Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't get it all done. I thought I was going to have some help today since other people were going to be at the farm. Instead, just call me the little red hen.

I left a bit later than I'd planned to leave. I almost forgot I had to hang out clothes. But, I get to the farm, get my guys fed, then get the field cleaned. There were some tall weeds in the field, so I went ahead and mowed them. While I was doing all this, my horses were in the parking area.

While I was getting this done, PT arrived at the farm. So after I had the manure spread, we moved horses. I thought KN was going to help. I knew she needed to run to the store and the bank, but I thought she was going to wait until after we moved the horses. Nope, she went B4. So, it took longer than expected. Since mine were in the parking area, we moved PT's first. Then, we got mine moved. It took a few minutes, but they all settled down. There's still a sheep in my field. I don't know how we're going to get it out, but it HAS to come out. I think what I need to do is make it so it can only go out thru the gate into CL's field. Then, when it's up in the run-in, shut the gate to that and chase it into PT's new field. I'm just not sure when it will happen.

KN is under doctor's orders not to lift anything heavy. And she was heading to the feed store. I then had to wait for her to get back so I could unload it for her. So, PT and I started switching other stuff around. Once she got there, I unloaded the feed for her, dumped it where it needed to be, got RU's truck and headed home. Then I had to wait for hubby to move DD's car. He told me to call B4 I came home so he could move it. So, I had to wait. I finally got the trailer hooked up and left. I HATE driving RU's truck-especially backing it. But, I finally got it in position, and started loading up hay. I thought I was going to have help. Nope. I did the hay myself. I kept out 4 bales for now, and 3 for the goats. I had planned on keeping out 2 for the goats, but the last one wouldn't fit. Then I took the truck down and backed it in between LF's run-in and a fence. I couldn't get it quite where I wanted it, but it's down there. KN did help me cover it w/a tarp, which I tied down.

I also was able to get my feed cans moved down. I got the hay shelter cleaned out. I moved other stuff around. All w/no help. PT and RU cleaned up some of the junk around her area, but there's still more down there.

And, my shed isn't getting moved tomorrow. There's still too much that needs to be moved and I'm not getting there early to move it all. It may happen next Saturday. We'll see.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I'm taking it easy. Not so much that I wished to but I'm being forced to. KN normally feeds my horses on Sunday morning. But, since I had nothing set up for them-didn't have time yesterday, I fed them. I decided I'd tie both Licorice and Misty in the areas where they'll be fed. I just needed to hang feed buckets, then halter them and tie them up. Licorice was easy. Misty gave me grief about catching her. I was finally able to get her caught, haltered and tied. Stormy I left loose. I grab the kitty litter bucket that I use to transport the feed, step out of the feed stall and promptly fell to the ground. My ankle turned under me. I thought I had broken it. I was by myself and the phone was in the car. So I real quick prayed, Lord give me strength.

I finally stopped hurting quite as much, so tied my boot tighter-it covers my ankle, collected the bags of feed and got everyone fed. I'm also now feeding LF's horses, so I got them fed as well. Once everyone was done eating, I let them loose. But, I forgot to shut the gate behind me, so all 3 of them walked out. At least they didn't go any place and I was able to drive them back in the field.

W/them all in, I got changed for church. (Good thing I just wear clean jeans and a clean button down shirt, makes it easy to change) If my barn boots didn't smell so bad, I would have left them on. But, I didn't want to sit there and smell them, nor did I think anyone else wanted to either. So, when I got to church, I changed into my cowboy boots.

We had a luncheon at church today. Someone helped me get my lasagna in and took it down to the kitchen for me. During Sunday School, I kept my foot up on a chair. During church, I pulled off my boot and sat in a corner of the pew so I could have my foot up. I managed to get down the stairs. And, I had people bring me food!

Now I'm home and am relaxing. There's no evening service tonight. So, unless there's something I have to do-like feed animals, I'm not planning on doing anything. I've done this B4 and know that if I take it easy today, as long as I keep my boot tied tight tomorrow, I should be OK.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got out to the farm to give Stormy his 3rd feeding and take care of the chickens. Well, Stormy didn't get fed his lunch! KN was going to do it, but other people were going on a trail ride, so they invited her. She went-and forgot about Stormy. :somad So, he only got 2 feedings today. If I had everything set up down there, I would have stayed and given him his 3rd feeding. But, w/out having my shed down there, I wasn't up to it. I have no place to sit down and relax yet.

Hubby finally took DD's car someplace to get it fixed. So, we're back to 2 vehicles. And he's finally admitted that he can't fix my truck. I don't know what he's going to do about it. He took apart the rear! So, we can't even drive it someplace to have it fix. If I had the money, I saw a truck on CL that sounds really good, a 2004 Dodge 1500 quad cab 4x4 hemi w/less than 100,000 miles for $9500 obo. And that's what I'd like to get, I just don't have the money.

