FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
It started to drizzle shortly after noon today. I just kept working through it. I let the chickens out into the field early today too. I made sure the goats had a nice dry spot to hang out and lots of food and goodies to eat.

I can't belive how cold it feels. I am sure glad I made a big pot of nice chicken soup to help keep us warm. My bread is still not rising, I set it on the woodstove in a cooler spot. I hope we get to eat some fresh bread tonight still. But it sdoesn't look good.
It'll be nice for breakfast.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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framing fowl said:
Chicken soup on a rainy day... perfect!
Any soup (that I like) and a fire on a rainy or snowy day...perfect. :D


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We had cloudy skies in the morning with a bit of rain. I was able to work outside, doing animal chores and picking chard and such for a while. I brought a bucket of weeds to the neighbor (for his chickens) when it started coming down real heavy again.
I ducked outside a few more times thoroughout the day to see how things were going out there, but mostly worked inside.

My kefir finally got thick enough to seperate the whey. Spike loves kefir and I always give her the rinse water. I also fed my sourdough. It is smelling wonderful and the bread tastes delicious. I want to make some yogurt, but we don't have enough milk and I didn't make it to the store, nor the bank.

I figured I might as well get my tomatoes processet. Most of them were bad. the weather we had just whiped our tomato harvest out. Fortunately we managed to freeze some, before we got our first heavy and early rain. But most of the rest had plight, or rotten spots. I had started the sauce, before I became aware of how bad they were. I think I'll just make some spaghetti sauce adding venison out of the bit I got.

I made the bread I started last night and shelled some dried beans. We kept the fire going all day. I cleaned up some stuff that had been neglected for a while.

At some point we heard thunder. SO was concerned about the goats. I was still finishing up some dishes and figured, if he was that worried he could go out and look in on them.

When it was still thundering after I had finished the dishes, I went out to check on them. Flower was unphased by the thunder, but Blossom got startled and her eyes got big every time. I figured I'd sit with the girls under the canopy for a while. Blossom tried to climb into my lap. I decided to go and sit in their little house, out of the wind. Blossom layed down partially on my lap and after a few minutes put her head under my arm and snoozed. Then Flower decided to lie down next tom me and we all just relaxed in the rain.
Until there was a really bright lightning and very loud thunder. THis time Flower jumped, Blossom remained relaxed. I guess she knew she was safe with mom. It really poured down after that, including hail. It was rather fun sitting out there in my goat shelter with the girls, being quite comfortable.
Then I had to go back into the house, I had bread in the oven and sauce on the stove. On the way back in I ushered a drenched pullet back into the henhouse.

All the critters are tucked in now. I brought Susie inside, put a diaper on her and let her go wherever she pleases. I just hope she doesn't bed down in my sock drawer, which I tend to leave open :lol:

We are having more chicken soup for dinner, with fresh baked soudough bread. It is rather cold, but the living room is nice and toasty. I might make some sort of desert.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Ahhh, I love a good storm and a comforting fire! Sounds so busy at your place! I really miss the country when I read some of these journals.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I am tired and cold and just a little hungry.

It's been a long day.
Yesterday I "played" sick. I actually didn't feel well and stayed on the couch most of the day. I slept and watched tv and rubbed corn off the drying cobs.
SO kept the fire going, so I would be warm, made brunch and took care of the critters.

Today I tried to catch up a bit, ran a pile of errands, that I had been avoiding, we harvested any sizable peppers, since they are predicting more rain and some very cold nights, fed the critters, cleaned the house, and had to listen to FIL tell us to go on foodstamps!!!
It's not food we need, we need money to pay for non-food items!!! :he
What does FIL do? buy us crap from Costco, cake, cupcakes, pastries, white bread, mac and cheese :barnie

Ok rant over, I think :hide

At least I got to spend time with my goats today. I could tell they missed me, because as I was trying to pull the weeds from under the electric fence, they totally got in my way :lol:

I am ready for some BIG money to come my way, so I can get out of here and buy myself a nice little farm somewhere, for me and my goats and my dog and the chickens. And I am going to put a big fence around it to keep all the riff raff out!!!
guess I am still ranting :p


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
It froze here last night!!!! I don't recall it ever freezing here in November.
Good thing we were on top of it and covered most of our frost tender plants. We had already harvested the remaining peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. Most plants made it through the freeze. The basil got uncovered, so we lost it. Some of our peppers got a little singed, but are mostly ok.
I also went and fed all the critters some extra grain last night and put out more bedding for them all.

It is bright and sunshiny today and it smells nice and crisp outside. Both SO and I are tired and sore, since we worked so much in the last few days, getting ready for the freeze. But we are cozy inside, got food all around us and enough firewood to last for maybe a week.

I might drag myself out to buy some potatoes and cranberries. I forgot to get them when I went to the store on monday :/ I also forgot to buy kitty litter. The soil outside is too wet to use in the litter box, so I have had to go back to using purchased litter. I considered putting the pineshavings I use in the chicken house in the winter (wet season), but then I could just see all those little bits of wood all over the house and decided to go and break open the piggy bank and and bring it to the store in exchange for a bag of clay sand (aka cat litter)
I can't even use shredded newspaper, since we don't get the paper. What little paper comes into the house, we need to start the fire in the stove.

I think I will get dressed to go out in public and buy those potatoes and cranberries. I actually like shopping on the day before thanksgiving. I go to a local farm stand less than 2 miles from my house. They are usually not busy and they have great produce at reasonable prices. They also buy from us. So not only do they grow their own, they buy from the locals. They also go to the San Francisco market to get produce that comes from all over. But they mark the produce, so you know what is what, if you know the "code". Or you can just ask.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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It was cold at my house this morning too! 20s....I was drawed up when I went to let the birds out!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
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Southern Washington State
FD: it was 25 for a low two nite ago, and 30 for a low last nite. Brrr....The news said that it was almost a record breaker for November. We usually have a few of these lows but not until Jan or Feb.

I covered my patio/deck plants with sheets, and my large pots of cacti too. We had a pipe break up in the garden. DH discovered it accidentally when he heard the aux well pump kick on. It was draining our water storage tank!

My mother is here, and is freezing in our home. We usually keep it at 60, but have turned the heat up to 66 for her. I gave her my coat to wear and some wool socks for her feet. When I go to her home, I have to wear teeshirts in the winter, cus she keeps it so warm!! :lol:

Have a nice Thanksgiving FD. Enjoy your day!

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
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Sherwood, Arkansas
Wow, it's 80 something and I'm in flip flops for Thanksgiving! Looks like another brown, dead christmas for us! Anyways, happy Thanksgiving FD!

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