Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I am so ready to be done this job. I've now gotten to where I'm counting how many more stalls I have to clean out. I'm down to 12, that's 4 stalls a day for 3 days.

Today we also worked on a fence. I noticed that one of the fence posts really looked like it was out of line, so I went to check it out. I don't really like replacing the fence posts, but she gives me the old ones. And, since they're black locust, they make good fire wood. So, I went and checked it out. That's when I realized that several of the posts were out of line. The stream that runs thru their property makes a turn about 100 ft B4 it gets to them. So, when the stream overflowed on Sunday, they had water going into that field from 2 directions. And, it loosened the fence posts. So, we worked on adding stone dust to the base of them. The ground is still like jello. We only got about half of them done. This is harder work than putting in the posts themselves! Don't know if we'll work more on it tomorrow or not. In all probability though, we will.

They opened the road by the lake, so I guess it must be OK. I hope so. I take that road quite often, and I'd hate to end up in the steam. Though, if it just collapsed on another part, and destroyed my truck......

I am so beat, I don't even want to eat. Friday can't come quick enough for me.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
We have a state forest that is about 45min from my house. When Skye was younger (and I was too!) we would go out to Blackwater and ride for hours. I'd camp out on the creek and they have stalls and paddocks for the horses. Buford was a young do then and I would let him run with us - he was the best trail dog ever! Polite around other people, horses and dogs - didn't even chase deer running across the trail. He would run out about 100yds ahead of us, then either wait or come back and "check in". No cell service out there, but I never felt afraid or anything being alone. (refer back to when I said I was younger lol )

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds wonderful. I'm hoping to learn how to sew better this year. One thing I want to make is saddle bags w/spots for every item I'd take camping w/me. It's been a dream of mine for years to go camping and carry everything w/me. A dream of mine had been to hike the Appalachian trail, from one end to the other. (Though not all in one year.) When I was in my accident, that dream died. So instead of back packing, I want to do some horse packing.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Glad you are almost done that job Deb...sounds like it has been hard on you but also kept you away from hubby at times so it had it's benefits. Your camping trip you want to take sounds like fun! Sewing is a breeze once you get to know your machine...much easier than anything you've done all year I can bet you that!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The job was during his working hours, so it didn't really keep me away from him. If he hadn't known about it, it would have been better. But, because he knew, he was constantly on me about the money I was making. The whole reason I GOT this job is because my truck is getting old, it's a 2002, 1500 Dodge pickup. It's not really up to all that I need it for, and he told me he wouldn't get me a different truck when this one dies. So, I was hoping to put money away towards a truck, a 2500 4x4. Didn't happen. There were too many times he was too short of cash for me to have any, and stuff that was in the budget, I had to pay for myself-like hay for the horses.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Your DH sounds like my male parent. Everything is his :rolleyes: What a control freak :smack


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like my dh. We only have one vehicle right now and I am not working much (outside the home) so I have to ask to go to Walmart. I have never before in my life had to ask permission to go to Walmart and it seems quite degrading. I am trying to look at it differently as I know that my attitude can affect the household if not checked. This too shall pass!!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a long, tiring day. I did a lot more than I expected.

I think my boss has finally realized that I'm not going to be there after Friday. So, I'm getting extra hours now. I worked until 1:00. Can't do that tomorrow, I have a 12:00 pony ride to do for a day care.

Once I was done work, I ran a couple of errands, then went to the farm. I had lunch, then called my hay guy. He had called earlier. He had 4 RBs on a trailer, and needed the trailer. He knew that I had wanted some hay, so could he drop this off. I told him I didn't have the money, and wouldn't until Friday. He said, that's OK. You can pay me then. So, I called him around 2:00 to let him know I was at the farm. He told me he'd be there in about an hour to 1.5 hours, but he'd call first. I figured that would work well. RU went away unexpectedly, and I was supposed to feed the horses. So, I decided that once we got the RB off (they rolled off easily), I'd feed the horses, then get the tractor, and while they were eating, get the hay stacked properly, then park the tractor and chase them all out of the barn. My trailer was still full of stuff that I had put there B4 the hurricane, so I decided to get that cleaned out. While I was working on it, my hubby called. By then, it was 3:30! (It was around 2:00 when I called the guy) Told hubby I was waiting for the hay guy to call me back. I finished up w/the trailer, and started on scooping poop. I haven't cleaned the field since B4 the hurricane, so I started on that. Hubby called several times to be sure I was OK.

At 5:30, the guy finally calls me, says he'll be there w/in a half hour. It was about an hour later when He finally showed up. By this time, it was getting dark. There was no way I was going to feed all the horses. There are 4 horses in the barn for various reasons. They got fed, and got grain. I used the tractor to move the RBs, but they're not quite where they belong. I was just too tired to do more. I booked it home, fed the goats and bunnies, threw a load in the washer, and got a shower. I've just finished eating, and I'm heading to bed!

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