Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Neither am I.

I was just on Map Quest trying to figure out how long it would take me to get to your house. Doesn't look like it would be that hard.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, the snow is done. We've gotten about 8" and it's windy. And I don't think they've come thru w/the snow plow. Hubby may have to go to work, but can't get out until they come thru. I'm not sure what all I'm going to do today. I know I'm going to have to go out and shovel some as well as take care of the animals.

Misty has another blanket that's in better shape than the one she's wearing. But, the one strap was off as well as the D rings for hooking the leg straps to. When I was cleaning the basement, I found the strap! And, I found some D rings. I'm pretty sure I can find something to use to attach them. I'm going to fix that at some point in time today. And, w/that fixed, I can get that on her. Then, when we have a warm day, I can wash the one she's wearing, fix it and put it away as a spare.

Licorice's blanket is a hair too small for her. She actually needs one the size of Stormy's. I had been going to buy a new one for Stormy, but in a different color since his blanket is the color I want for her. Instead, I'm going to buy her a new blanket for next winter. Then when I lose Stormy some day, I'll have 2 for her as well.

W/as cold as it's going to be today, I'm hoping I don't have to spend too much time outside. I already warned RU that I was coming for lunch-but I'll have stuff w/me, namely bread, cheese and tomato soup. I've drawn up a tentative plan for a new area for me. It would have a good sized parking area because of the way the farm is set up. I'd have a RP in it, her RBs would be in it, and of course, I'd let my horses in it to graze when I'm there. All told, it's about 1.5 acres-which is more than I have now. W/the parking area, I have about an acre. But, only about 1/2 of it is usable for grazing.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Sounds good on the plan! Great that you'll have so much more space!
I still need to get storm a sheet but somehow an 89 - 90 isn't just something that you run out and pick up.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not sure yet what all I'm going to have. RU was talking about taking the field in a different direction than how I was heading. We're planning on talking more about it on Friday. I don't know if we're going to go back in the field and do any measuring or not. Depending on how bad it is tomorrow, I might do it myself.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
W/hubby at home yesterday, I got very little done. I didn't leave for the farm until after 11:00, and the snow plow hadn't come by the time I left. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get out, but I did. But, housework was pretty much a wash.

They're keeping an eye out on what could be another mess on Saturday. Right now, they're only calling for flurries. But, if this next system takes a dip to the south, it could be another snow storm. I don't want more snow. :(

I've found everything I need for fixing Misty blanket except for one thing-thread. I'm going to be doing some cleaning today in the hopes that I can find the thread I need so I can get it fix. Only problem being, I'm not sure where I can set up my machine. There's an extra fridge still in my kitchen and it's making it hard to get to the table.

Talked a little bit w/RU yesterday and found out she's not going to be storing RBs in the back field this year. Plus she wants my field to go in a different direction than what I'd planned. So, I have to do some more measuring. I don't know if I'll have the time to do that today. There's one thing back there that I need to measure to. But, if I go in that direction, I would probably have a bigger area than what I'd figured!

I'm almost out of wood in the house. So this afternoon, I'll have to do some. Don't feel like it, but don't have a choice. And, my wood carrier ripped. I had been going to buy new material on Tuesday and make a new one, but since I didn't go to my appointments, that didn't get done. So, it will be fun bringing wood in today.

I hadn't planned on getting on here this morning, but I needed to check my e-mails and see if they canceled Bible study. As of now, they haven't. I'll check again B4 I leave. If I don't get an e-mail canceling it, I might just call to be sure we're still having it. I hope we do. It will give me a chance to get out of the cold for awhile.
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Took a walk down to the back field this afternoon and did some measuring. Depending on how far over RU is talking for my new area to go, I could end up w/around 2 to 2.5 acres! But one thing I would insist on, even if I had to do the majority of the work myself is good fencing! The existing fence is in horrible condition. Plus, there's a ton of multiflora rose growing all over it. I know my bratty pony. This would be something that she would HAVE to test, and she'd end up either getting hurt, getting out or both. And, I don't need that.

When I got to the farm today, I had a pair of bigger gloves on over my one size fits all stretch gloves. I don't know if I dropped them when I was putting out hay or what, but when I went to leave for my Bible study, I couldn't find them. I checked when I got back and STILL couldn't find them. And there was just no way that I was looking thru all the hay. I know the horses won't eat them, but I'm wondering if the Brat will destroy them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The horses had pretty much eaten all the hay in the feeder so I looked for my gloves and saw no sign of them. So, I don't have a clue as to where they went.

I don't think it got out of the teens today. But, I actually wasn't bothered much by the cold. I thought it was warmer than that. I had put some water in a black rubber bowl for the farm chickens and set it in a sunny location. When I checked it later, there was no ice in it. But when I got in my truck to leave just a bit later, it was only 18*!

RU forgot I was coming over this afternoon, so she wasn't home. And, I had lunch w/me that needed both the microwave and the stove. I had a can of tomato soup to heat up in the microwave, and a grilled cheese that wasn't grilled. So I ended up eating lunch w/her hubby.

For the first time since it snowed, I went to the farm the normal way. Most of the roads are pretty clear now. But, there are still some bad spots, so I'm very careful on those. But I pretty much know where those spots are, so I slow down B4 I get to them.

They're calling for more snow tomorrow. But at least they're not calling for much, only about an inch. I hope they're right. But, they're calling for more bitter cold for the middle of next week-including the day I have my appointments. I think I'm going to have something that I can cook in the oven for those days to help heat up the house. I am so looking forward to spring.

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