Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If we had any firewood, I would still be making a fire!

What a fun day-NOT!!!! My goal for today was to finish doing all the work I needed w/the tractor. I had a short fence to tear down, put up a bigger gate, then put the fence back up. I got all the boards out of the fence and took down the small gate. This section of fence is where I go thru to get into my area. And the horses can't get loose from there-as long as the outer gate is shut. So, I went to get the tractor, but couldn't find it at first. Finally found it and checked the fuel. It was really low. So, since I didn't want to risk running out, I went to put more in. The can was empty. So I had to run to the gas station and get some.

Get back, and fuel up the tractor. It started right up so I drove it into my field. I get a chain on the first post and go to pull it out, and got a shower of hydraulic fluid! I tried again just in case it was some fluke thing. This time the shower was even worse! So, I got down, unhooked the chain and went to get out of my field. I didn't want to go back out the same way since the tractor was in a field when I got it. But, in order to get out, I had to lift the bucket some-and got another shower. I was so glad to park the tractor. What I really wanted to do was go home and take a shower, but I couldn't, I had work to do.

I basically wasted the morning w/the tractor, but didn't want to put the boards back in the posts I took them out of. There were a few posts near the riding arena that had been pulled out of another place, so for now, I used those. When I went to hang the gate, I found that I didn't get the post in quite the right place, and the lower screw bolt was too low. But I didn't have time to redo them. So, I tied the gate to the posts-it is attached at the top, then tied the gate shut since I didn't have time to put the quick latch on. I wanted to go straight home, but I had to go shopping. There's a small town that I go thru if I take the main road home and they have a small grocery store. So I stopped in there and got what I needed then went home, fed animals and finally got my shower!

I had just started to eat dinner when hubby looked out the kitchen window and saw a dog out by the goats. So I had to grab a pair of jeans and a tee shirt (I was in my PJs), get changed real quick and go out. The dog belonged to someone on the next street over. The owner had died, so they took it home. They haven't had it long and it wouldn't come to anyone! The neighbor across the street brought her small dog out, the loose dog went up to it, and she was able to grab its collar.

I'm now finally able to sit down and relax. I hope hubby falls asleep soon. I want to make fudge, and won't do it if he's awake

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got my field and LF's clean, then borrowed her mower and got my field mowed. It looks so much better. I didn't get to the gate. So, that's on my list for tomorrow. And I also need to put up a roll of fence between my field and LF's. Her one mini has figured out how to get into my field in spite of the electric. Little brat.

At times I get so discouraged w/what all I need to get done. But then I look at what I have gotten done. My kitchen, living room and bathroom are clean and I've been keeping them clean.

I've been staying caught up on my dishes and laundry.

I've gotten more of the rest of my house clean.

I've gotten some done outside and the only reason I haven't done more is because of the weather.

I have my RP made and most of the chicken area. And I've gotten most of the hard part of the fence done.

So, I am making progress!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Forgot to mention, broody#3 hatched out all 7 of her eggs the other day! So, I now have a total of 18 chicks and 2 more hens still sitting on eggs. They're calling for rain on Saturday and showers on Monday, so I'll get the wood I need for my next broody house on Saturday, then make as much of the house as I can on Monday. I need to have this house done by the 28th.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My gate is up where and how it belongs! I need to get a wheel on it. I have one, but can't find the nuts and bolts for it, so I'll have to get them.

Hubby and DS stopped at the farm to put the mower deck on only to realize that it needs some work on it. But while they were there, I had them help me put some fence boards up that I couldn't do myself. This section of fence started in LF's field. But instead of putting up boards into my field, there were a couple of pallets! And the fence post itself was crooked, so I couldn't get the boards in by myself. So they helped.

I also worked some on the fence line between my field and LF's so I could put some welded wire up. It's up and the Little Brat is back in her own field. She was NOT happy. She likes mine better.

And, I went and taught a Brownie's Troop about bugs. This was a freebee since I know the leader. She told me B4 I should contact the scout council and tell them I'm available to teach for badges. I think I'll do that. If I had charged for today, that would have been $35.00 in my pocket.

They're calling for more rain tomorrow. I had taken all my plants out of my greenhouse. I put them back in. I need to get them in the ground. But when I've had the time, it's been raining and cold! At least it's supposed to warm up after this. (I hope.)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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When I get home from church this afternoon, I'm planning on working some in my garden. I'm hoping I can get all the baby asparagus moved to where I want it. Some I'll plant in a 5 gallon bucket and some I'll plant in small containers and see if I can sell it at the auction on Tuesday. I also have raspberry, wild strawberries and violets coming up in my garden that needs to get moved. Some of it I'll try to sell. Then maybe just maybe tomorrow I can get stuff planted that needs to go in-if it doesn't rain again.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Does asparagus do well in a container? I've got some I'd like to move because it's not doing well where it's at. Of course, nothing is doing well in my garden....just too stinkin' wet. Hope you get a good price for what you take to the auction!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know. I've never grown it in a container. My thought is that I want it for hopefully filling in spaces next year, or if I'm able to move sooner rather than later, I can take it w/me. I still have rhubarb in my garden that I plan on doing the same to.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So much for working in my garden. It was dry this morning when I was in church. It was dry when I got home. But when I went out to work in my garden, it was raining. Tried to go out a couple of times, and each time, it was raining. But, it only seemed to be in this area. The Phillies played w/no problem.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Rain rain rain.... They say it might stop this week, but I guess we'll see. Crazy weather. I'm afraid to put my tomatoes and stuff out there, too, I don't want them to die!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I hear ya! I want to work in my garden. It's getting overgrown w/weeds again. And I never finished getting it ready B4 all this rain hit.

Last night, I researched campgrounds in this area. I wanted to be sure I had them all, plus I needed to see how far they were from the farm. Those that are the farthest away would take me about 1/2 hour to get there. This morning, I went back on the internet and got the addresses of the 9 that I found w/in that area. When I got home, I got my letter all typed up, printed and in envelopes! I'll be mailing them tomorrow. Please pray that I get some business from this. I have other thing that I could try for getting some business if this doesn't work, but I much prefer this.

I got the first roll of wire up where it belongs! 1 roll was almost enough to do all of the fence line between my field and CL's. W/that done, I went along the fence in the rest of my field cutting and digging out small trees, poke weed and sticker bushes! I have one sticker bush that I need the tractor to pull it out. But at least now I can get to the bottom of it.

They were calling for rain this afternoon, so I spent the rest of the time working on my next broody house. It has legs and is all framed out. I don't know that I'll be able to work on it tomorrow. We have a problem w/the AC, and they're calling for more rain tomorrow. So in the morning, I'll go out and feed, then come home. PT is going to give Stormy his lunch, and I'm skipping Bible study. As long as there's not a major problem, we should be able to get it done and just in time. It's supposed to dry up and get warmer after this. If it does, then on Saturday, I'll be spending as much time as I can out in my garden getting stuff planted and cleaned out.

I almost forgot to post this. I have a pair of barn swallows in my run-in! I've been seeing them come in, but hadn't noticed them building a nest. Every nest that I have seen prior to this was built on a rafter or ledge of some type. Well, they attached it in the peak of the roof to a piece of wood! I'm thrilled. Their favorite food is flies, so I really welcome them being there.

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