FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Just listening to a celtic christmas CD in the afterglow of a lovely christmas eve. I prepared the dinner. I dropped off a plate of homemade cookies to a friend and visited with DD and SIL. Around 6 pm I crashed on the couch. I woke up to find the table had been set, with tablecloth and candles and the good dishes :) We ate our simple meal and opened presents amid lots of oohing and aahing. SO and I purchased very little, but the kids had fun playing Santa this year. The kids noticed the old handmade ornaments and the neat decorations. The fire is going and keeping the house toasty, I can hear someone doing the dishes.
The goats and rabbit got vegy trimmings for their special meal, the dog got bits of meat and the chickens got some bread.
A big rainstorm is predicted for tomorrow, both by the weather forecast and the pain in my knee. We don't have to go anywhere and have plenty of leftovers and dry firewood.

Merry Christmas!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
The big rainstorm didn't happen. We did have rain though and still do today.
I am washing the new comforter I got from the kids. I am going to hang it out in the rain to make sure any chemical residue gets washed out before I use it. I really needed one and I do like the pattern on it too.

SO is making something to eat, I need to clean the kitchen and make a berry pie.

I also want to track down DD and talk to her about the baby shower. She has had a cold for over a month. She just can't shake it. She also still gets her migraines and the nausea, poor thing.

I am just rambling here. I am also cold. I am hoping eating something will fix that. Then I am going out to run some errands. If DD is home, I can warm up at her house :lol:

Last night I went and looked at Target's site for baby. I figured I better find out what the latest thing in baby stuff is all about. Then I can look for it at Goodwill. :lol:


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
First of all I have to find out why my internet is running so slow, it isn't running at al it is creeping at snails's pace :barnie

Looks like today will be our only rain free day for along time. So I better get some laundry on the line, do some weeding and running around. I hate driving in the rain. Of course there is a whole lot of other stuff needing to be done too. So what am I doing online? :lol:

I need to get mooooving!!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Is this her first baby? If it is, be sure she doesn't go crazy on the "stuff" cause a lot of the baby products and "must haves" are pretty useless.

I recommend getting her some Lansinoh cream if she is gonna breastfeed or makes awesome diaper rash cream, lip gloss, and general boo boo cream.

What has her doctor said about the nausea? Does ginger help her at all, sometimes that helped me. Just suck on a sliver of ginger or put a thin slice in some hot water and drink it like tea.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Lori, her neausea is beyond normal, way beyond. They have a name for it and she is on medication for it. The side affect of the medication is that it causes migraines. DD has had migraines sine she was about 8. Once she became an adult, those migraines got to be so bad, she goes to emergeny about once a month. She has a group of specialists :rolleyes: She usually is on medication all the time, but due to her having the baby, she went off it.

I agree about all the baby "stuff" and I have been advising her to not get too caught up in it. Thanks for telling me about the Lansinoh cream. I'll keep a look out for it.

I keep telling her that really all she will need at first is lots of diapers, sheets and sleepsacks and in her case bottles. She wont be able to breastfeed the baby for long, because she will need to go back on her meds.

She will need a crib, so her dogs won't maul the baby. I have two portacribs, I needed them for raising foster kittens and puppies.

I have been hitting the Goodwill outlet and scored bigtime on babystuff again yesterday. I got another babycarrier, clothes and other goodies. I am having too much fun with this.

Today I went out getting stuff for the babyshower. It is a safari theme, same as the nursery. DD is paying for the stuff. I picked up a few cute items and will use them to make up the rest. I also got the invitations printed out today.
Then I took advantage of the 50% off sales and got some nice packaged german stollen (a type of fruit cake). I will slice those up for the shower. I plan on having an afternoon tea with fingerfoods, tea, coffee and chocolate milk.

Oh boy it is getting dark out there, We are supposed to get a whopper of a storm. they got small stream flood adviseries. I better go and feed the critters, before that wet stuff comes down.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
that the power would go ut for about 3 or 4 days around here.

It wold let some people know just how well prepared we are ....or not. I know I would be totally comforatble with it. Just like I was 15 years ago, after EX left us. I managed just fine.
I think we would manage even better for the most part, because of all the food we have put by.

Just thinking.... as the rain is coming down and we are having flash flood warnings...that really don't affect us....and I am trying my best to finish off the christmas cookies which are so bad for me....:D

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