It feels much later than it is. I think it's between the time change and it getting darker early, the evenings just seem so long. I need to get more of the basement done so I can go down there and start working on some nature lessons I can teach.
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Ankle feels much better today. It barely hurts at all. So, if I have it strapped again, and wear my boot, I should be fine for getting stuff done. It's a good thing it's my left one. If it was my right, I don't know that I'd chance it.

I've been up since 3:00. I went to bed early last night. I was beat. I figured that between the time change and being so tired, I'd sleep until around 5:00 and get up feeling great. Instead, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I tossed and turned for awhile, try doing some reading and finally gave up. Hubby had to leave for work early today and will be getting home late. So, I should get a lot done today.

At home, I'm planning on cleaning my living room. Then, if I have time, I have a whole basket of clothes that need to be ironed. I brought home a bale of hay in hubby's car. The ones I saved out for the goats don't fit in my hay bale holder, so I just stuck it in the back and got it out once I got home. I just didn't get it where it belonged. But, I had a feeling there was stuff that he needed out of his car, and I didn't want him to see it and flip out. I was right. So, I'll get the hay bale where it needs to go and bring home the 3rd one. They should be good for hay now for awhile.

I'm hoping to get the run-in all cleaned out today-including the hay stall. And, I'm going to start cleaning up the field. I don't know how long that will take, but I'll be filling up the spreader both w/what my horses have done and what PT's did. I'll then pull out any tall weeds in that area and put them in the pit where I haven't started filling in. There's a small spot that's clean. I'm hoping if I have the weeds buried deep enough, the seeds won't be able to sprout.

At home, even though I don't have my truck and can't get the rest of the wood, I need to get working on the goat/chicken house. My brother has a truck, so I'm going to ask him if I can borrow it one day, or have him take me to get the stuff I need. I'm also going to work on the lane into the woods this week. I'm either going to have to use his truck to get my generator home, or just stick it in the back of hubby's car. I really need to get working on wood. Thank God it's still fairly warm out, so I haven't had to have a fire that often. I'll probably need a fire in the evening for the rest of the week just to keep the basement warm, but that's it. It's supposed to be in the 70s all week long!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
When I've turned an ankle or knee I have generally used the horse wrap to keep it tight and stable. Love that stuff! sticks to self, little flex, easy to use, works great!

Glad you're feeling better. Why not try to borrow bro's truck for a wknd and do all those moving things at one time? Maybe he'll even help. LOL

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
MH, I've used vet wrap B4, I just don't know where mine is! Everything is too tore up. I don't know yet what I'm doing about a truck. Hubby worked late. He's on his way home, so I'm going to talk to him once he gets home and relaxes for a bit.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Changed around my plans today. I did the laundry first, then worked on the living room. And I found that going downstairs hurt my ankle. Wasn't too happy about that.

I was heading to the farm when my phone rings. It was RU. She was babysitting her grandkids, had no child seat and had gotten a call that there were horses out. She was afraid that it was KN's horse and the one that's in w/her horse. KN's horse does not respect the slip board fence for long. If she decides she's hungry, she goes right thru it. It makes for very expensive firewood. I got to the farm and found the 2 of them out. And I also found one of LF's minis out. RU told me to just put the 2 full sized horses in w/CL's, so I did. Then I called KN and told her they got out. She wanted them in the back. I wasn't going to do it, I had enough to do as it was. But, I was afraid that PT wouldn't be able to handle feeding CL's horses w/them in there-which would have meant that I had to help her. Plus I was afraid that they'd break the fence in that field. So, I took them thru the RP and let them out back. I also figured out where LF's mini has been getting out. The little brat is stepping thru 2 fence boards, so I tied a pallet there. Hopefully she can't get out any place else.

I decided not to work on the run-in today. I wasn't sure my ankle would handle it. So instead, I worked on cleaning up the field. I was pulling weeds, but couldn't find my leather gloves. The only thing I could find was a leg from a pair of jeans. It doesn't work that well, so I was pulling them carefully-mostly spiny pigweed. Because of the weeds and the long grass, there was manure that I couldn't just get w/the fork. So instead, I was pulling the weeds, then raking the area and collecting the manure. I mowed the area I got done. It wasn't as much as I would have liked to have done, but it looks better than it did. And, I started making a video. Now I just need to figure out how to get a U-Tube channel and how to post it.

I got home later than I'd planned. I did bring home the last bale of hay. So, I got that one and the one I brought home yesterday where I wanted them. Tomorrow I plan on bringing home my generator. Then, little by little, I'll be bringing home the firewood I still have out there.

It was getting dark by the time I got home. But I still had some light, so I decided I'd work on cutting some so I could get into the woods. I didn't get very far. It was darker than I thought. I couldn't really see what I was cutting, and I may have been cutting poison ivy! So I stopped.

