Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yeah, my dad had chickens, my mom had goats plus had a big garden. So, maybe it's not too surprising I am the way I am. :/

I'm tired! Since KN moved out of my tack shed, I've been wanting to give it a really good cleaning as well as sort thru everything and do some rearranging. But, she's never had the time. So I decided I was going to do it today. And, I decided to spend the night. I wasn't able to start working on it until 3:30 or there about. I wasn't too worried. After all, I just cleaned it not too long ago. I figured 2, 3 hours tops. Then, I could sit back and relax, have a nice fire and make my dinner. (Corn on the cob, ribs, baked potato and salad.) It didn't happen quite that way! By the time I was done, it was 8:30! But, for the most part, it's done! I feel like I have so much more room in here. And, I should be able to keep it clean! That's been a big problem for me, w/all the stuff in here, it got cluttered too easily. Now, I don't have that problem. It stills needs to be finished, but at least now it won't be as hard to do.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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So your tack room is like a little summer cabin, all your own?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yep, and more. Once the inside is complete, I'll be able to stay in here even during the winter if I need to. It will be insulated and paneled. Plus, I have a small electric heater-200 watts. I have solar panels that need to go on the roof, but right now, they're the least of my worries. And, instead of an air mattress, I'll have a regular mattress. I would have slept better last night, but Rerun was very active all night long. Silly kitty. I'm getting ready to go and feed the horses, then I'm cleaning up manure, then going home and weeding the rest of the garden. I don't care how long it takes me, it will be done today! Then, I'll finally get up the fence, and get stuff in it.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm glad you have a little spot to yourself like that. Maybe you need one of those solar shower set ups, have you seen those? We had one for camping.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I have a solar shower. It's what I use for heating up water when I'm out there. Then, I have a battery operated shower so I can get a nice, hot shower! I love it! I take it w/me when we go horse camping. Some of the areas around here are really sandy and you can get really dusty out riding. It feels so good to get a nice, hot shower after taking a dusty ride, especially if there's a large group riding, and you're towards the back.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Lately, KN has been changing. I think I posted some time ago that she used to have a horse. But, when she lost her job, she had to give her up. But, she's always kept in contact w/the new owner.

Last week, this woman got a hold of KN. The horse, D, was not doing well. She wasn't eating much, and was losing weight. And, it was just too much for her to handle. So, KN told her she'd take her back. D came back to the farm on Thursday. On a scale of 1-9, w/ around 5 or 6 being ideal, she's about a 2.5! :ep So, we don't know how long this has actually been going on. She was put in a field w/horses that, for the most part, she already knew. There was just 1 in the field that she didn't. It didn't take her long to settle in, and she's eating well now. We're giving her several feedings thru out the day. This morning, I fed her when I fed my guys and she almost knocked me over she was so eager to get to her feed!

But, since the herd was split, I've been noticing a change in KN. First off, RU made it so she's in charge of the horses, etc in the one area. That means she can arrange the tack area how she wants. She was always trying to arrange my tack shed the way she thought it should be done-not the way I wanted it. Now, she can arrange things the way she wants.

I've been saying for a couple of years now that we needed to keep the fields cleaned, that doing so would mean less problems w/both mud and flies. But, I could never get her to really help w/it. And, when the head broke on her manure fork, she pretty much stopped cleaning-even though I have a fork she could have borrowed. Yesterday, she bought a new fork head. She's talking about cleaning at least the one area because of the mud, and I think she's noticed that I hardly have any flies in my area whereas there were a ton of flies up by "her" barn. I've also been showing her what the different weeds are, and she's planning on getting rid of them.

I think that this change has been good for both of us. We are getting along better now and w/the family tie, that's important. I'm really wondering now if much of the problem was she was just so overwhelmed w/losing her job, and then her horse. I would not be surprised if in just a few months, if not sooner, she's able to once again ride her horse.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sometimes change (and hardships that bring it on) are a good thing :)

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