Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yay barn swallows! They can be messy, but I love their delightful chatter so much. They are so adorable! I've got a few nests in my barn, but I haven't seen all the usual ones yet, I think because its been too cold to open everything up. I think we'll do that later this week though, I think the weather is finally breaking!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hope so! I'm tired of the cold, wet weather.

This is why I don't get anything done. Hubby wanted me to come home on Tuesday and help him w/the AC. He needed to get up in the attic space-which can get hot! So, I told him I'd go feed, then come home. I'd get someone else to give Stormy his lunch. He agreed. Then he decided to come w/me to the farm because I need belts for the mower. He figured we could go to TSC. And since I was low of feed, I figured it was a good idea. Of course after that, we had to stop in the grocery store. By the time we got home, it was lunch time. So, we get some lunch and he falls asleep. By then it was hot in the attic space! We did get some done, but not a whole lot. I took the bike and ran out to give Stormy his last feeding. Then in the evening, I went out w/my MC group.

This morning we were supposed to work on it B4 I left. I had to leave early because I had a volunteer meeting. He doesn't get moving until it's almost time for me to stop working. So, he worked on it by himself.

I get to the farm and get LF's horses done. Only problem being, the Little Brat was not in the field. I found her-in my field again! The meeting went later than I was expecting, so by the time I finally got back to the farm it was almost lunch time. So I went ahead and fed Stormy and ate my lunch. Once we were both done, I got 3 rolls of my fencing on my cart and dumped them along the fence line. I also unplugged the electric charger. I didn't need to get shocked!

It took me 2 hours to put up this fencing and it's only up temporarily. That fence needs a ton of work, but was way down on my list. I didn't bother to do the work. I just got up my fencing. Of course, the fence that I had already put up had to come down-it was the ends of a couple of rolls. The 3 rolls did almost the whole fence line. I had a couple of small pieces that I was able to put up in the last little section. Then I had to catch the Little Brat and get her back where she belonged.

Once I was done that, I was FINALLY able to get started on my next broody house. I didn't get much done, but some is better than none. Instead of working on my fence line on Friday, I'll have to finish this house. The hen that it's for is due to hatch out her eggs on Saturday and I have no place to put her.

From there, I went to the chiropractor. He was packed today. I had to wait so long I fell asleep. From there, I went to Lowes and got some stuff I need, then another store-they didn't have what I was looking for, then headed home. I needed milk and hubby wanted lunchmeat and cheese. I got the lunchmeat and cheese, but they didn't have the milk. So, I had to run to another store.

By the time I finally got home, I wanted to do nothing but sit back and relax. Instead, I had to feed animals and water my plants, then get everything in the house. I don't know what I'm doing about dinner. There's nothing made, and there's a ton of dirty dishes. I may just make a sandwich.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I was tired of the almost daily rain, gloom. Then, it cleared and we went from 65 days to 85, like "overnight". Now that change, that fast doesn't work for this ole body. LOL

Looking at your boodies, I just moved one of my 3 today. She had 4 hatched and 4 waiting. The hatched were 24-36 hrs and she was in the main chicken coop (2 other broodies in here, also) . I decided to move her & just "deal" with it. Used a large dog house, with fine chips & the hay from her nest. Grabbed her & 4 chicks, moved them -- she was frantic! looking for those eggs.....I got them for her & she settled right down....about 3 in afternoon.

Had thought I would put them under another broody and remove chicks as they go, she flipped. She is snuggled in with 4 eggs & 4 chicks. Who knows what will happen.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The wet, cooler weather is gone and it's now hot here as well! I'm having trouble getting comfortable when I sleep and I overslept this morning. So, I didn't attempt to get on the computer this morning-other than to check my e-mails and check a couple of other this as well. But, I did get my bathroom clean and most of my dishes.

Hubby still can't figure out why the one room doesn't cool off like it should. My thought is it's the farthest room and the ductwork goes thru the hot attic. I'm wondering if it's just heating up too much B4 it gets to that room. But, the rest of the house is cool.

At the farm, I got my field and LF's clean. She isn't going to be here this weekend, so I mowed both fields as well. I didn't cut it as short as she does. The main problem is buttercups, so I just wanted to get the tops of them cut off. My field has a ton of grass under the buttercups. So, I'm saving on hay! Once I get the field divided, and can get it limed good, there will be times I won't even NEED to put out hay!

I also got the one inside wall painted for my next broody house. I need to finish it tomorrow. By having this painted, once I get the other 2 sides cut, and on, I can paint the rest of the inside, then put that side on. Then I'd caulk, and let everything dry. Once it's dry, I'd get the rest of it painted, then when it dried, I'd move it into place.

When I was feeding chickens today, broody #4 came off of her nest to get a drink. I knew her eggs were hatching, so I wanted to get a quick look to see what she has. 5 have hatched out, another one has pipped. That leaves just one more that hasn't done anything yet! So, I am now up to 23 (live) chicks for the year!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks! And I still have 3 hens that have gone broody on me B4 that haven't gone broody yet as well as some young ones that I don't know if they'll go broody or not. Plus #2 went broody a few times last year.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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And, I'm trying to keep mine FROM going broody! Argh....broody hens don't lay and I need eggs to sell! But, I've got some young'uns starting to lay. Picked up 30+ eggs yesterday!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
One of my broodies hatched 4 chicks. She destroyed last 4 eggs, guess they weren't good. 2 more setting & should hatch about 6/6. Only 5 or 6 eggs each. I bought all eggs & some obviously were not good as they threw them out.

Next ones -- if any go broody -- will use own eggs. Will put roosters with select hens, etc. Give hens some "blanks" for a few days to make sure they are serious.

This one is a good momma:love Plenty of hens to lay for sales so when 3 of 6 Buffs went broody, it was ok. I just wanted to see some hen & chicks. :cool: These 4 are blue egg EEs. Other eggs are Speckled Sussex. I have 6 sex links that I plan to sell at a swap meet, yr old.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Chicks that I don't want will go to the sale-unless I give some to a friend for a wedding present. They want chickens, only problem being, they have coyotes.

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