Food Guru
Do you have the book The 36 Hour Day yet? It is for caregivers of those with most types of dementia. Having an understanding of the disease....and knowing you are not a bit helpful.dipence71 said:Well I cannot keep doing this with my mom. She has alzheimers and every time I talk to her it is a grip session with me as the target I know it is not her fault but that does not make it hurt less. Today it was about dads truck that she sold before my youngest dd was even thought of and she is 13. then it moves to her bank accounts and why dowant she have any money Well it is because the nursing home gets it all. No no thar is not right you (meaning me) must have spent all of her and dads savings. Dad has been gone since 2003. Where is her house and car and ...... Well I think u get the picture.
Every time I talk to her I get soooo depressed and I just want to give up. But I will get over it eventually.
She started getting and at 70 ish. And I am my mothers daughter and am like her in every way including medical issues. That I am 40 and that means I only have 30 ish good years left. Over half my life ( mentally) is over. I will never let my daughters go through what I have had to deal with. Whatever it takes. It is a pain so deep it cannot be described.
I feel horrible because I don't want ro talk to her or go see her. It makes me feel horrible to say that or feel that. But not as bad as when I do talk to her and have tp listen to how horrible I am because I stole her stuff an her money ( which I have not. The nursing home gets all her money ) she has no stuff because well she lives in the nursing home.
End of rant for now.![]()
Only a bit, but every bit helps.
Have you tried some tricks to get your mom into a good mood when you see her? A friend taught me some tricks. Chocolate. Wine, if applicable. Any sweet or goodie works. Who cares if it is good for their health....I know, coming from me.....but please don't prolong MY life if I get dementia, feed me yummy stuff and give me a few moments of happiness. Bring me crispy bacon and some booze!
My mom can't drink much wine but just bringing her a bottle makes me the hero. Pouring her a half a glass makes the entire household happy.
Jello shots work for this, too.

Seriously, a pocketful of Hershey's miniatures or whatever she likes in small doses so you can keep feeding them to her can make a visit tolerable.
Oh, and it is not a foregone conclusion that you will get the disease. My mom has 7 siblings. Their mom had Alzheimer's and probably other things, maybe bipolar disorder. My mom is the only one of the eight kids that got Alzheimer's. One of her brothers was likely undiagnosed bipolar. Six were/are mentally healthy.
Still you worry, as I do.