Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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FarmerJamie said:
Denim Deb said:
Right now I'll admit to being a bit discouraged. But, I know God is in control and it will happen in His time. I just hope His time is soon!
:he disclaimer - I love ya as sister Deb... :barnie

The flood waters were rising to the house porch, a canoe comes by, the guys in the canoe, tell the homeowner to get in, it's time to go. The homeowner says no, go help someone else, God will save me. As the water reaches the second floor, a zodiac boat comes by, the rescue folks tell the homeowner to get off the roof and into the boat. The homeowner says no, go help someone else, God will save me. Finally, as the water is lapping the eaves of the roof, a helicopter swings in a rescue guy on a rope with a basket. Get in, the rescuer says. The homeowner says no, go help someone else, God will save me. Later that night as the house disappears into the flood, the homeowner finding themselves finding their Lord where they ask, why didn't you save me? The answer? What are you talking about, I sent a canoe, a zodiac, and a helicopter.

How do you know you already HAVEN'T been given the means? Or are you really just waiting for some specific solution from God that you have in YOUR mind? :idunno

We aren't mindless sheep waiting for a loving God to plop the solution done in front of us ready to go to immediately unwrap and use. Sometimes we get the direction and have to take the leap of faith to get to the destination.

I apologize for being so direct, you can ignore me from now on, I'm trying to speak as a friend here, not to offend.
Not wishing to offend either Deb, but I completely agree with Jamie. Sometimes the GUIDANCE to be given is that HE gives us the ability to "Get 'er done". The story Jamie sent is one that has often been the motivation for me when it came to a major change. HE will help you be successful but HE expects you to exercise HIS GIFT of free will and take the burden on yourself. Then if HR wills it so, you will be successful in that endeavor. But, as I said, HE expects us to TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH" and trust HIM to support your decision.
Not a sermon, just a thought.
I say "GO FOR IT!" and let HIM help you.
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Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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if credits bad and the property your interested in is in an area covered might be worth looking into a rural development loan (usda) they are the ones that i got my house through
*hugs* i know how frustrating it is to know what you want but have the road blocka and hurdles to start climbing over to get there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I got a good night's sleep last night, and feel much better. As long as nothing crops up today, I should get more done of what I need to get done. I'm trying to get the house cleaned up so we can sell everything we can. I got a bit more work done in garden prep last evening, and made a more secure area for the nuggets for when I'm outside. They really like it, and are learning that I bring good things to eat. (Grubs and worms.)

My knee is still not 100%, and it's holding me back, plus my shoulder still hurts and my pointer finger on my right hand keeps swelling. I have no idea why. It starts going down, and then swells up again. If it keeps doing that, I'm going to have to go to a doctor about it.

If I get home at a descent time today, I have 2 people I need to call. I have the application for the summer job at the nature center. I need to list 3 references. So, I'm planning to put down my minister, a friend that helps me w/my 4-H club, goes canoeing, etc w/me and someone from the 4-H office. Then, I can get the thing mailed in.

Hubby's getting ready to leave for work, so I need to get off of here and get busy. I had wanted to get a load of clothes washed and on the line yesterday, but didn't get to it. So that means I'll probably have to do either 2 loads today, or hope that I can get one done today. Unless we get a really rainy period, I am no longer using my dryer at all-even for towels. I am determined to do what I can to bring expenses down, sell what I can, etc so we can get bills paid off and get out of here. I'm going to sit hubby down tonight and find out exactly what we owe. Our problem isn't our credit-it's the amount of money we owe. We need to find a real way to get all of our debt into 1 easy to pay loan. We also need to do some work to this house. I'm praying about being able to move by the end of November if it's God's will.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I feel your pain, we are getting more and more dissatisfied with where we are. It is beautiful, but it is so limited, and won't allow for what we want to do (I can't have a yak, let alone chickens! :gig ). But right now we don't have enough money saved up to move. We were able to move there with almost no money down, which was great, but we haven't taken the time to get ourselves organized enough to correct that issue. We're FINALLY getting our finances in order so we know what the heck we are spending and on what... its not a pretty picture, but if we don't know what the picture is we can't change things. I would love to be out of there in a year, but some of that depends on his job. Where there is a will, there is a way, and we'll get there eventually.
Bad days never help the outlook, so I am glad you're ready for a fresh view today and can do some things to help improve the situation! :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
My knee is still not 100%, and it's holding me back, plus my shoulder still hurts and my pointer finger on my right hand keeps swelling. I have no idea why. It starts going down, and then swells up again. If it keeps doing that, I'm going to have to go to a doctor about it.
Hey Deb,

