Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Since the shock has worn off, I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm not doing anything else in my field. There's no point. I'll keep it clean, but that's it. Today I spent what free time I had helping RU. They got the chicken coop moved, as well as a rabbit cage that currently isn't being used. But, we needed to move it some more, then put some Jersey woolies in it. The cage they were in wasn't in good shape and will probably be trashed. Monday, I'm planning on doing some measuring down in the back field, then drawing up a tentative plan. If RU agrees, then I would more than double my area!

Hubby was really upset when I told him, but he and I talked tonight and he's agreeing that this could be a very good thing. Right now, there's no horses in the back. So, if I could get JU to do some preliminary work back there, I'd start getting the area all cleaned up. I don't want any piles of manure in the field. I don't want any string. I don't want any trash, or any branches-all of which I might find in there. And if this is going to happen, then I want it done B4 I need to buy hay. I don't want to have to load, unload and stack it 2x.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Had an unexpected expense today-we had to buy a new fridge. I've been wanting a new one for quite some time, but since ours worked, I've said nothing-even though I hated it. Well the other day, we had water leaking from the freezer onto the kitchen floor. And, it stunk! Hubby figured something was blocking the vent, so I took some stuff out and put it in the big freezer. It seemed to take care of the problem. Then, I had the same problem yesterday. I took more out and cleaned up the mess again. I went out to breakfast this morning and when I got home, found out that hubby had had the same problem. He had pulled the fridge out, and has no idea why it was happening. He had done some research on line while I was gone, so we went to Delaware for a new fridge. (Sears has a scratch and dent outlet there.) I am so glad I went w/him! He hates the ones w/the freezer on the top. He was going to buy one w/the freezer on the bottom. I hated that. It has bins that you pull out, then you have to rummage around in them to find what you need. And while it probably wouldn't be a problem for the higher bin, it would have been a real pain for the lower one! So, we compromised. We got one that's a side by side. That way, it has a freezer both on the top and the bottom. :D It does have an ice maker, but we won't hook that up. I can just image having company come over that tries to use it. :lol:

It was late when we left. I would have liked to have stopped on the way there to feed the horses cuz we had to go near the farm, but hubby wanted to go to the flea market. So I didn't have him stop. Coming home was NOT fun. The wind was really blowing. I just wanted to get home, so we didn't stop coming home. By the time we got home, it was around 5:00. I got my Carhartts, changed my boots, grabbed my car keys and left for the farm. It was still light when I got there, so I got Stormy fed right away, fed the chickens and checked for eggs (I got 2!) got everything set up for tomorrow, then got out hay. I still had a little bit of light left, so I checked on the farm chickens. They were all in the coop, so moving it didn't bother them. By that time, Stormy was almost done eating, so I opened his stall up, went and got the eggs and my keys. By the time I got down the lane, it was dark. Came home and fed the goats, then helped hubby bring in some wood.

The fridge is still in the back of the truck. Our DS and a friend of his are coming over tomorrow to help hubby unload it tomorrow. So that means I have to take the car tomorrow. But I'm glad that we got it. When I walked in the house B4 heading out, I could smell that it had leaked some more. Hubby cleaned it up this time. Neither of us felt like cooking, so we got take outs. That and a cup of tea hit the spot. I'm thinking of going to bed early tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Since the fridge is still in the back of my truck, I have to take hubby's car to church, and then the farm today. Once I get home, the fridge will be in the house. Hopefully, everything will be out of the old, and in the new. If not, I'll be doing that this afternoon so we can get the old one out. I'll have to call the township to arrange for the old one to be picked up. And, I need to get the shirts off the line and cut the wood I was going to do yesterday afternoon. I'm looking at the forecast and thinking that I'll probably be going tomorrow to get another load of wood. I had been going to go on Wednesday, but it's going to be cold that day! Tomorrow is the last "warm" day B4 we get those nasty, cold temps again.

I got lucky this winter w/my eggs. Even though I didn't have any that laid all winter, some of the farm chickens were laying. And since I'm the one that takes care of them during the week, if it was going to be below freezing, I'd take the eggs home-no sense in letting them freeze. Then my lone pullet started to lay about the time they stopped, so I still had eggs. Now for some reason, she's stopped, but I've had 2 of my older girls start. Right now, I have 9 eggs! I'm thinking bacon and eggs for breakfast.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Glad it is turning into a good thing now that the shock is wearing off.
Bummer on the fridge, glad its taken care of and yall compromised.
Oh don't tell me it's going to get that cold again! Ugh!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, I won't tell you, but the highs for Tuesday and Thursday aren't supposed to get above freezing. :hide


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ew, yuck, icky cold....ugh! Hope the fridge install and food exchange is all taken care of by the time you get back!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was not a fun day. Since the fridge was in the back of my truck, I had to take hubby's car this morning. I hate driving it. Something about the set up gives me vertigo attacks. So, I was a bit dizzy in church. After church, I headed out to the farm. KN fed this morning, but didn't put out the hay cuz they still had hay in the feeder. I hate it when she does that. She did the same thing yesterday, so I called CL and she put the hay out. I can't always get out there as early as I want on the weekends, and if she doesn't put out the hay, they might run out. That's not a good thing in the winter. So after feeding Stormy, I got the hay out. I also cleaned most of the field. Since it was so windy yesterday and then got down to 18* last night, the manure was a bit freeze dried, so it wasn't as heavy. So, I filled the cart more than I normally would, then took it down and dumped it. Came back up, took care of the chickens and left.

Got home to find the fridge STILL in the back of my pickup, and hubby was drunk. :somad And, he was acting and talking stupid. He was saying that he was going to unload the fridge by himself. Our DS and a friend of his were on their way to help him. I told him that, but he still didn't want to wait. I tell him if he tries to move it by himself, he could hurt both himself and the fridge. I think the only reason he didn't do it was because he had to take the front door off, and didn't have it off by the time they got there. I did the smart thing. I went down in the basement. There was no fire, so I got one going, then since it's clean enough down there for me to sit in my chair, I read part of a book.

They get the fridge in, and hubby starts yelling for me. He can't find the pins to put the door back on. I told him I didn't have them, and had no idea what he did w/them. Our DS had one, I found one, and they found the other one, so the door got put back on.

I was finally able to get the clothes down and the goats fed. But, I didn't feel like doing the wood, so I decided to just bring some in for the night. Only problem being, my truck was parked in front of the house in such a way that getting in w/a load of wood would be difficult. Plus, it didn't have the tail gate on. I was able to get the tail gate on and move my truck. I also noticed that the trunk of hubby's car was opened. I get the wood all in, and try to talk to hubby about his trunk. He doesn't remember opening it and assumes that I was driving around w/it opened-I know I wasn't. I try telling him that I didn't open it, and that he must have. He starts yelling at me that he didn't touch the car all day and I must have done something. I hadn't been going to go to church tonight. I was tired and just wanted to relax. But I decided real quick that I needed to get out, and that church was probably a good place to go, so I went. By the time I got home, he was asleep.

Now I'm relaxing. I'm looking at all the work I have to do over the next few days and feel like screaming. He made a mess cooking today, so I'm going to have to clean it up cuz he won't. I have to get the rest of the stuff out of the fridge. I'll get the stuff out that I know is good, and he can do the rest himself. But, I went from having a house that was pretty clean to once again having one that's a bit of a mess. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm telling him more and more when things he does bothers me, but I don't know if he listens or not.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
:hugs Glad the new fridge is in place.
How things settle back down again to a more positive leve!

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