Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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My goodness, horses sound so hard to contain, all this challenging the fences and getting out. That is what I expected about goats because that is what I had heard. Other thanwhen they learned to open the gate if not specially latched and eating a baby tree orchard my goats never get out.

That must get so tiresome hearing about them being loose again, and it seems like it could be dangerous for the horses too. Are they off the beaten path?

One of our neighbors horses gets out often. I don't know what happens there, he isn't friendly. One time the horse was loose and I went to catch it and return it and another neighbor stopped me. He said the owner is "really, really not nice and wouldn't want anyone to EVER touch his horse." I said okay but felt strange when the cars went by on the highway and there was a horse just standing there. I had to leave and not watch!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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A lot depends on the horse, and part of it right now is they're shedding. So, they rub on the fence. And, if a post is rotten, it breaks and they get out. Part of it is the fence. Like I said, we had planned on doing a lot of work on the fence last year. Many of the posts have been in the ground for years, probably since they got the place and I'm thinking that's been 20 years or so. Plus, when they first did the fence, they did the high tensile wires-which goes THRU the posts. So, if a post breaks, that section of the fence will come down. She's been just patching the fence the best she could w/cattle panels, etc for years. She had started working on the fence a couple of years ago, and hadn't been able to finish, I don't recall now why. We had planned on doing more last summer, but the ground was so dry, we couldn't drill holes.

I know some people say if you have too many horses they'll do that. But, I know horses that just like to get out. I've help catch them B4. The horses will have quite a bit of grazing, but there seems to always be one that thinks the grass is greener on the other side. So, they'll ignore what's in their field, and start trying to eat what's on the other side. And, if the fence is weak in that spot, they manage to knock it down. That's why, when I'm done, I'll have electric up. Plus, I'll know all the fence posts are good.

RU is wanting to get a couple more boarders in, as well as lease out a few horses. But, I think B4 she does either, she needs to be sure the fencing is really good. Especially since one of CL's horses thinks he needs to get into every other field-especially if it's feeding time for those horses. He's a PITA.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sorry, didn't have time to post B4. I got that far, and realized how late it was. I had to get to church. (Of course, they can't really start w/out me, since I play the piano for the evening service.)

I got to the farm today thinking I was going to be able to just pop the posts in place, make sure they were straight, tamp dirt around them, and I'd be ready to put up my fence. Well, I get there and I'm driving down the lane, right next to where I had it all marked out for the posts to go, not a single hole was drilled. I fed Stormy and my chickens and went looking for RU. I was afraid her son didn't have the post hole digger after all, and that someone had stolen it. Well, he had it alright. Only problem being, it won't run. So, I have to dig all those post holes by hand after all. :hit :hit :hit At least if I ever do get my own farm, I'll be an "expert" at putting in fence posts. Some of them will be easy, but others, not so much. In some places, there's a lot of stones right where I need to put the posts, so that makes it much harder. I'm hoping to have at least half, if not more in tomorrow, and the rest on Tuesday. Then, I can put the first part of the fence up, and maybe even get some ready for the next day. Unless I get sick, or it rains, it WILL be all done by the end of the week.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
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Spotsylvania, Virginia
oh no!!! I'm soooo sorry!

Some warmed oil infused with eucaliptus (pardon me, my spelling is terrible) or mint would work wonders after a nice warm shower.

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