Have you tried some aspirin? Maybe you have an early onset of arthiritis? Have you done anything lately to aggrevate your arm?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Avalon1984 said:
Denim Deb said:
My knee is still not 100%, and it's holding me back, plus my shoulder still hurts and my pointer finger on my right hand keeps swelling. I have no idea why. It starts going down, and then swells up again. If it keeps doing that, I'm going to have to go to a doctor about it.
Hey Deb,

Have you tried some aspirin? Maybe you have an early onset of arthiritis? Have you done anything lately to aggrevate your arm?
It's not arthritis. I know you haven't been on much lately, so I don't know what all you've read. I had a knee operation in January-torn meniscus, and wrenched my shoulder 2 weeks ago.

I'm feeling more hopeful today. I did find animals out again today-3 donkeys! I have no idea where they got out, and had no desire to take the time to look. So, I just shooed them into another field that I knew they couldn't get out of, and left them there. PT was going to buy feed for RU while she was away since she owes her board, but didn't have the money. Wish she had realized that yesterday when I had my truck. I'm the only one allowed to use RU's charge when she's away. And today I was on my bike. So, I had to run over to the feed store, order the feed, sign for it, then PT picked it up in her car. I got back to the farm, started cleaning my field-and ran out of gas in the mower. :barnie And, I didn't have any more. I had put the last of it in RU's tractor yesterday to be sure I didn't run out of gas while I was doing the hay. But, once these aggravations were out of the way, I was able to get yesterday's work done.

This morning, I got the dishwasher loaded. I waited until I got home to run it though, I want to be in the house when the cycle gets done so I can open the door w/out it using the electricity for the dry cycle. I washed the shirts I was going to wash yesterday, and got them out on the line. I have a load of darks in right now, and will put them out when the cycle is done. If they're not dry by night, I'll just leave them there.

Yesterday, I had planned on putting some posts in my field for where the chickens are going to go. I got that done. Since it's going to rain this weekend, I'm planning on seeding part of my field. I need to put up electricity to keep the horses out. I was going to put up posts yesterday, didn't get to it. Today, I found 2 broken posts that were long enough since they're not going to be holding fence and stuck them in where I needed them. When I put the electricity up, I'll just put step in posts in between. So as of right now, I have all of yesterday's work done.

I'm getting ready to make some potato salad. I'm thinking if I get that done, we can have BBQ chicken and potato salad for dinner tomorrow. Depending on how the day goes, we may even take it w/us to the farm, make a fire, and cook the chicken over the fire, you know, like the song. Chicken roasting oer an open fire....

I had planned on doing some stuff in my tack shed today, but didn't get to it. Hopefully tomorrow. And, depending on what hubby says, maybe I can even ride my horse for a bit. That's another reason I want my own place. I'd ride more.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Those were "CHESTNUTS" not chickens on an open fire, jack frost nipping at your nose...". :lol: :gig
Sorry Deb, that one just hit me funny! :hide
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Icu4dzs said:
Those were "CHESTNUTS" not chickens on an open fire, jack frost nipping at your nose...". :lol: :gig
Sorry Deb, that one just hit me funny! :hide
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I know that. But, since it made you laugh, I've reached my goal. :D


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
yeah... I thought I'd ride a lot living with my horse. But yeah that hasn't happened. But it is what it is, and he does well despite that, so I'm ok.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For me, there's just too much going on at the farm all the time. So, that makes it hard for me to be able to get riding time in. If I hadn't had to do that extra work yesterday, I was going to ride then. Another problem is, there's really no place to ride off the farm-unless I ride down the road. And, I'm not ready to do that w/Misty yet. If I get this farmette I'm looking at, I'd be able to ride in the woods behind me. I've ridden there B4, and it's nice. This farmette is only a couple of miles from where I have the horses now, so I'd even be able to ride w/the others if I wanted to.

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