Hubby is trying to find someone to fix the truck, so I doubt I'll have it this weekend. That means I'll be picking up some wood in the jeep-it will fit. I'm going to try and have the run-in and hay stall all done this week. Then if I don't have my truck for next week, I'll find someone that will either let me borrow a truck, or will take me to get what I need. It takes me a long time to leave since I don't have the chickens in my field.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Not sure how much I'll get done today. I have Bible study this morning, but I need to do laundry, housework and go to the feed store first. Then when I get back to the farm, I'll be doing one load in the manure spreader. Since I'm having to pull weeds and do some raking as well, I'm not sure how long that will take. If I have time left, I'll work on the run-in. I want to get home earlier today. Hopefully I'll have time to work on the lane B4 I get a shower and go out w/my motorcycle group. And, I'll leave a fire all set to start.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday was one of those days. I just didn't feel like doing anything in the morning. And while I got the laundry out on the line, I did very little housework. I did go to the feed store. I think I'm going to have to change Misty's feed. It went up $2.00 a bag in 3 weeks! I planned on unloading the feed when I got there. That didn't happen.

When I walked to my run-in, the horses were all standing in their "stalls". I have lead ropes for Misty and Licorice tied so I just have to grab their halters, put them on, then clip on the lead ropes. The gate into this area doesn't always close properly. I thought I had it latched behind me. Nope, it swung open. Licorice took this opportunity to get out. I was able to just walk up to her. I don't know why I didn't take her halter. But, I was able to walk her back. But, I couldn't get her thru the gate. She finally managed to get past me and run off again. I decided to get Misty and Stormy started on eating. Well, since Licorice was being a brat, Misty acted up and wouldn't let me catch her. And I wasn't up to chasing her. So, I grabbed Licorice's halter and a feed scoop and went after her.

Normally if you shake the feed, she'll come right up to you and let you catch her. She was up closer to the road, so I shook the feed. She started running alright-in the opposite direction. She ran down the lane, then along the edge of the road and into RU's back yard. I caught her there. But, I didn't have a lead w/me, so I just grabbed her halter and started walking. I picked up a piece of baling twine on our way back, and tied that on to make it easier. Once I had her tied, I was able to catch and tie Misty w/no problem. Get them fed, then go and feed LF's horses. And, the mini did not escape! So, where I put the pallet is where the little brat is getting out.

W/them fed, and my guys still tied up, I went up front and let my chickens out. Then, I hooked my mower to the cart and put a few things in it that I need. PT and I still don't have everything completely changed around. I drove that down. For now, I have to go thru the fields because my trailer is blocking the entrance from the other way. There's enough room to walk past it, but not get the mower by. So I knew I could get the mower out of the field w/out having anyone else escape.

When I got back from Bible study, I found PT's one horse standing at the gate. So, I couldn't open the gate to let Stormy out for his 2nd feeding. She would have gotten in the field and I didn't feel like chasing her. So, I grabbed her halter and walked her out past my trailer. Then I grabbed one of my gates. They're not in place yet, so I leaned one of them up against my trailer to block access to my area. The other end is up against a fence post. There's a chain on the gate, so I have that wrapped around the post. It's not quite how I want it, but it will do for now. I don't have to worry about my horses getting out, or other horses coming to visit. Then I let Stormy out and fed him.

I started doing some more cleaning of the field. I got a whole bunch of poke weed and jimson weed cut back that's growing along the fence line. Then I started pulling weeds and looking for old manure. I didn't get very far when I decided that trying to pull all the weeds in this field just wasn't worth it, so I got the mower and cut the field. There's still a lot of good grass, the horses just couldn't get to it because of the weeds. The field isn't perfect, some of the weeds, especially the jimson weeds were really tall. But it's so much better than it was. I can see the manure now and the horses can get to the grass.

One of the things I brought down in the cart was my wagon. So, I got that off the cart (it wasn't easy getting it on or off!), and unloaded the feed. In the old field, I had to go thru the field to get to the feed stall. Here, I don't have to. It's so much easier! I don't have to remember to put the feed away when the horses are eating. If I didn't, I had a certain bratty pony trying to "help" me.

I didn't leave as early as I'd planned, but I still got home earlier than yesterday. And, I took my generator home. I had a few minutes to spare, so I started cutting back the lane in the woods. I made progress and hope to do more today.

The place my motorcycle group went to for dinner was right near a supermarket. So, after dinner I went shopping. I have a ton of green tomatoes and want to make green tomato pickles and mincemeat-neither of which I've made B4. I just need apples. But, I can get them for so much cheaper locally. So, guess what I'll be doing today?

Today, I have a volunteer meeting. I plan on going and feeding first, then going to the meeting, then going back to the farm. I'm planning on filling the manure spreader 1x, then working on the run-in and hay stall. My ankle doesn't hurt anymore, so I should be able to get that done. I also need to put away clothes, do housework and do some canning. And, if I get time, I'll work some more on the lane. I'm hoping if it doesn't rain on Saturday, I can get some firewood. I just have to get the key for the mower from hubby. I plan on putting the generator and chainsaw in the cart we have here, driving the mower into the woods, cutting some wood up, then using the cart to get it home. I can get to the trees easier w/the mower than I can w/my truck. Plus, I won't have to carry the generator thru the woods to get close enough to use it. That gets old.

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