Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
Wannabefree said:
Duh jamie...griping online...same thing I do :p :lol:

Deb, just move to TN and be done with it. We'll find you a nice place down here :D ;)
After Pinky talked about her parents checking things out, I went on line and found an AWESOME place, right 'around the corner' from Pinky, on 35 acres, that I really liked! I liked it so much, I told DH about it. I pointed out that he already works out of town, what's several (10, 12) more hours of drive time to get home :lol: He didn't think it was as great an idea as I did, and promptly 'banned' me from looking at houses on line! :lol:
:gig Poor SSD! BANNED from house shopping, darn it! :lol: Eh, move without him :p He'll come tagging along after a bit ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And you don't know the HALF of it!

Well, mower started up fine no problem again today. I got my field all cleaned. I was going to work more on weeding but didn't. My friend, LK, came over. I saddled up Honey for her, saw she was handling her fine, so I went and got Misty and saddled her up! I'm not sure when I was last on her, and she tried to act up. But, I didn't let her. However, I couldn't ride long. It was bothering my knee a bit. I need to start riding more. I need to build my leg back up so I can go trail riding.

Vet came out today for anyone on the farm that wanted any horse related thing done, but wasn't able to finish. She had something come up at the last minute, so she'll come back out in a couple of weeks, but only charge us for one visit! I'm really liking this vet. This is the 1st time I've used her, but she's willing to sign something stating that I gave my horses the shots I'm legally allowed to give! So, my horses got their regular shots. When she comes back out, she'll do their rabies, run coggins tests, and give the goats their shots. Pus, I'm really thinking of having her run some blood work on Stormy. He's just not picking up weight, plus he hasn't completely lost his winter coat. :(

I found a new way to get eggs home from the farm when I'm on my bike. I have a kitty litter bucket in the milk crate on the back, and have been afraid of breaking them. Well, I now take some gloves out w/me and stick the 1 egg in each glove! No problem.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol ssd id LOVE to have you as a neighbor so getyout tuckus down here! LOL!

*hugs* deb...i think you need them, and some realy good chocolate!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Chocolate is ALWAYS good!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Because of all the rain we had last year, I am waaaaay behind on what I need to get done. And, I'm TIRED of how most other people are reacting. I've overheard that I don't ride because I'm afraid of my horse. (I rode on Friday.) I've been told that if I'm really serious about riding, I need to put aside time. I don't know how many times I've planned to ride only to have something come up that has to be fixed and more often than not, I've been the only one there that had any idea HOW to fix it.

Right now, my big project at the farm is to get rid of all the weeds around my hay shelter, get that up, get my lean too built and fence in my area. The hay shelter was on uneven ground last year, and finally came down in a big wind. I cannot get any square bales until I get that area all weeded and then (hopefully) fix the frame. Then I need to get a new tarp to put over the top. Once that's done, I need to finish weeding along my fence line. As of right now, I will be done all of that by the end of the month. I get that done, and it will FINALLY be easy to keep my area looking nice.

Sure, I want to ride and work w/the horses, but for right now, getting the work done is more important. I have the area behind my tack shed all cleaned up, so as soon as hubby can, he's going to build my lean too. I started working on cleaning the area for my hay shelter. I'll be so glad when it's all done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It seems like all I'm getting today is dirty looks. Today has been a rainy day-not thunderstorms, but a steady rain. I couldn't really do anything at the farm, so I cleaned up my tack shed. In other words, all the junk that was in my truck that I dumped in there when I needed it out of the truck got dumped back in. I did sort thru it the best I could and got rid of some trash. But, like I said, it was raining. So, I had the horses standing in the one stall that faces the tack shed. They peered out of it, giving me dirty looks.

I got home late, and was wet, cold and tired. So, I made some lunch and relaxed for a bit. Should have fed the goats then because it wasn't really raining. Well, I didn't. And, when I decided I should, it was pouring again, and hasn't stopped! The goats are in their house, peering out at the house, and they're giving me dirty looks! I checked the weather channel, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop. Guess I'm going to have to go out in the pouring rain and feed them.

Guess I don't have to do dishes anymore. I ran out of dish soap. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, w/just hubby and I, it's kind of hard to get the kids to do it. And, I know from experience that hubby won't do them. He'll use paper plates and wash just what pot(s) he needs. :rant

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