Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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We must have traded because we have had two days of snow. This is pretty late in the year for us to have snow....we have had an odd year. Snow in Nov and Feb but a fairly warm January?

How nice you got a break however, that must have been nice for everyone and your animals, too!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Still don't have time, but now I can say along w/the son being out, so it the iguana! :weee

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:weee Wednesday, my 25 yo son comes home w/a set of keys. I ask him what they're for, and he tells me they're to the house he just leased! I've been trying to get this boy to move for years! He does NOTHING around the house. He told me when he was 13 that he could hardly wait until he was 18 so he could move out. When asked why, he said so he wouldn't have to do any chores. I asked him, who do you think is going to do them when you move out? He didn't reply. But, when he hit 18, he quit doing chores. And, since I was NOT backed up by my hubby, I couldn't get him to do any. And of course since he wasn't doing any, my daughter decided that SHE didn't have to do any. And no matter how sick I am, it's very rare for anyone in the family to do ANYTHING around the house. He told me that he would be moving stuff out this week and early next week.

Thursday was a beautiful day, but rather than spending it out at the farm like I wanted, I came home. I was hoping that he'd get a bunch of his junk out, and I could do some cleaning. So, after I was done work, I fed Stormy and went home. Around 1:00, he comes home and says, I'm shopping. In other words, he was looking to see what he could take from the house so he wouldn't have to buy anything. Well, there's not really much he could take from here. He took a roll of paper towels as well as some dishes I had gotten for free many, many years ago and never used. I had no use for them, got them for spending a certain amount in the store in a set period of time, and have kept them all these years for him. I don't think he took much more. I was hoping he'd come back later in the days and get another one of his cars, but he didn't. (He has 3 that run, as well as a Blazer that doesn't run.)

Today, was also nice. Next week is supposed to go back to winter, so after I was done work today, I didn't come home. Instead, I cleaned out my tack shed the best I could, then started to clean some stuff up outside. I got home just b4 my hubby. It was so nice out, that I had ridden my motorcycle. I can't find the key ring w/my motorcycle key, house key and shed key on it, so I had taken my main key ring and spare motorcycle key. And, I left my keys at the farm. So, I couldn't get in. The cars are STILL here, which is a pain for me on the bike. I have to go all the way around my house to get to where I park the bike. And, the ground is soft. So, not only do I have to worry about slipping, but I'm putting ruts in the yard. :somad But, I could see b4 I ever got in the house that the iguana was gone! :ya I'm so happy. He doesn't feed the thing, so I have to. He very rarely cleans the cage, so it stinks. Now, I don't need to feed it any more, nor do I need to smell it! He also took a dresser, but hasn't taken his clothes. I think that's all he took today.

I noticed that one of my hens has decided not to lay her eggs where she normally does. I hadn't gotten any eggs from either girl since Tuesday. For some reason, I decided to check in their "house". They don't normally spend a lot of time in there. But, I noticed an egg. I decided to leave it. Today, there was another egg in there. I've put dates on both of them. So now I'm wondering, is she thinking about getting broody since she's laying in a different spot, or is this typical hen behavior?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
:weee Wednesday, my 25 yo son comes home w/a set of keys. I ask him what they're for, and he tells me they're to the house he just leased! I've been trying to get this boy to move for years! He does NOTHING around the house. He told me when he was 13 that he could hardly wait until he was 18 so he could move out. When asked why, he said so he wouldn't have to do any chores. I asked him, who do you think is going to do them when you move out? He didn't reply. But, when he hit 18, he quit doing chores. And, since I was NOT backed up by my hubby, I couldn't get him to do any. And of course since he wasn't doing any, my daughter decided that SHE didn't have to do any. And no matter how sick I am, it's very rare for anyone in the family to do ANYTHING around the house. He told me that he would be moving stuff out this week and early next week.

Thursday was a beautiful day, but rather than spending it out at the farm like I wanted, I came home. I was hoping that he'd get a bunch of his junk out, and I could do some cleaning. So, after I was done work, I fed Stormy and went home. Around 1:00, he comes home and says, I'm shopping. In other words, he was looking to see what he could take from the house so he wouldn't have to buy anything. Well, there's not really much he could take from here. He took a roll of paper towels as well as some dishes I had gotten for free many, many years ago and never used. I had no use for them, got them for spending a certain amount in the store in a set period of time, and have kept them all these years for him. I don't think he took much more. I was hoping he'd come back later in the days and get another one of his cars, but he didn't. (He has 3 that run, as well as a Blazer that doesn't run.)

Today, was also nice. Next week is supposed to go back to winter, so after I was done work today, I didn't come home. Instead, I cleaned out my tack shed the best I could, then started to clean some stuff up outside. I got home just b4 my hubby. It was so nice out, that I had ridden my motorcycle. I can't find the key ring w/my motorcycle key, house key and shed key on it, so I had taken my main key ring and spare motorcycle key. And, I left my keys at the farm. So, I couldn't get in. The cars are STILL here, which is a pain for me on the bike. I have to go all the way around my house to get to where I park the bike. And, the ground is soft. So, not only do I have to worry about slipping, but I'm putting ruts in the yard. :somad But, I could see b4 I ever got in the house that the iguana was gone! :ya I'm so happy. He doesn't feed the thing, so I have to. He very rarely cleans the cage, so it stinks. Now, I don't need to feed it any more, nor do I need to smell it! He also took a dresser, but hasn't taken his clothes. I think that's all he took today.

I noticed that one of my hens has decided not to lay her eggs where she normally does. I hadn't gotten any eggs from either girl since Tuesday. For some reason, I decided to check in their "house". They don't normally spend a lot of time in there. But, I noticed an egg. I decided to leave it. Today, there was another egg in there. I've put dates on both of them. So now I'm wondering, is she thinking about getting broody since she's laying in a different spot, or is this typical hen behavior?
GREAT NEWS! 1 down, 1 (at least) to go, huh? :lol:

Hopefully when he finally gets out on his own, he will grow up and realize what he's put you through. I hope so anyway.


Oh, and you're making me jealous with the motorcycle talk! It was SO nice here today. Would have been a great riding day. But then again, I rode mine year round. Been known to ride the 1 1/2 hrs to work in single digits before as long as it was sunny and dry.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If I could figure out how to keep my face and hands from freezing, I'd ride year round-as long as I could get my bike out. But, once it gets below 40*, it's too cold on my hands and face. Of course, if I had a windshield, that would block the wind a lot, but I don't have one.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
If I could figure out how to keep my face and hands from freezing, I'd ride year round-as long as I could get my bike out. But, once it gets below 40*, it's too cold on my hands and face. Of course, if I had a windshield, that would block the wind a lot, but I don't have one.
So, is there any chance that you ride a Harley Sportster? If so, I have a windshield I can send you for the cost of postage. Also, if you have largish hands, I have a set of Gerbing heated gloves you can have too.

Just let me know.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Nope, I ride a Buell Blast. As for the gloves, if I get ladies gloves that fit thru the hand, the fingers are too large. And a men's medium is good for finger length, but too wide in the hands. I'm hoping to look for a pair of snowmobile gloves tomorrow. Maybe I'll get lucky and find something that fits on clearance.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
When my kids moved out I took the offensive. I was ever so helpful. I carried box after box of stuff out to their cars. I certainly did not want them starting out with nothing.

After a while they started to notice that I was cleaning out the house and ran for their very lives! :lol:

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