve of a New Year and I'm looking forward to it!
I have all of my seeds for this coming garden season and it's that much closer to February 15th, which is when I can start getting my peas in the ground.
I gave up making New Years resolutions years ago, I never kept them anyways, so now I more or less make a list of New Years Hopes!
1. I hope to get my Brussel's Sprouts and Broccoli started from seed "on time" this year.
2. I hope to start making homemade soap this year.
3. I hope to start working from home this year doing plant propagation and then selling those plants to someone else (already have my foot in the door for this one).
4. I hope we can start building on the cabin this year...the 22' camper is shrinking!

5. I hope we can finish getting the orchard expansion cleared, I have a lot of seedlings that I need to get planted out.
6. I hope to redo our chicken flock this spring and get into large fowl heritage breeds. We can get Barred Rocks, Buff Orp and Black Austrolorps locally.
7. I hope to expand the chickens hoop coop, the big girls will need more room as opposed to the banties.
8. I hope we have the money to do half of these!

9. I hope all of you and yours have a wonderful, healthy and Happy New Year!