Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yes - really glad you were wearing that helmet. Like I said - years ago - back when I was young and invincible - I thought it was silly. Not anymore! Gotta protect that noggin - it's the only one we've got.

Hope you get lots of rest and are back to yourself soon!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's Monday again! I could use another couple of days off, but it ain't going to happen right now. Maybe later in the fall, or the winter. So, my list for today:

1. Iron some shirts
2. Work in living room
3. Practice piano
4. Put away laundry
5. Feed farm animals, bag feed
6. Pick my field
7. Work w/Misty and Stormy
8. Move electric in field
9. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
10. Go to chiropractor
11. Make and eat dinner
12. Feed goats
13. Work in garden
14. Work on 4-H lessons
15. Collapse

I need to wok on peaches, but since I have to go back to the chiropractor's, that ain't happening today. So either Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll work on the rest of them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I forgot to put dishes on my list. I did them anyway.

I didn't move the electric in my field. When I went to move the RB feeder, I saw that they hadn't eaten all the hay, so I decided not to put out as much tonight so they'd pick thru what was left. I'll move the wires tomorrow.

I need to go to the chiropractor 1 more time this week. Hope after this I'm back to a normal schedule.

I still need to work on my lesson, but don't really feel like it. I've decided that next year will probably be my last year. I'm getting tired of dealing w/it. I don't know how many times something has come up on a Saturday that I want to do and can't because of the club. Plus, I just can't seem to get the kids really into it.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
it's too bad the kids aren't more enthusiastic. They are missing out on learning things that may never come their way again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I never worked on my lesson last night. That's really telling me something right there. Don't know if I'll have time today or not to work on it.

My list for today:

1. Iron clothes (I normally split this up over a few days time. I get tired of ironing!)
2. Practice piano
3. Clean bathroom
4. Go to Harbor Freight and the feed store
5. Feed animals and bag feed
6. Pick field
7. Work on hay shelter. I need to cover it w/a tarp
8. Work w/Licky
9. Go to hay auction, and if I get anything, I'll need to stack it
10. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens, move wires
11. Feed goats
12. Work in garden
13. Make dinner and eat it
14. Do dishes
15. Meet some friends for dessert
16. Collapse

It's gotten warm again during the day. Guess it's a good thing I didn't have time to put my shorts away. I was wishing I had them yesterday, so I'll be wearing them today. And tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer! So, I'll probably be giving the horses a bath then.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Collapse is right, that's some list! Have a good day, and glad you've got "time with friends" in there to help you recharge your batteries!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I just wish I had been able to leave the diner sooner!

Well, I worked on my hay shelter, but didn't finish. And I didn't get any hay, so I wasn't overly concerned about it. I'll keep an eye on the forecast, and have it done B4 I go to the next hay auction.

I was going to work w/Licky. But, it was HOT today! I wanted to get to the farm later rather than earlier since I was going to the hay auction. And Harbor Freight is in the opposite direction from the farm. So by the time I got to the farm, it was hotter than I wanted it for working w/a horse. I'll try and work w/her tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm going to go real early. That way, I can go home when it gets hot!

Normally I'll do some cleaning B4 I leave. I waited until I got home. So I not only got my bathroom cleaned, but also had some time to work on my basement! I'm planning on leaving even earlier tomorrow. I'm not going to do much of anything B4 I leave. Then when it's the hottest out, I can be inside instead of out!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Still haven't really worked on my lesson. I had been going to try and have everything all done by Saturday for the whole year. I think instead I'll wait and see if I even have any kids, then get it ready by the end of October. So, I just need to work on my lesson for this week. I'm not even going to attempt to work on it today. So, here's my list for today:

1. Iron shirts
2. Wash and hang out a load of towels. (This is a load I did last week and dried in the dryer. They smell musty, so I'm rewashing them.)
3. Put out trash
4. Practice piano
5. Feed animals and bag feed
6. Pick field
7. Work w/Licky
8. Ride Misty
9. Wash all 3 horses (it's going to be HOT today!)
10. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
11. Work on peaches. I'm going to try to finish them
12. Put out trash and recyclables
13. Clean kitchen
14. Feed goats
15. Work in garden
16. Make and eat dinner
17. Do dishes
18. Collapse

Think that's enough to try and accomplish today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be a busy day. I'm so glad we went shopping last night. Hubby had to take my truck to work. I HATE it when he does that. I had almost a full tank of gas and more often than not, he doesn't replace what he uses. :rant I don't like to shop on the bike, it's hard to carry stuff w/out having the weight shift around. If it had been raining, he would have had to drop me at the farm on his way to work.

My list for today

1. Put away laundry-including a whole basket of socks that needed to be sorted!
2. Wash and hang out a load
3. Feed animals
4. Pick field
5. Go to Bible study
6. Practice piano (normally Bible study is at someone's house, today it's at the church so I want to practice on that piano)
7. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
8. Work on peaches.
9. Feed goats
10. Make and eat dinner
11. Dishes
12. Collapse

I'm not going to try to do any housework today other than what I have to do. Nor am I going to try and work in the garden. If I get to either of those, that's an added bonus.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The peaches are all done! I lost some because of how long it took for me to finish. It's been a long time since I've done peaches, so to a point, this was a learning experience. And since I only ended up w/7 pints, I didn't bother w/the pressure canner, just did them in the water bath since the water was already hot from doing the jam. So, I ended up w/7 quarts of pie/cobbler, 7 pints of sliced peaches, and 7 1/2 pints of jam. In addition to that, I put 3 batches in the dehydrator!

Hubby is in the kitchen right now cooking and making a mess. So, I don't know how hard it's going to be to do the dishes when he's done. I had something I was going to make, but he decided he wanted to cook, so I'm letting him.

I was able to work in the garden for a bit this afternoon! Don't think I'll be able to tomorrow-I have a class to go to-but every little bit helps. Hubby wants to put down Sevin in there when it's all cleaned out, I won't let him. I'm planning on bringing home some chickens next year to take care of the bugs. Already have it figured out how I'm going to do it.

Since I have to leave pretty early tomorrow, I washed the clothes that I'd planned on washing tomorrow today and hung them out already! So, that means I'm ahead for tomorrow.

I still have a long way to go, but at least I'm making progress!