Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Can I blush now? There are several people on here that I'd love to meet as well, but they're too numerous to mention, and if I forget someone, they might feel left out, so I won't even begin to try!

I had not planned on taking my truck today. After all, it was supposed to be nice out, but hot so there was no reason. I figured the tank could just stay there until Friday. I'm getting ready to leave when I remembered that I don't have much gas in my bike. And, w/as late as it was, I didn't really have time to stop. So, I took my truck and it was a good thing I did!

At work, there is an opened field towards the back of the property. There's woods on 3 sides, the horse fields in front of it, and in the field itself are several different types of jumps. The woods on the left belong to someone else, the woods at the back and on the right belong to my boss. There's some short trails thru them w/jumps set up. The one thing that she needs to worry about is falling trees. There have been a few times when we've had to clean up a tree to clear a trail. Last night, a huge, well seasoned cherry tree came down. It's in the neighbor's woods, but came down on her property. And, she knows from experience that saying something to him does not mean the tree will get taken care of right away. He'll get to it when he feels like it-even if it's down on her fence! This one didn't land on a fence, just in the opened field-near a jump. It meant that the jump was unusable. So, she had me go out w/my truck. All the smaller pieces that had broken off when the tree fell and that were good for burning, I got to throw in the back of my pickup. Once they were out of the way, I was then able to clean up as much of the field as I could. The main part of the tree is still there-and it's covered w/poison ivy! I can't cut it w/my saw-my saw just isn't big enough, nor powerful enough. But I'm hoping I can get either my son or hubby to go out. So far, I've gotten about 1/2 a pickup load from it! So, I'm glad I had my truck! Otherwise, I might not have gotten the wood.

But, that took longer than I had planned on staying. And, I had to go to TSC. I needed cat food. So, I got that, and finally made it to the farm at around 1:00. KN couldn't make it at all today. She has been having problems w/her scooter since she got it. And, the place that she got it from doesn't really know much about them. (This was the 1st scooter they ever sold!) They've tried to figure out what's wrong, but haven't been able to. So on Saturday, she took it to another place to see if they could look at it. Basically, she just wanted to talk to them, but didn't plan on leaving the scooter then. Well, when we were ready to leave it wouldn't start. There were no mechanics around, and she finally had to call her hubby up to come and get her. So, she has no wheels right now. So that meant I was going to have to feed "her" horses. I decided to do my stuff first, then go and feed them when I was done, and maybe pull some more jimson weed. PH showed up not long B4 I was ready to head down, so she fed the horses instead.

So, once I was done my work, I was able to raid Roxi's nest, and leave close to the time I had planned on. There are now 18 eggs in my incubator and another 4 or 5 in the nest. I took the freshest eggs, so we'll see if I get anything. The others will be replaced bit by bit unless and until she goes broody. And, if she doesn't get broody, eventually, I'll just take all the eggs out of the nest.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The other day, I started to really itch, and I mean really bad! My first thought was fleas. But, look as much as I could, I couldn't find any fleas. While there were other areas that itched, the main spots are my ankles and belly. Last night, I could just barely sleep I itched so bad. It wasn't until my ankles started to itch at work that it finally dawned on me, CHIGGERS!!!! :barnie I don't know of any thing that itches quite so much. :hit I itch so bad that I finally had to go to the drug store and buy something to put on them. Some still itch to a point, but not as bad, so I should be able to stop scratching.

RU gave me some really nice looking tomatoes today. I was looking forward to having them in sandwiches and salads. I stuck the bag in my milk crate along w/everything else. Well, The bungee cords are too stretched out. My crate slipped. Only one of the tomatoes was undamaged. so, it looks like the rest will be made into sauce. Oh well.

