Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We have the remnants of Patricia coming thru today. So that means wind and periods of rain. How much rain we're going to get, I don't know. I'm hoping it's not too much. If we get enough to make the farm a muddy mess that won't dry out quickly, I may not be able to have my shed moved on Saturday. So, I'm hoping for just enough since we could really use the rain, but not so much that it messes up Saturday's plans.

Since I probably won't be able to work on the run-in, I plan to work in my shed. I'm going to give it a good cleaning. Stuff that's loose will be packed into boxes. The cot will be taken down and put in it's bag. The foam will be rolled up, tied and maybe put in a bag. I want to have everything ready for Saturday.

If I get that all done, I'll see if I can do anything about the feed stall. And then, if we get a period w/no rain, or light rain, I'll work on the run-in.

B4 heading to the farm, I'm heading to the store that sells the fencing I'm planning on using for the chicken pen. I want to be sure they have enough in stock. Plus, my spading fork keeps coming apart. I'm borrowing someone elses, but have no idea who it belongs to. So, I'll get one in that store. I know they sell them, and have planned on buying one. Then, if PT really does decide to help, there'll be 2 forks. I left my shovel, the borrowed fork and my bucket down there the other day. I was curious to see if she'd do anything. Well, she did nothing. I'm still a bit sore from what I did. I'm already planning a nice long soak in the tub for Friday evening. I'm hoping that the rest of the cleaning will not take as long. I don't think it will. I think part of the problem the other day was because of how everything was in that area from the tractor. I now have a system for working at it, so we'll see.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here. So far, it hasn't been too bad, but I don't know what it's going to do overnight.

Today was actually a pretty good day. I worked in the bedroom this morning, then went to the store. They had no spading forks. I wasn't happy about that. Then I looked for the fencing. I didn't see that either. But, since I don't need it right away, I decided not to ask about it. Instead, I headed to the farm.

Once I got everyone fed, I helped RU move a horse. He's blind, and she wanted to put him in the barn. She needed to take him thru CL's field. I hadn't let everyone loose after feeding, so that helped. It wasn't easy, but we finally got him in the barn and in a stall. Then, I let CL's horses loose and got to work. The first stall is now cleaned out! I took a break for lunch, then started working on the 2nd one. This one is actually easier to clean. I was doing good when it started to pour! So, I went back up to my shed. I was soaked. So, I dried off a bit, then started packing stuff up. I don't know how much I really need to pack. I was going to take down the cot but figured it probably wasn't needed. Instead, I started putting loose stuff in boxes or drawers. I got quite a bit done, then fed Stormy, put out hay, fed the chickens and headed home.

I was going to do some dishes, but I just don't feel like it. I was dirty, wet and tired. So, I got everyone fed, then got a shower. I'm going to make myself some soup for dinner and relax for the rest of the evening. I'm planning on leaving super early tomorrow. I should be able to get the 2nd stall done and get started on the 3rd. If I really work at it, I may even be close to finished!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I am at the farm much earlier than planned. We are now down to 1 vehicle. So, hubby had to drop me off on his way to work. Problem being, it's still dark out! So, I can't get anything done outside. I have to clean up a bit in my tack shed so I can make some breakfast. But, I have pancake mix, so at least I have something to eat.

My goal for today is to get as much of that run-in cleaned as I can today. Then hopefully hubby can get my bike fixed so I can take it tomorrow. It's just not going to be as warm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Stall #2 is now cleaned out and I've started on stall #3. I didn't think stall #2 was going to take as long. I was making really good progress. I thought I was going to be done well B4 lunch time. Then I got to the back part of the stall. Because of all the rain, the back part of the stall was wet. And there was baling twine and netting mixed in w/it all. I worked until around 12:30, then fed Stormy, put out some hay, and made myself some lunch.

When I was done eating, I went back to the stall. I worked until hubby called at 3:30 saying he was on his way. I'm not sure how bad stall #3 is going to be. It doesn't seem to be as deep, but there's more baling twine and netting. PT did help for a bit, but not that long since she had to go to work. I think she's finally getting it. She's actually looking forward to moving up front now, even thought the field is smaller. She's planning on keeping it clean (I'll believe it when I see it), and she figures it will be easier to work w/the horses since she'll have the RP right there. We'll see.

I had almost everything done by the time hubby got there. I almost hated to get in the car. Plain and simple, I stunk! But, I had no other way to get home. When we got home, I went out and fed animals, then did dishes and cleaned the bathroom. Then, I got a shower. My hands still have some smell to them, but it's not as bad as it was. We got take outs for dinner, so I have the leftovers for breakfast and lunch.

Tomorrow hubby will be dropping me off again. I'll be so glad when I have something to drive again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You and me both! I'm at the farm nice and early again. But, it's colder out today, so I had to turn my heater on! In just a bit, I'll be making my coffee, then get started. I will have stall #3 done today-unless something happens.

We may not be able to move stuff around until Sunday. The guy that's supposed to move my shed may have to work tomorrow. That's OK. We'd still move the horses tomorrow. It would actually be better for me. I'd have more done and have less to do next week. I may even be able to get the hay stall cleaned out and all the hay put away-providing I can get the wood I need today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat. I got most of stall #3 cleaned out. I'll be finishing it in the morning. And, I'll be getting my old field cleaned, then take out all my stuff from the run-in. Tomorrow, I'll be moving my horses!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Found out yesterday that RU didn't realize I was cleaning the run-in by hand. If she had known, she would have brought the tractor down and seen if she could have gotten the mess out. But, I pretty much filled in the part of the pit I wanted to fill in w/all of the crap in there! When I do the hay stall, I plan on seeing if she can get that crap out w/the tractor. It will make my life easier.

I have to hang a load of clothes out on the line, then I'll be grabbing some breakfast and leaving. I want to get to the farm as early as possible. I'll feed my horses, then clean the field. My horses will be in the parking area. I have some weeds coming up, so I'll mow the field. Then, I'll take down my hay nets, bucket holders, the rings I have for the stall guards and the gates. I'll head down back then, and see if I can't finish cleaning out that last stall.

W/that done, I have to put up a part wall along the front of the run in, then hang the gates and get the stalls all set up. I'm hoping by then PT is there and has her horses fed. Then, we can switch the horses around. Once they're switched, I'll be borrowing RU's truck and coming home to get my trailer. I have some trash and old chicken poop I'll be bringing home as well and my generator and a couple bales of hay for the goats. l

When I get back to the farm, I'll get my hay all loaded in the trailer-I hope it all fits! Then, we can get PT's hay moved into the hay shelter. For now, we'll probably put her feed and tack in the hay shelter as well. She needs to leave by 1:00, so I hope we have all of her stuff out of that area by then.

Then, I can take all of my feed and building supplies out of my feed stall and put it down in the other one. There is pea gravel in the feed stall that I'm removing. I paid for it and I want it in the stalls. (I'll probably leave one stall w/out the wall for now. I'll shovel the gravel into the bucket of the tractor for moving it.) We have some pallets w/solid tops. If PT wants to, she can put them down for a floor in that stall.

The guy that's going to be moving my shed is supposed to be coming this afternoon to look everything over. I'm hoping he'll be able to move my shed tomorrow. The problem being, RU has an old shed right where mine needs to go. And, it's not in good shape. He may not be able to move it-it might fall apart. If he can't, I don't know what we're going to do.

I also need to stop at the store at some point in time. I don't have any candy for tonight and we're having a lunch at church tomorrow. I'm bringing lasagna. I just don't have everything I need to make it.

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