Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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FEM, I'm planning on making a stand, only I'll be leaving. I've been trying to get to that point for awhile now. If we split up, I don't want this house. I want to be all on one level. And I'm not quite able to leave yet. There are things that I need to take care of here first.

For the longest while, I wasn't able to get the stuff done. Either I was working, or not feeling good, or overwhelmed. But the past several months, I've felt the best I've felt in years, so I'm getting a ton done. And having all that wood given to me was a God send! It freed up so much time that I would have normally been spending on doing wood. I've been able to get a lot accomplished.

I've also started taking pics of how bad it is here since he refused to give me any help, and prevented the kids from helping. I figure they might help me if we ever do get a divorce.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Smart thinking! Glad you are moving onward and upward! I know a lot of people are right now. It is a good time to make changes!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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He doesn't realize how lucky he is that I have not left him yet. But once I get everything done that I need to do, if he refuses to get help, I'm leaving. I have a list (in my head) of what all needs to be done first. Getting rid of all the clutter in the house is one thing that needs to be done. Getting the yard all cleaned up is another. Getting a bigger wood stove that will heat the whole house is one. And, there's a few more. But basically, I want this house to be very appealing to someone else that's into self sufficiency. I think it will help it sell.

Today was a very productive day. BW decided not to come out to the farm. The weather was just too iffy. I can't say that I blame her. We were supposed to get showers and we did-very lightly for about 10, 15 minutes. Other than that, it was dry. But since there's a better chance tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night into Sunday, I filled the hay nets and hung them in the stalls. I'm hoping I can get a dry spell late tomorrow afternoon to run out to the farm. That way, I can put some more hay in the RB feeder. I know them. They'll only stay inside eating the hay if it's really nasty out.

Other than my normal work at the farm, I did the following:
1. Dug out 2 short posts that I used to put the electric wire up in my field when I closed off a section. I'm not going to need them. I still have 2 more. 1 is holding the wire for my RBs. Can't take that down unless I want horses in my hay. The other I left since I can close off the area where Mt. Manure is. I need to take some home for the garden. This way, I can get in the field w/my truck w/out having to worry about horses (especially Licky) getting out.

2. Sorted thru my shorter posts. The longest and best ones will be used for my RP. The others will be used to help string up a wire down the center of my new field so I can have one side or the other closed off.

3. Counted all the long posts in my field, in the pile I made the other day, and a few that are no longer being used down back. If I've figured correctly, we have enough fence posts! That will make it much cheaper to do this project.

4. Put some wood in the back of my truck to take home. It will be used to make my broody house. I'm thinking I'll make the frame work and cut the sides. I just won't nail them on since it might make it too heavy and too awkward to get it where I want it.

It still wasn't raining when I got home. So, I relaxed for a few, grab a bite to eat and went outside and started to work. I had a pile of wood I wanted to get done B4 it started to rain. That pile is now either in my wood holder in the basement or in the wood shed. I still have more wood that's too long and/or too fat on a pallet and covered w/a tarp. I'm planning on getting more wood on Tuesday. If I need any wood B4 then, I'll cut some of that wood.

I also got more spears moved! I really wish I had had a chance to do this last fall. I had trouble finding the roots. I just found enough to do the area, and I'm not sure that all of them are good. I'm sure I didn't get all of them, so if I have any that don't come up in the front, I'll be able to dig more out of the garden in the fall. I'll just make sure I have them marked good so I can find them!

W/that done, I unloaded the wood out of the back of my truck and put it in my green house. I also had some old 2x4s in the yard that I put in there as well as a section of no climb fence. Tomorrow, I'll get my broody house made and my hay feeder for the goats!

I got that done and figured I had done enough for the day. I had been going to work in the basement this morning, but instead I left the house early to beat the rain. Hubby is working tomorrow, so I'm planning on spending a couple of hours in the basement, then 1 hour each on the living room, kitchen and bedroom. I figure that will really make difference in here!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's been raining most of the day. I'm just glad it's not snow! But, it also didn't very warm, so I didn't attempt to do any of the projects in the green house. Plus, I don't have any staples, nails or screws here that are the right size.

