Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here. Good night.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Lately, it seems like all it does is rain! I'm having a horrible time getting stuff done outside because of it. So, I've made a change of plans. I had planned on splitting my time between firewood, the garden and the yard work. But since it's getting later and later in the year, and I don't know how much longer I'll actually be able to even work in the garden, that and firewood have taken priority. But, since I'm not really able to work on the firewood for longer than an hour tops at one time, I figure out how much time I have to work outside B4 it gets dark. Then, I split that time up. Today, I had about 3 hours. So, I worked in the garden for about 45 minutes, then on wood for about 45 minutes, then the garden then the wood.

Because I didn't really bother w/the garden this year, it had quite a few jimson weeds growing in it. I didn't want to just pull the plants because of the seed pods. So, I took a pair of pruners, and clipped off the seed pods and then threw them in a bucket. When I had a bucket full, I dumped them in my truck. I'd clip for awhile, then pull the rest of the plant out. Unless there's some small ones that I've missed, they're all out! I also got rid of some of the other weeds. They're all in the bed of my truck, ready to go to the compost center tomorrow.

I also got a bit of the wood done. I still had 2 really wide sections to split up. And, it's kind of amazing. As long as that tree has been dead, the wood inside is not completely dried. I thought it wasn't and have had a terrible time getting the fire going some days. So today, the stuff on the outside went down in the basement to burn for now. The rest went in the wood shed. Tomorrow, I'll do some more of the other wood I have. I won't get it all done, but it's looking better. Monday, I'm going to go and get another load. Tuesday and Wednesday, they're calling for rain, then again on Saturday, Sunday and maybe the following Monday! :barnie Depending on how much rain we get, and whether or not they change the forecast, I may just bring home a load of compost on Friday. I hadn't been going to until the following week, but by then, I may not be able to get into my field. I'm actually wanting some colder weather. That way, the ground would hopefully dry up at last.

OK, I need to go and stuff the stove and get to bed, so night all.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yep, it's incessantly wet here too. I need to do a few things in the yard tomorrow. I am planning on a bit of butchering to get rid of some hungry mouths and too many roos.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wish I had that problem. Well, the stove is stuffed. I brushed and flossed my teeth. I wrote down today's weather, as well as the high and low temps. Now, I'm getting ready to read my Bible. I'm kind of ashamed to admit I wasn't reading and studying the way I should have. I had planned on reading thru the Bible in a year. Now, I'm determined to catch up and have a long way to go. I'm spending 20 minutes, 3x a day reading. I'm in Judges right now, and by tomorrow night, I should be at least to 1 Samuel 15. Can I ask you guys to keep after me? I'll admit that once I get to certain sections in the OT, it's very hard for me to keep going. But, once I hit the minor prophets, I'm normally OK. Since they're so short, they're much easier to read. And, most of the NT is easy. I'd say the only 2 books that I get bogged down in there are Romans and Hebrews. So, can I count on someone asking me every evening if I've read? And, I'm more than willing to do the same for others.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Once again, it's raining out! And, I just found out that w/all the rain my hay guy doesn't have enough RBs left for me. He only has about 10 he knows for sure he can spare. And, he's not the only one that had this problem. A lot of people are going to be really scrambling looking for hay. So, it looks like I'll be going back to the hay auction starting next week. I looked on CL's today, and found no new postings for hay-not a good sign.

My field is still way to wet. I had to put out hay today. It had just started to rain, so I decided to risk taking the tractor in. I almost got stuck. There's a couple of spots that they didn't eat the whole RB because w/all the rain, it ended up flooding around it, which meant the bottom was in the mud. And, I haven't been able to get all of those spots cleaned up. As a result, it's really mucky right there. I ended up putting the bucket on the ground, lifting the front of the tractor, turning the steering wheel, then putting the front back down in order to be able to steer out of it.

I got nothing done today. Hubby left his cell phones at home, and since he really needed the one, I had to take it to him! I've told him he owes me big time. Not only is there the time spent getting there, but there's also the gas I had to use to get there. It's one thing if he does it when it's nice out, and I can take the bike, but in this type of weather, ain't no WAY I'm going on the bike. It's about 23.5 miles away. So, what should I make him do?

