Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Me too. Our roads are thankfully clear and since its been so cold, we haven't had the freezer thaw cycles to create the wet then icy spots so I think that is helping. It was 11 when I got home a bit ago. Brrrr!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We have some that are quite slushy in spots. I really take it easy on them. Years ago, I totaled a truck when I hydroplaned. Someone crossed the center line and I swerved to avoid the. Ended up hydroplaning into a tree at 50 MPH. Not fun.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yeah. The bf slid and wrecked his jeep so neither of us are really keen on those kinds of things. Have you gotten much more snow today? I don't know what the hourly expected is but we got a dusting of being snow then it stopped. No idea if they are expecting it to start again or not.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They're just calling for light stuff today.

I'm ready to scream. Hubby's home and driving me nuts!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, I was ready to throw something at hubby today. I have a horse blanket to fix. But I can't find my black thread. So I'm looking for it today. Hubby asks what I'm doing. I tell him. He asks, why don't you just buy a spool of it, then find what you're missing later. I told him I was going to do that on Tuesday, but then didn't have my appointments and I haven't been near a store since. His reply? Sure you have. Then he says, I don't know what you actually do all day. :he

Normally, he wants to spend the day running around. And he told me that he had stores he wanted to go to. So since I needed the thread, I wasn't overly upset about it. Then he decides that he's not going to go. By that time, it was snowing. And even though it wasn't snowing that hard, the roads were getting covered. So, I decided to leave earlier than normal, go feed the horses, run to the grocery store and get a few things I need-including my thread. I decided to take the main road to the farm. It adds over a mile to my trip, but the roads are much clearer. I get onto the farm road and wasn't sure I was going to make it. The wind had been blowing, and snow had drifted all over the road. I was glad I met no one coming the other way and was able to just keep going.

Get to the farm, get everything done and really didn't want to leave. Hubby was drunk when I left, and I really didn't feel like dealing w/him. So, I walked down to the back and was looking at what will hopefully be my new area. It was nice and peaceful down there, but as much as I would have loved to stay down there longer, I finally walked back up. When I got up even w/my chickens, I saw that even though they weren't out enjoying the water I had put out, there were a ton of juncos and white throated sparrows that were. I also saw a couple of cardinals, but I'm not sure that they can fit in there.

Got the groceries I needed, but couldn't find thread. Wen to Dollar General, all they had was the little sewing kits and the thread in there isn't that great for using in a machine. So, I headed back in the direction of the supermarket. There's a drug store near it, so I went in there. Found my thread and came home.

The main road wasn't bad, so I decided to cut over and come home the back roads. Going this way would take me past my church and I wanted to see how bad the road was. If we have church tomorrow, I'm going to have to leave early and go a different way to church! The road my church is on isn't in the greatest shape. But, the one road I normally take to get there was horrible! I wasn't sure I was going to make it thru. And, it's going to get quite cold tonight.

Got home and found that hubby brought in wood. I hate it when he does. He doesn't stack it properly, just dumps it. But there should hopefully be enough wood to last until Monday, so I'll be able to bring more in and stack it properly.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Started something new at church today. B4 the message, I had all the kids come up and did an object lesson for them. They enjoyed it and so did the adults. So, every Sunday that the choir doesn't sing, I'll be doing one of these. I need to write them all down and see if I can get them published. It would be a source of income for me.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
We had drift spots in the road here from the wind last night too. Nothing too bad but still not great either. Crazy weather.
The lessons sound cool! I hope you can get them together!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Thanks! I got the first lesson all written down! And, I have the title for the 2nd one. That's been part of my problem, coming up w/a title for them. I might not need one for when I do them myself, but I figure for others, I need to have a title for them.

Today was warmer. But since I wasn't home for much of the morning, hubby burned a LOT of wood, like 2 days worth! He was bragging when I got home as to how warm the house was. I wasn't impressed. After all, it's normally this warm in here when I'm doing the stove when the temps are like this, and I use a lot less wood. He wanted to bring in more, I wouldn't let him. There's enough for the night and tomorrow morning at least. I'm hoping to be do more wood tomorrow. If I can get done what I want, I should have most if not all of the stuff that's too long cut up and in the basement.

Since I'm not getting on here in the morning, I haven't been doing my list. I need the list to help keep me motivated. And since hubby will be at work tomorrow, I should get a lot done. So my list for tomorrow:

1. Finish ironing shirts
2. Fold and put away a load of clothes
3. Clean living room
4. Make chocolate chip banana bread
5. Feed animals and put out hay
6. Have farrier out for the horses
7. Clean field. Since my horses will be moving, it doesn't bother me now to add to Mt. Manure. And, it's much easier on me
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
9. Do firewood
10. Work on basement
11. Feed goats
12. Make and eat dinner
13. Do dishes
14. Work on book

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm just not getting much done nowadays. Part of it is this weather. It's just too cold outside for me to get stuff done the way I want and I'm tired of the cold. It got down to -6* last night! I waited until it went above 0 to leave for the farm.

Part of it is I think I'm just worn out. I need a break, but don't know when I'm going to get one. Plus, my knee has really been bothering me, and I'm not sure why. I'll be so glad when the weather finally warms up.

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