Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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What a difference 24 hours make. It's almost 60* out there! I managed to get both sides of my hay shelter cleaned up. Tomorrow, I'll be spreading out a tarp that's 2x the size I need, cutting it in half, then putting it over the top. I've found having a double tarp works better than a single. Otherwise, I get condensation in there. W/the double layer, it gets trapped between the layers, then just drains down.

I do need to do some wood, but I'll be waiting until it cools off a bit! I got hot working out there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I rode the bike out to the farm today and didn't need to have on a ton of clothes! :weee And, I have nekkid horses! They're so glad to not have on their blankets. I was worried about Stormy. W/as cold as it was this winter, I was afraid that he'd lose weight. Well, he didn't lose any! And while according to the weight tape he weighs the same, I think he looks like he's filled out in a couple of places! In just over a week, I'm going to be letting them into the parking area. I'm sure they'll be happy about that. It's starting to green up, so that will give them some grazing. (And hopefully keep the Brat out of the seeded area until I'm ready to let her in! :lol:)

I got some wood done, but not a whole lot. We have a problem w/the chain sharpener, and even after it's been sharpened, it cuts at an angle-unless the wood is a bit soft. I get that stuff that well seasoned and hard as a rock, it's hard to cut it.

Tomorrow's going to be another beautiful day, so we're planning on riding for awhile after church! I haven't been on Misty since Black Friday! I'm be so glad to get on her back again.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Glad your weather is becoming more seasonal :)

Our spring is coming on a little bit more each day as well, although we've had a few wet flurries in amongst our warm sunny days over the past couple of weeks to mess it up a bit. Another few weeks and I can start my tomato plants from seed!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So am I! I have a ton of work planned out for tomorrow. Tuesday, they're calling for rain again :barnie, so I'm thinking I just might tie everyone in their stalls when they're done eating, and give them a good grooming. I have NOTHING that I can do when it's raining out-unless I take my laptop. And, as I have no propane for the heater, I don't want to sit around the tack shed and do nothing. Even though it won't be that cold out, it will still feel cold if I'm just sitting w/no heat. :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I RODE TODAY!!!!!!! :ya :weee :bun :celebrate :woot Misty wasn't too happy about it, but I HAD to ride. We had been going to go on a trail ride, then we all started to think. Most of us haven't ridden for a bit. Almost everybody else has to go to work tomorrow. So, we decided that a trail ride probably wouldn't be a good idea. However, I also didn't want to ride Misty in the riding arena w/everybody else. So, I saddled her up and mounted in the parking area. I rode up and down the lane and across the street to say hi to the neighbors. She did NOT want to listen to me, but I insisted. And, by the time I was done, she was listening fairly well. I'm planning on riding her again tomorrow.

One thing I really need to work on is getting her to take the bit. She fought me so much today that I was almost ready to get out the bitless, but I persisted and finally got it in. So, tomorrow, I'll work w/her some. I don't think it will take long for her to stop fighting me so much.

When I painted my shed, I didn't paint the bottom side of the wood. And, every time it rains, I have water seeping in at the bottom. So, I decided that I was going to paint it-as soon as I had some good weather. I was going to do it tomorrow, but it's supposed to be cloudy. So, I decided to do it today. I had JUST enough paint to do it. Got that finished, got cleaned up, got Stormy, the chickens and Cindy fed and left.

I got the tarp cut in half, and one half up! I was going to do the whole thing and some wood, but I started to feel kind of swimmy, so I decided to call it a day. Now, I'm relaxing and thinking about going to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If I hadn't had to fight her so much, it would have been. But as we get more into warmer weather and I work w/her more, it will become more fun.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was another warm day, but it was cloudy. So, I did bundle up to ride to the farm. And, I was glad I did! I was a bit chilled riding, so if I hadn't worn all I did, I would have been sorry.

I was able to get the mower started, so I worked on the field today. I took out 3 loads, and wasn't quite done! But, then again, the reason I had 3 loads was because the last RB I opened wasn't the greatest. There was a lot more junk in it than normal. I put the last of it out today. This bale didn't even last me 2 weeks! Since they're calling for rain tomorrow, I opened up a new RB and filled the hay nets. This bale looks MUCH better. I think the horses will be happy.

The chicken house was starting to stink. I wanted to take the poop home w/me, but didn't have the truck, so I just raked it all out and piled it up. I'll have to get it another day. I did put some fresh pine needles in the nesting boxes. By this time, it was almost 3:00! :th So, that meant I didn't get to ride Misty. :hit Instead, I went home.

Got home, got something to eat and went out in the woods and started on wood. I'm STILL having a horrible time cutting w/it. I'm cutting and getting some wood that I'd rather leave because it's on the ground, so it's wet. But, I'm having a hard time cutting the standing dead-even if it's not that big. Hubby came out right when I was getting done. He wanted to know if there was much left, so I started to show him all that was out there. I think he was shocked! He helped me get the last little bit loaded, as well as the generator.

Got back, and he decided he'd try to sharpen one of my chains. Even sharpened, it wasn't cutting that great. So, he tried to cut. He's now realized that the sharpener isn't doing a good job. So, he's going to get something different to sharpen the chains with! So, hopefully the next time I go to cut wood, it won't be so hard!

We were getting ready to come in the house when I heard it, spring peepers! :ya I'm hoping that that means that winter is over! We also saw a bat. And, I'm seeing insects. And, it's warm enough tonight that I'm not making a fire! I'll make one in the morning.

I'm beat and so is hubby. So, we're getting take outs.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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How nice to be able to ride, it's been years for me and I do miss it sometimes.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Now, I just need good weather for it. Today was a wash out for doing any type of riding. It poured most of the day. And, I had a puddle in my tack shed. :somad

I've been telling my hubby that the windows let water in when it rains. He keeps promising to change them to something better, but hasn't done so. And, today was the WORST it's ever been! I had a puddle when I got there. Fed the horses, then mopped up the puddle. Went in RU's house to plan some rides. Went back in my tack shed, mopped up the puddle. Gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, mopped up the puddle. Realized that the tarp was coming off a RB. Got it back on (just barely since the wind was blowing), came back in and mopped up the puddle. I finally took a blanket that I have in there and threw it on the floor to hopefully sop up the water. I have one last thing I can try to stop the water from coming in until we get a new window in, but hubby is FINALLY taking me seriously.

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