And, I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to work on my garden until at least Friday. It's going to rain again tomorrow, and it could change to snow B4 it stops. Then, Thursday is supposed to be windy. I'll at least do some wood then. I brought another load home yesterday. I need to get all of the wood that I have out there done B4 I bring home more.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I hate rain tooo, it is ANNOYING when its already rained for forever and a day!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They're FINALLY calling for a dry week! I hope they're right. If we don't get any rain this week, I should be able to get a few things done outside. My plan for the week:

At the farm

1. Clean up the field-again.
2. Get the stalls all cleaned out.
3. Get rid of Mt. Manure.
4. Put up the last of the new fencing.
5. Put in the hydrant.
6. Caulk the gutter over the stalls. If I do that, it should help a lot w/all the water that comes out right there.

At home

1. Finish getting the garden cleaned out.
2. Transplant and thin my spears and rhubarb.
3. Put in the rest of the fence posts.
4. Put up the fence.
5. Firewood.

That's the stuff I'll be doing outside. Inside, I'll finish what I want done in the basement as well as do a ton of laundry, and work on getting the living room clean. If hubby puts my linen closet back together, I can get all the towels, sheets, etc back in there and I need stuff moved out of the living room down to the basement. W/all that done, I can get the tree up! Then, I'd have to do some cleaning in the kitchen, as well as the bedroom, and rearrange the furniture in there. But I figure I have 2 weeks to get all that done. And, if I get the garden all done, I can work on cleaning up the yard. I just might have done everything I wanted to get done by Christmas! And, if so, I can then work on getting the attic space cleaned up after Christmas, and have that done and maybe the other half of the basement by the time I have my operation. That would be soooooo nice.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm so glad that it's been dry so far this week! I'm making progress, but slowly. There was just so much piled up poop in my field that it hardly looks like I've done anything. But, I am getting it done. Tomorrow I think I'll finally be able to really tell I've done something.

I've only worked in the garden for a few minutes, and that was today. And, while I've done some firewood, I don't have as much done as I wanted to by now. Reason?

Well, yesterday, I had to go to the dentist. I had a couple of cavities. Been the story of my life. I've always tried to take care of my teeth, brushing, flossing, etc and I STILL get cavities. I can remember thinking how unfair it was when I was a child. My sister barely brushed-and she never got cavities. Don't know if it's genetic, or what, but my Dad has had false teeth for as long as I can remember, and I remember my Mom getting her upper plate when I was a kid. I had planned on getting some stuff done once I was done, but other than a bit of wood, I didn't. I had an MRI on my knee yesterday. And I decided to go in a couple of stores first. The MRI was at 5:15. Since my mouth was hurting, I didn't eat B4 I left, figured it would be better to do my shopping, then go straight home afterward. Of course, by the time I got home, hubby was drunk and acting stupid. At least he no longer yells at me. Now, if I could just get him to shut up when he's been drinking.

Today, I went to the hay auction for the first time in months! I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get any hay, but I figured I had to try. W/all the rain, I couldn't get all I needed from my hay guy, so to the auction I went. And, at first, I didn't think I was going to get any. I was outbid on everything I was bidding on. Then, some lady realized that the RBs she got were not the ones she wanted. And, she didn't want them. So, they let her off the hook, and rebid them. I was able to get them (4 RBs) for $25.00 each! These were some bales that I had bid on B4, and was outbid on. So, I was glad to get them. But, by the time I got back to the farm, it was getting late. I didn't try to drive my trailer in the field, I think I would have gotten stuck getting in, so I just dropped my trailer w/3 of the bales inside. I was able to get my truck thru the puddle and into the field, so I pushed the last one off into the area where it belongs.

Tomorrow's supposed to be another nice day. I think I'll be able to get done my basement in the morning. Then, I'll do more of my field when I get to the farm. When I get home, I'll work in the garden and on the wood. I think I'll be able to have my wood holder in the basement refilled, so I'll be able to work some on getting it cut for later in the winter.

I can hardly wait until I'm all caught up w/everything. I'm barely getting on the computer any more. And, when I am on, I don't read all the threads, but that will change (I hope) soon.