FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Oh well, there goes that theory :lol:

You guys got me thinking though. I might go to a fabric store and see what kind of safari animal fabric they might have. If I can get a good deal on something I like (and more important, that DD likes) I will use it as the base for all other decorations, so that DD can use it in the baby's room. I might even take some stuff back to the party store :lol:

I am excited now about checking that out. And then I need to find my fabric markers :rolleyes:

I also looked into making diaper covers and soakers. I still have some cute cloth diapers that I had bought for DD. I need to track those down too. So I will be searching for wool sweaters at second hand stores.
geesh, I have soo many uses for those old wool sweaters...

Kitten baby bottle holders
Kitten blankets
moccasin style slippers
and now baby diaper covers or soakers
...maybe even baby pads.....

Ok, I'm off to see what I can get into next...this is one of those weird days, I don't feel like doing anything specific and yet want to do it all at once.
Maybe it's the weather. It is sunny with pretty little clouds blowing by and some very strong gusts of wind, cold wind. Stuff it getting shredded outside, the chickens are getting blown all over the yard, they keep huddling in sheltered spots sunning themselves, :lol: The patio swing got blown over into the middle of the field, my carport shed is blown to bits and I think the laundry had been whipped dry and is nice and soft :lol:

Oh and we watched someone dump a christmas tree in the nighbors lot. People are sooo rude!!! SO went over to check it out and he and the neighbor brought it back, hosed it off, checked it for hooks and other possible nasties and we'll feed it to the goats. I kept saying we should bring it into the house, so we could have a real tree for a few days. This thing is really fresh still ;)


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
So late last night I found an add on CL for a boer cross buckling 7-8 ms old. They are about an hours drive away from us. I spoke with the woman this morning. She wants $90 for him. She said the mother is a good milker. I just want him to breed my girls and then sell the offspring. I plan on selling him too after we are done.

Anything important I should ask?

SO is not too thrilled about driving to the next county to pick him up and I am wondering about the logistics of this. But I haven't seen too many adds for bucks around here, especially under $100. SO keeps wanting to do AI and I have told him it would no doubt cost at least $49 per goat, since that is what the vets basic fee is. And we would have to get the timing just right and that there are no guarantees...
I think I have him convinced that getting this little boer buckling is the thing to do. :rolleyes: I hope. ;)

I am beginning to get nervous about getting it done, especially with the baby shower later this month and then the baby being due Feb 28!!!! :ep
Oh and the Humane Society called to see if we would foster 3 rottweiler bottle baby pups :th


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We got out little buckling today. Had to drive to another county to get him, but it was a beautifl day for a drive through our georgeous countryside.

We borrowed a dog pen from the neighbor. It just fit in my car. We decided not to take the truck, since the speedometer does not work on it. The lady we got him from raises boer goats. She has about 30 goats. We loved her farm. She also showed us her milking stand. It really helped SO to visualize it. He said he could easily make that.
He was very quiet on the drive home. Then he did not want to come out of the pen. I finally dragged and lifted him out. It took all four of us to herd, pull and push him into the goat pasture. He saw the chicken house and that is where he wanted to go. But nooo we had to drag him all the way to the back. None of the goats were thrilled with this arrangement. They all looked as us as if saying: "what is going on?" Eventually they all went back to grazing and I figured it would work itself out. Little Billy is smaller than our girls. Blossom was chasing him off a few times. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. At least it isn't raining this week.

Here is Billy

And here is a pic of them all nibbling on the christmas tree


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh my! He is beautifull! And look at all that green stuff! Man, I can't waite till spring now! I was just looking on our CL, and saw an add for sable and alpine cross breed. She is tan with her belly black. Pregnant, and only $150.00. I know hubby wont go for her...but I really want to go take a look-see! :cool:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Of all the goat breeds, I like Boers the best! He looks like a likely young lad, FD. Is he sweet? :)