Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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According to the calendar, it's winter. But, w/the weather we had yesterday, you'd never know. It was a beautiful day out. When I got to the farm, it was nice and sunny out. It got up to a high of 62. So, of course I rode the bike. And, while I needed my Carhartts when I left the house, when I came home, I didn't wear the coveralls, just the jacket. If I didn't have so much to do, I would have gone for a ride.

The rain that we got Tuesday and Wednesday didn't amount to much. So, my field was still nice and dry. So, I was able to get out there and pick up a bunch of poop, as well as clean up the remains of a RB that they didn't eat-it had gotten a bit moldy. Since it was so nice out, I even took Misty's rain sheet off of her. Of course, that was the wrong thing to do. It was raining when I went to bed last night, and is still raining now. :barnie I hope she wasn't too cold. She's the only one that really gets cold in this type of weather.

I've also come to a conclusion. Fixing the gutter is NOT going to solve the problem of the mud in front of Misty's and Stormy's stalls. There is no overhang. So, if the wind is blowing even a bit, it still gets quite a bit of water there. I had seen a product at the horse expo a couple of years ago that I liked. It was a grid system that you put down. It still allows for drainage, but gives a firm footing where you have a mud problem. I don't know if I'd need some type of frame around it to keep it in place or not, but I'm going to be calling them to see how much they cost. I'm thinking I'd want it past the opening so that hopefully I wouldn't get frozen clots in front of the doors making it impossible to close them.

In other news, I got home from the farm yesterday to no elliptical in the living room! :ya I now have most of my living room clean. I would have had more done, but I found a piano book I've been looking for. Of course, I had to sit down and play a few songs out of it. I've been practicing everyday, and I could see a difference. Songs that I had played B4, but only after a lot of practice were easy. One song that I loved but didn't play because of the key that it's written in was one that w/just a bit of practice, I'd be able to play. I also found my clarinet book, so of course, I had to practice that for a few. Today, I can't do all of that. I need to get done, hopefully B4 I leave for the farm. Then, when I get home, I can get my tree up! I also need to cut some wood. Right now, I don't have a fire going, and only have a couple of pieces of wood in the house. So, I also need to do some wood. Then, I can start on the kitchen. I also need to clean the bathroom, but that won't take much time. And, starting next week, I'll be able to have some kind of a schedule again for cleaning as well as getting yard work/garden/firewood done!

The biggest news though, yesterday, I GOT AN EGG!!!!!! :weee Roxi was in Honey's stall when I went to feed. And, under Honey's food bucket was a depression w/an egg in it! I know it was her egg, and not one of the others. Her eggs are larger, and this was a larger egg! So, maybe she's going to start laying for me again? If so, and the others start by the end of February, I'm going to try w/the incubator again. And, if I don't get any chicks this year, at least it will be early enough so that I can buy some.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sounds like a great day! Congrats on the egg! :woot I got suprised with a duck egg yesterday :D


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
Sounds like a great day! Congrats on the egg! :woot I got suprised with a duck egg yesterday :D
The ducks probably think its spring and will start nesting :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat, and still have a ton of stuff to do. But my living room is clean. The tree is up and decorated. And, I'm reading Obadiah. Today, I need to clean the kitchen and bathroom, do a bit of food shopping, and wrap presents. I may not get to bed until 2:00, but I'll be able to go to sleep early Christmas night.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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First chance I've had all day to get on here. Hubby as usual overspent on gifts, so I was up until 2:00 AM wrapping presents! This was after spending most of the day cleaning-and I still didn't get it all done! But, since we had no one over, I guess it didn't really matter. I did get half of the kitchen cleaned, and will finish the rest of it this week.

Hubby thought I was nuts w/one gift that I insisted on getting for our son. But, I got it anyway-a crock pot. I had trouble finding one that size (the 4 quart one). I figured since he lived alone, he didn't need the big one. Well, not only was he thrilled to get it, but he actually wouldn't have minded having a larger one.

I got a couple of cast iron fry pans for Christmas, as well as a grate to go over my fire pit at the farm! I think it will fit much better than the bricks and old oven rack I've been using, and I'll be able to cook a whole lot more (hot dogs have a habit of falling thru :/). I also think they're trying to fatten me up. I got chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered peanuts, malted milk balls, Swedish fish, and I don't recall if there was anything else or not.

But, the best gift is one that I didn't get yet. It was ordered, but didn't come in yet, and they apparently couldn't find it in the store. I'm getting a dump cart to hook up to my riding mower! It will make cleaning up after the horses so much easier!


Jun 27, 2011
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The dump cart sounds like a great gift! As does the crockpot for your son! Hope you are relaxing this evening!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sitting here eating chocolate covered peanuts while I play on the puter. I'm getting ready to go stuff the stove, read my Bible and go to bed. Hubby has off tomorrow, so I don't need to get up early.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had a feeling that I was overdoing it last week-and I was right. I started to feel a bit under the weather on Sunday. Yesterday I felt even worse and today I really feel bad. But, at least I picked a good day for it. Once again, it's raining.

Because I felt so bad, I didn't feel like getting up and getting a move on. But, I did eventually. I got the horses fed and again, found an egg under Honey's feed bucket! I also found one yesterday. So, either she's more talented than I realized and is laying the eggs, or Roxi has decided this is a good place to lay them.

Once the horses were fed, I tortured them. In other words, I took Misty, Stormy and Licorice out of their field, 1 at a time in that order. They were given a quick brushing, had their hooves picked and had their blankets put on. Honey doesn't have one, nor does she need one. I don't think I've ever seen her shiver, but the others have. And, w/the forecast, I wanted them blanketed. Of course, Misty and Licky acted like I was trying to kill them. Once I get my leg taken care of, and the RP dries out enough, they'll be getting some lessons on holding still when I go to blanket them. I don't really appreciate having them moving around, and it really doesn't feel too good when one of them steps on my foot. :/ You'd think they'd know by now what I'm doing. I've only been doing this for the past 5 winters to both of them.

I was going to go to the hay auction, but changed my mind. Instead, I ran out to see my parents for a bit. They're leaving tomorrow for Connecticut to visit my sister and her family, spending the night, and coming home. I'll admit that I get a bit worried about them driving that far, Mom is 78, and Dad is 82. I was going to go out after the hay auction, then go to a couple of stores. I didn't make it to the stores. I went back to the farm, fed Stormy his 2nd feeding, bagged feed, cleaned the litter box and fed the cats. By then, it was raining, so I put Stormy away and left. I had to make 2 stops on the way home-I needed Stormy's supplement for his heaves and KN wanted a lottery ticket. She couldn't buy one because her hubby was w/her. (If she wins, then I'll give her 50 cents and we'll split the winnings! :woot)

I got home, got the fire going, heated up a can of tomato soup, read for a bit and went to sleep. I'll be going back to sleep soon, but I'm wanting to read some more in my Bible. I'm into Matthew now. Yesterday, when I was done reading, I figured out about how much I'd need to read every day in order to finish by Saturday. (Not as easy as it sounds since I have a study Bible, and some pages have no notes, and others have almost no scripture.) I have old church bulletins separating each section. So, by the time I go to bed tonight, I should be into Luke. Tomorrow, I'll be into John. Thursday, I'll be into Romans. Friday, I'll be done 1st Timothy, and Saturday will see me done!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I made it into Luke! And, I'm going to bed. I'm hoping I'll feel better in the morning.


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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I hope you get to feeling better tomorrow but it sounds like you are putting some good time in reading. Hope you make your reading goal

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