Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat! I started doing housework at 5:30 am, and worked until close to 7:00. I did some more in the basement, then cleaned the living room. I also threw a load of clothes in the washer, and hung them on the line. Made breakfast, read my Bible while I ate, then went to the farm.

Got the animals all fed, hay out, picked most of the field and went and dumped it. Went back up and picked the rest of the field. Then, I got my 100 ft tape and did a bunch of measuring. I have all my figures written down, and will be working on a plan tomorrow.

It's going to be really nasty starting tomorrow. And while the chicken coop was moved, it was damaged a bit. The door wouldn't shut, and there's a board missing. I managed to get the door to shut, and used a piece of chip board to fill in the gap. So, the chickens should be fine until RU and KN are able to do something w/the coop. Got Stormy fed, bagged feed, and took care of the chickens.

Went and got a load of wood. Lunch was a couple of packs of peanut butter crackers and some Girl Scout cookies I ate while driving. By the time I got home, it was after 2:00. Got the wood all unloaded. The wood holder in the basement is filled. I split some of the stuff that's too fat, and stacked everything that's the right size in the wood shed. The stuff that's too long, and the rest of the stuff that's too fat is just kind of dumped in there. Then I got out the majority of the bark, sawdust, etc out of the back of my truck, fed the goat and took the clothes off the line.

Went in the house and did dishes and took out the trash. And, hubby was complaining because the old fridge leaked some more water, and all I did was throw some paper towels on it. He wanted to know why I couldn't take a couple of minutes to clean it up. :he

By the time I got done all of this, it was around 7:00. So, I stopped. The fridge still needs to be cleaned out and taken out. The floor needs to be cleaned up again. They're calling for several inches of snow tomorrow, so I'm hoping we can get it out B4 it gets too bad. If not, I won't be able to clean the kitchen on Wednesday.

I'm wondering what this storm is actually going to do. I'm beat, but feel wide awake-which is typical for me when there's a big snow storm moving in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm seeing all kinds of forecasted amounts. It went from sunny to flurries to less than an inch. I'm not even sure how many inches they're calling for now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got on this morning to check out the forecast. They are now calling for 8-12 inches of snow! I think it's a good thing I have my snowshoes in my truck, and I think I'm going to be putting a shovel in there as well. I'm going to get to my doctors' appointments as early as possible. They'll take me early if they're there and have the room. I want to get home as early as possible tonight, then not move until tomorrow. And, I'll be taking the main road to the farm. For weight in the back of the truck, I'll be shoveling snow in. That way, once it warms up, I don't have to remove it-it just melts. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I'm home and won't be going out again until some time tomorrow. The allergist's office called this morning wanting to know if I could come in this morning. There was just NO way I could get everything done early enough, and I had no desire to go back afterwards. So they rescheduled me for next week. Since I didn't have to go there, I called the chiropractor's and reschedule for next week as well.

Since I didn't know for sure when it was going to start to snow, I decided to change around my plans. I had been going to work on the basement some, practice the piano, iron some shirts and clean the bathroom B4 leaving. But I decided to not work on the basement and not practice, so I was able to leave early. I'm glad I did. It started to snow around 9:45. I honestly didn't realize how cold I was until I got home. But, I'm happy to say, I got a lot done at the farm. Besides feeding horses and putting out hay, I was also able to move the RB feeder, put the feed cans back in the farm chicken coop (don't know why no one else did it), make a new roosting area for my chickens (I hope this works), clean my field and dump the cart (not the easiest w/the snow on the ground, but I did it!) bag feed and blanket the horses.

I wasn't going to blanket the horses. It's supposed to be better for them if you don't. But, Misty kept coming up to me and I couldn't figure out why until I was able to really get a good look at her. She was shaking like a leaf. So, I put the blankets on them. But, since the run-in faces north, and that's the direction the wind was coming from, it's probably a good thing.

I took the main road home and it was getting bad. I hate to think of what the back roads are like. Hubby would like to leave work early, but doesn't know that he can. As soon as I warm up a bit, I'll be going out and doing the goats. I'm just hoping we don't lose power.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here! I went out and took care of the goats and cleared the snow best I could. We've gotten about 3 or 4" already, but the heavy stuff hasn't gotten here yet. The bed of my truck is about 1/2 way full of snow.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
We've got 6" here now, I don't know how long is supposed to last.
But then I looked x at the 10 day forecast... :ep:th
omg cold! Not looking forward to it at all!

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