Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'll be getting some ice cream soon, and probably go to bed early.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They've changed the forecast. They're now calling for 5-8"! But at least they're calling for it to start later than they were saying. So, I'm planning on leaving real early so I can get stuff done. I'll get wet-it's raining out, but at least it's not snowing yet. So, my plan for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Feed animals, move RB feeder and put out hay
3. Clean field
4. Sweep tack shed
5. Work on book
6. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
7. Feed goats
8. Clean living room
9. Put away a load of laundry
10. Work in basement
11. Make and eat dinner
12. Dishes


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yeah I wrote up to rain and was confused! Still no sheet for my horse. I hope he's ok!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And it's still raining! I got cold and wet. And they've changed the forecast again. Basically, they don't know WHAT this storm is doing. So, we may not get much snow at all. :idunno


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
We had rain until right before I left this morning, but 15 minutes south it didn't turn to snow until 2 hours later and even further south its been rain all day. Crazy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was an adventure. It was raining when I got up, and since they were calling for it to change to heavy snow, I left for the farm much earlier than normal. I wanted to have as much done as possible B4 it got really bad out there. I didn't take any rain gear. I don't own anything that really works to keep me both warm and dry and figured that I'd be fine w/my Carhartt's. After all, it was supposed to change to snow pretty early.

It rained the whole way out to the farm. And since I figured it would be easier to pull straight out once it started to snow, I backed down the lane. The parking area is a muddy mess, so there was just no way I could park in there. I feed my guys. I was going to wait to feed CL's since they were at the back of the field eating hay, but they came up, so I went ahead and fed them. It is so muddy in her field by the run in, that the bottom of my overalls were dragging in the mud.

Once everyone was eating, I went ahead and moved the RB feeder. It was still raining. And if anything, it was raining even harder! Then, I had to get out hay. I thought about just putting out a bale, but I wanted to put out extra hay in case I had to wait until later to get to the farm, so I went ahead and pulled some off the RB. Needless to say, the horses were done eating well B4 then. I finally get done, and let all the horses loose. I also opened the door to my chicken pen, but they much preferred to hide under their house. I can't say I blame them.

It was still pouring and I was wet! So I decided I wasn't going to even attempt to clean up manure. Instead, I went , and hid in my tack shed w/the heater on. Even though I had had on a heavy jacket, my shirt was still wet. I keep an old shirt there as a spare and put it on. It smelled like cat pee. So I took it off. But, I needed something to put on. I did have a coverall that I used when I painted my tack shed. It was folded up and put away. I put that on. My wet clothes were hung the best I could in front of the heater. But, it just wasn't warming up in there fast enough. So rather than cleaning up in there some, I decided to get in my sleeping bag and cover my head. But, my feet were freezing! If I had had another pair of socks, I would have put them on, but no such luck. I'm not sure how long I hid under there, but I just wasn't warming up. Nor when I poked my nose out did it feel like it was warming up in my shed. So, I got up and found out that I had run out of propane.

I know I have a 2 pack of propane someplace. I just saw it the other day. I'm almost positive it's in my truck, so I put my socks and boots back on and went and looked. I had no luck finding it. Of course, I was kneeling on the front seat and tearing apart the back. While I was doing this, PT walked by on her way to feed her horses. So I decided that even though it was way early, I was going to go ahead and feed Stormy.

I get Stormy fed, and go to bag feed. I weigh out all my feed, but if it's too cold out, my scale doesn't work. Well, it was too cold. So, I guessed how much feed I needed for 1 feeding, and took that in my tack shed. I put the scale in my truck. It's now on my kitchen table. I hope I don't forget it tomorrow. I got the bags of feed all ready to go for tomorrow morning, then took care of the farm chickens and my chickens. Then I went and checked on Stormy. He was almost done eating, so I opened up the run in and opened his gate. Both Misty and Licorice were in the run in. And even though they had their blankets on, they were still shivering. I could only hope it would stop raining. And I found myself really wishing that I was down back since the wind would have been blocked.

Now I'm ready to leave. So I went and sat in my truck. I figured PT had to be about done, but didn't want to just run the truck while waiting for her. I couldn't get out until she did since she was blocking the lane. I had to wait 10 minutes. She finally got done and left and I went home. It was STILL pouring rain!

I had been going to do the goats once I got home. But, they were hiding in their house, and I didn't have the heart to make them come out in the rain. Plus, I was cold and wet! So instead, I went in the house and threw some wood in the stove. Then, I took off everything but my jeans and underwear. That was the only thing that was dry. Went in the bedroom, and took of my jeans and put on a pair of "jeans" sweat pants, a sweat shirt and dry socks. I could not get warm until I made myself a big cup of tea and sat around for quite some time w/an afghan over my legs.

Once I was warm, I finally got up, practiced the piano, cleaned the living room and did the laundry. Around 2:00, it did finally start to snow, but we got almost no accumulation! And w/the rain, the majority of the snow was already gone! I don't know if the farm had more snow or not, but it's supposed to rain again on Wednesday, so I'm hoping the snow will be all gone then.

By 5:00, the snow had pretty much stopped, so I went out and fed the goats. By then they were happy to come out. I still need to make myself some dinner, but I'm thinking that's going to be potato soup. Then once I've eaten and done the dishes, I'm really thinking of soaking in the tub. I haven't done that in years. And, since I plan on cleaning the bathroom tomorrow, this is a good night to do it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Sounds about like my day lol. I was warm and mostly dry but I kept having the issue of getting too hot then cold again. Glad to be in the house!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here-especially since it's nice and warm in here!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I've barely moved from in front of the stove, even though I probably should have! :hide

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