I also didn't quite get done as much as I'd planned in the house. I still have another hour's worth of work that I wanted to get done. I'll be doing that tomorrow. And, I need to put some laundry away and iron some clothes. That will get done tomorrow.

When I was cleaning my basement, I found a latch hook rug kit that my son had wanted years ago. He was going to do it, but never did. So I'm going to do it, then give it to him either for his birthday or Christmas. I'll admit to that being one of my favorite crafting to do. In fact, I'd thought about using the Happy Hooker for a screen name, but figured that might not be the best name to use

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is not a very nice day out. It's raining. And, it's a cold rain! I had been thinking the other day about taking the blankets off the horses. I'm so glad I didn't. After I fed Stormy, I basically just wanted to go home. Never mind that the run in was a mess. Never mind that I hadn't cleaned the field. So, I refilled the hay nets-they were almost empty, threw some additional hay in the RB feeder, took care of the chickens and left. I'm going to have a mess to clean up tomorrow, but it can't be helped.

Even though I had on rain gear, I still got a bit wet. So once home, I got the fire going, and changed into a pair of pajama type jeans (they're not the name brand, but they are comfy!), and a sweatshirt. I have something really important that I think I'm going to do this afternoon. Take a nap. It's a good day for it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It was raining this morning, then it started to sound a bit different, so I looked out my kitchen window and it was sleeting. I looked a few minutes later and it was snowing! It is NOT supposed to snow here at this time of year! At least it didn't last long and it did warm up to close to 60. But, it's a muddy mess out at the farm. It took me awhile, but I got the field all cleaned up. Didn't attempt to get anything else done.

Stopped off at my parents for a bit, then came home. Got the goats fed, then started working on the hay feeder. I have come to a conclusion, I am not a very good carpenter. I'm pretty good w/a circular saw. I'm even good at hammering. The problem I have is having stuff straight! I think I'm going to start taking old scrape boards and old nails and work on getting better. I'm tired of waiting on hubby to do stuff so I need to learn how to do it myself. I would have had the hay feeder all done except for one little problem-I didn't bring home my bolt cutters and I need them to clip the wire.

Once I was done that, I went back to working on the thing I'm making for in the green house to hopefully trap some heat at night. I finished doing the nailing-which wasn't easy. Then I took some plastic. I was all ready to staple it in place when I realized that the staples I had brought home didn't fit the staple gun I had brought home! I tried using a regular stapler, but it didn't work. I'll have to finish it tomorrow.

I'm relaxing for a bit now B4 I go to bed. BW is coming out to the farm tomorrow, and hubby's still working all kinds of crazy hours, so I want to get to sleep early.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Sounds like you are making progress. I looked at the forecast and there is a threat of rain for half the days I'm the next 10 days! Good grief!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hope not. I'm hoping for some dryer weather.

BW came out to the farm w/me today. I pulled the blankets off the horses, and we did some grooming w/them. They're really shedding, so I'm sure it felt good. We also worked all 3 horses in the RP for a bit. They were all giving us attitude. Misty was the worst. She was in heat, and as soon as she got in there, she started flirting w/a gelding in another field! And, both she and Licky were flipping us the bird. Plus, Licky kicked out in our direction at one point in time. Basically, I made them run until they got it out of their system and were ready to listen.

Went and got a load of wood. When you're not worried about getting it in the house or stacked, it unloads much easier. I did bring in enough for overnight, but that's it.

Got the last of my kitchen drawers straightened out today. Tomorrow I'll be scrubbing the walls, and if I have time, work on straightening out the cabinets. I'm hoping it's not too nasty out tomorrow. I'm supposed to go kaynoeing w/a friend plus I want to work in the yard some.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Deb you work to hard. You should come this way and spend some time relaxing on the beach. :thumbsup

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I'm going kaynoeing today w/a friend, so that should help.

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