Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a beautiful day out (at least for riding a motorcycle), so I rode mine, first to the farm to feed, then to work. I knew I needed gas, but figured that I'd have enough to go feed, then go to work, then go get gas. There's a gas station not even half a mile from where I work. But, I wasn't sure that I'd have much more than that.

When I was done work, I headed down to the gas station. I pull in, and notice that they have cones up at ALL the pumps! Normally, they put the cones in front of pumps that they don't want people to use and couldn't figure out why they had them in front of all the pumps. Then some guy in a truck rolls down his window and tells me they have no gas!

So, now I had a dilemma, do I go down the road to another gas station, or do I go back to the farm, and try to get gas on the way home and hope that I don't run out. I decided to go to the farm. I figure, I have a small gas can at the farm, I can always tie that onto my seat. Then, if I run out, I can walk to the gas station. Well, when I left the farm, I forgot to take the can w/me! :barnie But, I did manage to make it to the gas station, and could have actually gone a bit farther. My tank holds 2.8 gallons, I put in 2.6! That's the most I've ever put in. I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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The station closed or just couldn't afford gas or what?

I sure hope that isn't a sign of things to come, too.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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savingdogs said:
The station closed or just couldn't afford gas or what?

I sure hope that isn't a sign of things to come, too.
I don't know. They were selling diesel, and I think the convenience store was opened, but that was it. I didn't ask any question, just left.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
I read that as YOU had 89 days without gas and was wondering what kind of diet you were on.... :hide


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score

I thought the same thing!

Wow, I'm glad you weren't stranded out there. Gas prices are going up, and there might be shortages. :/ I don't know. I hope not.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
glenolam said:
I read that as YOU had 89 days without gas and was wondering what kind of diet you were on.... :hide
:lol:, no that's how many days I have left of work. I can hardly wait!

RU is now able to feed the horses, but she did have a horse in the RP. He got out yesterday. She told me that someone was coming over, and he'd put the horse where he belonged. Well, the horse was still there when I got there today. So, she asked me to put him in a different field than where he was. Keep in mind, this is a BIG horse, a Belgian. I could not find a halter that fit, but I've moved him B4 w/nothing but a lead rope around his neck. So, I got the lead rope, went out, put it around his neck, and started to lead him out. The RP is between the goats and the field I needed to put him in. There's a short aisle way leading up to it. I'm leading him down the aisle, when he suddenly started to act up! This isn't like this horse, and I wasn't prepared. I ended up falling! Thank God, I fell away from him, and he went back in the direction he came from, otherwise, I could have been hurt badly, if not killed! But, another horse decided to reach over the fence, and start trouble. If I had had a whip w/me, it wouldn't have been a problem, I would have been able to chase the other horse away. Well, the Belgian then tries to KICK this other horse. I couldn't get near him. He then bolted out of the aisle way, into her back yard, then ran into the barn. That was fine, since I could then get him into the horse part, open the door, then let him out.

Once he was in the horse part of the barn, I opened the door and checked for the other horse. No sign of him, so I opened the door wider so he could get out. He started out, then turned, and ran BACK into the barn. B4 I had a chance to do anything, here comes that other horse. The Belgian is trying to get away from him, and runs into a stall that had the door opened. The other horse follows. I start heading for a whip when I see both horses come flying out of the stall, and out of the barn.

I honestly don't know what we're going to do about the one horse. He's a gelding. But this year, he either grew an extra one or something. He's become a real problem. He's constantly going for the other geldings. He herds the mares. He mounts them, and we're hoping and praying he HASN'T grown another one since I saw him penetrate one! We've separated the herd, and are hoping and praying he doesn't tear down fences to get to them. Quite honestly, I'm afraid of either one of the other horses, or a person getting hurt w/how he's acting. If he continues, I'm going to suggest that she try to sell him or something. I don't think it's worth the risk to keep him there.

In other news, I didn't get as much done as I wanted. KN wanted to take some eggs to sell at the auction today. And, if you're selling something, you're supposed to have it there by noon. So, we left 45 minutes earlier than I wanted to. I was able to get 26 bales, but they're kind of light. I don't know how long they'll actually last. I keep checking CL. I'm hoping to find someone that has a bunch of really nice bales left from last year that they want to sell for cheap. If I can find that type of deal, I'd jump on it!

I also think I've figured out KN to a point. Everyone has been wondering if she's lost her interest in horses. But, I've noticed she still likes to ride them, and do ground work w/them. I think the problem is, she doesn't want to do any of the upkeep type work w/them. And, that's why she doesn't help keep the field and stalls picked up and why I no longer care if the pony ride business succeeds or not. I've said stuff to her B4 about both of us working, and it just doesn't seem to sink in. So, I'll just keep on like I am and hope and pray for the day I can get my own place and don't have to worry about having her around any longer.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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That sounds scary and I'm glad you are alright! Yikes!

I hate it when people don't pull their own weight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was scary! I did hurt my finger, but don't know exactly what I did to it. All I know is it was bleeding and hurts!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I almost feel bad complaining about the rain. After all, we haven't gotten the rain that some of you are dealing with, but still, we got rain! And, I didn't really want any rain this week. :hit I got less than 1 hour of work today. After feeding the horses, turning them out and cleaning the stalls, there wasn't anything else I could do. But, I'll finally start getting more hours on Monday. She's finally decided that I need to start mowing! That's the only thing that's kept me from quitting now. I need the money that I'll get from that. But, once September 2nd rolls around, I'm done! I feel relief every time I think about it.

Since it rained, I didn't get any work done on my field. Instead, I went to visit my MIL for a bit. My hubby had something he wanted me to drop off, so I figured today would be a good day. Of course, talking to her is fun! She's losing her hearing and also has Meniere's! I don't know if a hearing aid would help her or not. But it was interesting, to say the least.

Then, I went back to the farm. There was an ad on CL for 4x4 posts for $2.00 each. RU called, and made sure they were pressure treated. She had therapy this morning, but once she was done, we got in her truck, and went and got some. I still needed more for the fence. I got 10 of them. He also had some w/some type of fancy top. She wanted them for a fence she's putting up. We don't know how much they sell for, but she got 10 8' ones, and a few 6' ones. The long ones were $2.00 each, and the short ones were $1.00. Then, we went back to the farm, and I unloaded mine, as well as some of hers.

The guy was actually surprised to see us. It was pouring rain, so he didn't think we'd show. But, I needed those posts. If I hadn't gotten them today, I would have had to buy them! Tomorrow, I'll have all the posts in the ground, and the one gate done. I might also get a bit of the work in my field done. It's going to depend on how wet it is.

I've also noticed that in the areas that I cleaned were there's just bare dirt that I have grass coming up! I'm hoping that the horses don't pull it all out when grazing. I don't really want a dirt pasture. But, the more grass I have, the less hay I'll have to buy.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds like things are progressing for you. My strategy in the rain is just to do whatever I can get accomplished around it and try not to fret.

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