Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
You can even see my "fancy" curtain in the one pic-a piece of a shower curtain! :lol:
Yeah it made me feel inadequate. You have such fancy curtains in your tack shed, and well, I don't even have a tack shed :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've said for a long time that Licorice is a brat, and today she showed me just how bratty or rotten she is.

First off, when I got to the farm, Licky and Honey were in the area where I have my RBs. I had one in there. The horses were low yesterday, but since I had the hay guy coming today, I just threw out a square bale to hold them over. There was still some left, but that wasn't good enough for Licky. She HAD to get in w/the RB, and took Honey w/her. (She's done it B4.) And, then they couldn't figure out how to get back out. They managed to short out the electric, so then they started pressing against the wire and loosened up the post. I chased them out, got everyone fed, then took care of it the best I could. I also threw out another square bale and hoped it would hold them until this afternoon. I didn't have time to check the chickens, I just barely had enough time to get changed and get to church.

Fast forward to this afternoon. The hay guy was there and was in the field w/his wagon and the RBs. RU was unloading them. And, even though they still had hay in the feeder, they had to come over and check out what had just been delivered. Licky decided she needed to move Misty away from there, so she reached out and grabbed Misty's back. Only problem being-Misty was wearing her blanket and it ripped. :rant I have another one, I just don't know where it is. (I tried to find it when I got home w/no luck.) So, I'm going to have to put her rain sheet on her, take her blanket off, fix it, water proof the patch, then put it back on her. I don't know if I'll have time to wash it first, but at least it will be mended.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Mmm...brownies. I need to make something to go with supper. Can't decide if it needs to be blueberry muffins....or dessert.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
See, I told you you'd be :weee in no time!!! I'm so happy for you!!
I hear you about getting on and off. I have to mount from the fence, and then when I get off, I actually swing in front of the saddle, and slide off of his shoulder. I am working on getting him to lower his head so that I can slide down off his neck instead, where it will be a bit easier. He stands very still (made sure I taught him that!) for both mounting and dismounting, and he doesn't care what side I'm on. I don't wear a sword so I don't have to get on and off from the left :p
And yes, Cheerio, you can injure a horse by poorly riding. It (usually) doesn't happen overnight, but it happens slowly over time. Of course, you can also seriously injure a horse with an ill fitting saddle. I ride my horse in a very specific way to develop his body so that it prevents injury. It is long slow work (like therapy, really), but it gets the most amazing results!
But that is a topic better discussed elsewhere :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Snap, I'll be making my brownies in just a bit too. So, maybe tonight we can both sit back w/some yummie brownies and a big glass of milk and make everyone else jealous! :lol:

HQ13 (and anyone else that rides), anytime I post pics of me riding, please, LMK if you see anything I need to work on. I never learned how to ride properly as a kid. Anytime I did ride it was just jump on and ride. And, while my seat has improved a ton, I know there's still room for improvement.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
You look just fine riding, you know what the issues are, and know you'll be working on fixing them, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I found when I started riding really seriously again after my surgery that I ride better in my soft brace. I don't know whether it is an awareness thing or what, but I just do. So I do :p
You'll get there!! If you're ever interested in learning the easiest and simplest way to ride that is the most healthy for the horse, you should come down to our place while our instructor is here some time! It isn't the fastest way to learn, but it is the most thorough. She is quite amazing, I've never met anyone like her!

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