Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Had a pretty good day today. I was able to get 2 loads of clothes put away and washed another load and got them out on the line. I also got the dishes all caught up then worked in the garden for a bit. I got about 2/3 of the path between hubby's garden and the fence done. I would have gotten more of it done, but it's mostly grass, so it's taken forever! And, I FINALLY got my pansies planted!

W/that all done, I did something I've been wanting to do for months, but haven't been able to. I went canoeing! Hubby had to help me get the canoe on top of the Blazer, then someone helped me get it off. Only problem being, coming back the wind had really picked up. I was beat by the time I got back to where we put in.

From there, I headed to the farm. DM was there. She asked me the other day about getting a rain sheet for her horse, so we tried on an old blanket that doesn't fit any of my horses, then Misty's sheet. I was expecting the 1st one to fit since she's a bigger horse. Much to our surprise, Misty's fit her. So now she knows what size to get.

Got everyone fed, then got home as quick as possible. The sky had gotten real dark, and it was windy. It was a good thing I had the canoe tied down as tightly as I did. Otherwise it would have slipped to the side! And I found a nice surprise when I got home. Hubby had started working on a flower garden that I haven't used in years. It had a ton of big stuff that needed to come out. He got most of it out! And, he mowed the lawn, so it's starting to look much better here.

Got the canoe put away, got animals fed and got everything put away just in time. It's pouring out there.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Glad you got to go canoeing - I know you enjoy that. Bonus day with hubby helping get some things accomplished! We're probably going to get rain too...ugh!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, it hadn't rain since yesterday, so we were overdue.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
After all the nice weather yesterday, today was much colder and windy! I haven't even opened up my greenhouse, and don't think I will. I want the heat to stay in there. They're calling for a low of 40, but just in case it's lower than that, I don't want to let out any heat.

I was going to do a lot of work on my fence since we have no church tonight. But w/the wind, I just didn't feel like it. I did get started. I did get down the one gate, put up a post, then put boards where the gate was. Then I leaned the gate up where it's supposed to go, then marked where I'll need to put a post and measured off of there so I know where I need to put the rest of the posts. That will get done tomorrow. Then w/that section of the fence done, I can put the welded wire up there. If we have good weather this week, I hope to have everything done-except the fence between my field and LF's. We both hate the fence that's up, so I want to talk to her and see what we want to do about it. I'm wondering if there's enough of the slip-board fence from what was taken down in places.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It was 32 here when I got up this morning with a serious frost!! I'm SO glad I didn't put the starts I got outside!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was 32 here when I got up this morning with a serious frost!! I'm SO glad I didn't put the starts I got outside!

Were they calling for a frost? I know they didn't for this area. I'm wondering if anyone lost anything.

For some reason, I'm tired. I kept on waking up all night to check the temps. We got down to about 35* by the house, but I know it was colder farther away from the house. I could see frost on top of my truck and on hubby's shed. I went out early and checked my plants, they were all OK. Coming back to the house, I notice that a small puddle had frozen! It is NOT supposed to be this cold in May!

Got the living room clean and did dishes B4 leaving. I needed feed for all the horses. So I went to the feed store and got Misty's and Licorice's feed, then headed to TSC for Stormy's. Then I headed to the farm and got everyone fed.

After I got everyone fed, I got the small gate down and put the larger gate up. W/the gate in place, I went and got the tractor. The first post was the hardest. I had to make sure it was right where it needed to be so I could latch the gate. When I got the hole dug and put the post in, I realized that I was too far away, so I pulled it out and got in where it belonged.

The rest of the posts were easier. I'd dig the hole, pull out the post, put it in the new hole, then put boards up from one post to the other. And since I was measuring how deep the hole was, it made it much easier than putting the post in, then trying to decide if it was the right depth. It took awhile, but that part of the fence is done! And RU is thrilled w/how it looks. I did have to put CL's horses in the RP for a bit-one got in my field and I had to catch him, but at least the pig didn't get in.

The last part of the "fence" was another gate. But, you couldn't use this one. It was the same size as the other one, and it was in worse shape. Since I had planned on putting this one where it would be used more, I decided that, once I got all the boards up, to switch the gates. Then I took the tractor back up, and on my way back, stopped at my old field and got the welded wire off of my one gate. That went on the gate I just put up. It's a bit too long, but I can't find my bolt cutters, so I couldn't cut it to size. In total, I pulled out 6 posts today and put them back in.

I also got the floor of my next broody house painted on both sides. They're calling for rain tomorrow, so I may work on that.

I had to stop at a store on my way home. Once I got home, I got everyone fed and watered my plants. I should have watered them this morning and had planned to, but I forgot. I hope they'll be OK.

Now I've eaten and gotten my shower. For some reason, I just wasn't up to doing anything else once I got home.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Pretty here in VA yesterday but, chilly today....and rain, again. Have you noticed how different a temperature feels if it is gloomy, vice bright & sunny? I'm talking INSIDE. 71 inside felt fine yesterday with sunny skies out the window, today, with overcast, same 71 feels coolish.

I sure prefer sunshine :) Much better mood then.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I have no idea if there was a frost warning or not, I didn't look, honestly. I'm just REALLY glad I didn't leave the starts on the porch! I didn't have frost on my car, but it was everywhere else. Crazy weather!! I actually put one of the sheets back on one of the horses yesterday it felt so cold! GROSS!! I'm DONE with this!

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