<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Denim Deb said:Because of all the rain we had last year, I am waaaaay behind on what I need to get done. And, I'm TIRED of how most other people are reacting. I've overheard that I don't ride because I'm afraid of my horse. (I rode on Friday.) I've been told that if I'm really serious about riding, I need to put aside time. I don't know how many times I've planned to ride only to have something come up that has to be fixed and more often than not, I've been the only one there that had any idea HOW to fix it.

Seriously? UGH. People need to get over themselves. I have found that after a while people don't bother me much about how much I am or am not riding. Sure, I deal with fear issues, and I have to manage myself very carefully. But I have also figured out that I get better results than most people despite the limited amount of time that I have available, thanks to my instructor's work. So I don't worry about it. I just keep doing what I've got to do...
We got rain too, yay! Its been too long!