My sleepless night it catching up w/me. G'night all.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That would be different! I slept good last night, and now the bites are acting up again. But at least it will stop soon. (I hope.)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was able to get a good night's sleep last night, so the stuff I got for the chiggers is working. So glad about that. But, I wasn't able to get to bed as early as I would have liked, so I'm still tired! Plus, I haven't really been eating properly, and that doesn't help. But even so, I got some stuff done today.

Checked eggs when I got up, and several times during the day. Having them on the kitchen table instead of in the basement seems to be working. The temp stays pretty much steady. Plus, hubby's been checking on them. The only reason I hadn't set it up there the 1st time was because I was afraid he'd be upset. But, since this is his idea, he can't say anything. :D I'm hoping I get some chicks finally! Time will tell.

Went to work. Boss wasn't around today, but I did have a few things that I had to do. I was able to get 3 hours of work.

Went to a couple of stores. Didn't get the one thing I really need! Will have to go to another store tomorrow. I NEED this for over the weekend-more about that later.

Had a riding lesson. The only problem w/quitting my job is I won't be able to afford lessons anymore. So, I'm trying to get as much out of them as I can.

Went to the food store. Got some food, now I need to go eat. Only problem being, I'm too tired to eat. But, I still have to. Plus, I need to see what I need to do to Misty rain sheet to clean it.

So, I guess I'd better get into gear, so I can get to bed soon. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday, I won't get up until I wake up!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
Maybe you could find a way to barter for your lessons?
Yeah, I could-by cleaning stalls, etc. Not going to do it. Maybe I can take some next summer if I get the job at the nature center. Thing is, I COULD get it real easy. All I'd have to do is say something to hubby, he'd say something to a friend of his, he'd say something to someone he knows, and I'd have the job. But, I don't want to get it that way. I want to get it because I have the qualifications-not because I know someone who knows someone. One of the girls that she has for an aide this year got the job that way, and the other got it because she's studying environmental justice. Neither is really qualified for the job. I am. I could fill in for the naturalist if she's sick. Or, I could teach the kids if it's something I know better. The naturalist and I compliment each other. There are some things I'm better at than she is, and some things she's better at than I am. So, we work well together.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
This economy is NOT the time to get prideful. If you want a job at the nature center - get it - however the circumstances. They can discover your talents later. ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Farmfresh said:
This economy is NOT the time to get prideful. If you want a job at the nature center - get it - however the circumstances. They can discover your talents later. ;)
I won't even be able to apply until April. It's only for the summer. But, the fact that I'm already a volunteer should help, as well as the fact that I have a BS in biology. Plus, I've worked w/children for most of my life-all things that are really needed in this job. So, we'll see. Maybe I'll say something, maybe I won't. Thing is, you hear all this talk about nepotism, and people losing their jobs regardless of how qualified they are because they GOT the job due to a friend, relative, or whatever.

In other news, I'M LEAVING!!!!!! Now, B4 you get upset (or cheer), it's only overnight. We're going for a moonlit trail ride tonight. It will be a full moon. We're going to someone's house that lives next to Wharton State Forest. We'll camp in their field. I'll set up a portable corral for Misty. She WILL be the only horse in there. I'm tired of other people deciding that they can use it, too. It's one thing if she knows the horse, I don't mind. (For instance, if Honey were going.) But, I have everything that I need because I've worked hard to get it. And, since there's a chance of rain tonight, she'll have on a rain sheet. I don't need another horse possibly tearing it.

Plus, I have a 10x13 tarp. I'll be getting a couple of telescoping tent posts B4 I leave. (They didn't have them in the Wal-Mart I went to yesterday, so I'll go in another one today.) I'll tie one side to my horse trailer, the other will be held up w/the posts. That will give me enough room for MY tent, as well as a few other things under there, like a table and chair, camp stove, etc. It's not big enough for someone else to decide they want to also put their tent under there. I do this stuff for ME, not them. Does this make me a horrible person?


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Not at all! You deserve to go out and have fun. You may have already left, but you could always tell folks that they need to get a set up like yours for NEXT time.....

Have fun!

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