Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
dipence71 said:
Well I cannot keep doing this with my mom. She has alzheimers and every time I talk to her it is a grip session with me as the target I know it is not her fault but that does not make it hurt less. Today it was about dads truck that she sold before my youngest dd was even thought of and she is 13. then it moves to her bank accounts and why dowant she have any money Well it is because the nursing home gets it all. No no thar is not right you (meaning me) must have spent all of her and dads savings. Dad has been gone since 2003. Where is her house and car and ...... Well I think u get the picture.

Every time I talk to her I get soooo depressed and I just want to give up. But I will get over it eventually.
She started getting and at 70 ish. And I am my mothers daughter and am like her in every way including medical issues. That I am 40 and that means I only have 30 ish good years left. Over half my life ( mentally) is over. I will never let my daughters go through what I have had to deal with. Whatever it takes. It is a pain so deep it cannot be described.

I feel horrible because I don't want ro talk to her or go see her. It makes me feel horrible to say that or feel that. But not as bad as when I do talk to her and have tp listen to how horrible I am because I stole her stuff an her money ( which I have not. The nursing home gets all her money ) she has no stuff because well she lives in the nursing home.

End of rant for now. :(
Do you have the book The 36 Hour Day yet? It is for caregivers of those with most types of dementia. Having an understanding of the disease....and knowing you are not alone....is a bit helpful.

Only a bit, but every bit helps.

Have you tried some tricks to get your mom into a good mood when you see her? A friend taught me some tricks. Chocolate. Wine, if applicable. Any sweet or goodie works. Who cares if it is good for their health....I know, coming from me.....but please don't prolong MY life if I get dementia, feed me yummy stuff and give me a few moments of happiness. Bring me crispy bacon and some booze!

My mom can't drink much wine but just bringing her a bottle makes me the hero. Pouring her a half a glass makes the entire household happy.

Jello shots work for this, too. :p

Seriously, a pocketful of Hershey's miniatures or whatever she likes in small doses so you can keep feeding them to her can make a visit tolerable.

Oh, and it is not a foregone conclusion that you will get the disease. My mom has 7 siblings. Their mom had Alzheimer's and probably other things, maybe bipolar disorder. My mom is the only one of the eight kids that got Alzheimer's. One of her brothers was likely undiagnosed bipolar. Six were/are mentally healthy.

Still you worry, as I do.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 17, 2011
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I have wrked at a nursing home as well. Dementia is tough and sad disease, i have heard multiple families fear there future, some people have just found out mainly because people live longer and dementia is more evedent as some people age. I have even heard some people wish they didnt pass it on to there kids, which is tough to hear. Others never had kids and it makes you wonder if they knew something of there future to not pass it on, but i always give the best care to residents with family or without family, make life good and comfortable for everyone :) I have done my own informational gathering and found that besides genetics, it can be environmental as well. Many people worked around fine metal particles and chemicals which in my mind proves the theory on aluminum and chemicals being a factor when either finely machined such as jet engine manufactuerers and being used to cook on. Certain types of painters seem to have environmental factors, im guessing related to the use of another heavy metal lead,in lead paint. Also some of the old farmers who were part of industrial farm operations also seem to develop mild dementia, it could be possible because of some of the pesticides use...Even though i have seen this, then there are some people who worked in the most hazardous conditions and have very good mental and physical health and then i get mixed info........

But i have found everyone ages differently and everyone has there strenghts and weaknesses
Always be supportive , but also find time to relax and enjoy :)

Thank you for sharing ! You are very strong willed! Stay strong!

I enjoyed the turtle post!!! :) :) :) :)


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
I was foolish in my younger years but now I am very, very careful. I avoid anything that is neuro-toxic, as far as it is in my control. Much is not in our control. I live under the flight path of airplanes from an airport a few miles away. I did farm work and lived surrounded by farms as a youngster and as a young woman. I stuffed myself purposely with all sorts of chemical "foods" and "drinks" and barely gave it a thought.

But watching my mother's slide.....yup, scary stuff. It is part of what drives me to a better diet and all the work involved....ok, the delicious flavor now drives me! :p


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I did farm work and lived surrounded by farms as a youngster and as a young woman.
I used to hand develop film and printing plates for YEARS and never even used gloves. A lot of the products I used to use got taken off the market because they were toxic :th


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
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Scott County, IL
dipence71 said:

Well one doe (meat rabbit breeder) just had 8 kits, one dead on wire, but first time litter so.... woohoooo. 7 live wiggling fur less babies in the nest!!!! We shall see how good a mommy she is. :) Well we are at 3.5 ish weeks 7/9/11 and only one of her kits survived

One more meat doe to go within next week....we will see, will be her second litter, first litter all died on wire in a cold snap we had. 6/16/11 had 5 kits 7/9/11 all 5 still alive

And Holland Lopp due in a week or so !!! 6/21/11 1 live, 1 dead on wire. 7/9/11 1 still alive


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Hang in there. Alz's is awful. I saw a wonderful, loving woman turn into a totally mean, hateful stranger. Her main target was her daughter that she had always been close to. Same song, you stole everything, etc.
DH's older relatives ALL got it or have it now. Scary stuff. The docs here say it's not heriditary, but that doesn't keep him or all of his cousins, brothers and sisters from worrying.

And then there's the guilt you have when you actually are relieved it's over when they finally pass. Awful disease. :hugs


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
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Scott County, IL
Moving on to other things lol.... NO rest for the wicked so I must be awfully wicked lol

Day 3 of homemade chicken stock project lol.... SMELLSSSSSSSSSS AAWWEESSOOMEE!!!!!!

I will clarify and strain today. Don't seem to get any rising fat to skim off. Is this normal?? I am using home butchered cornish cross backs bones ect and other pieces. carrotts onion celery salt/seed. expected fat to skim over the top but haven had ANY!!!


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Scott County, IL
Have also been trying to find my garden as with all the rain and bad weather the weeds literally took over. found some green beans yahhhhh!!!
found some blooms on cukes and zuch so maybe not a total loss... :fl

Plus we were gone for a week on vacation so that didn't help matters but was a much needed get away... cabin at the lake with friends, boating, grilling, swimming, fishing, relaxing... :weee The only thing we actually caught was a wicked sunburn so now I look like a half peeled potato lmbo... I put on sunscreen but was a little to late evidentally :smack

Put up electric fence around sweet corn, stupid coons and deer. :barnie

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