El Presidente de Pollo
Im glad my SS has increased drastically. Because it looks like we re about to collapse anyday now. Thankfully this year we have added lots of squarefoot gardening. So we have 40 cabbages out (we may make some kraut then freeze some maybe for veggie soup) plus 12 brocolli (to freeze). Then several peppers, we plante the hotter ones to make a pest control spray. Then I have a grain patch for the poultry and rabbits. I have to plant my sunflowers tommorow. Then I have also added more "SS" breeds to my chicken flock. I have 10 Buff Orpingtons which I have a young rooster for and they will be the main baby makers for me as well. Plus Australorps that have been raised on range since 3 weeks of age they are about 6 weeks now. Then my BEST Dominique hens. Plus I think I have 18 Rabbits so I will have my breeding flock in shape so I can begin breeding for meaties. I mainly need to work on getting them more SS with their feed. And these Muscovies are the most SS animal ever, they eat mainly range. They reproduce excellently (16 ducklings out of 17 eggs). Everybody needs these. I plan butchering them in a few monthes. I also want to order 25 (more maybe) Cornish Rocks and raise them up but I wanna wait until Fall to get them. I think thats it. I thought I'd share