Frugal Homesteader
I just saw on the news last night (Canadian) that the prices of groceries will be going up 5% in the near future. It stressed mainly in the corn wheat and soy areas, but also produce.

Just a quick question.Icu4dzs said:It is interesting to note that when the price of oil (translate: gasoline) goes up, people moan and groan and just pay it.
When the price of corn, wheat and soy beans goes up, they are angry. Those grains are the product of Farmers (both Canadian and American)
In my opinion, when a bushel of corn costs "THEM" what they charge us for a barrel of OIL, I'll begin to think our economy is headed back in the right direction.
We have stopped making things in this country. I was in Fleet Farm yesterday. Even Milwaukee tools are made in China. If we don't return to the production of goods and services in this country, China will buy all the rest of our debt and then enslave us economically. We need the "entitlement" population to start working for that money. No more sending our products to be made in China. We pay them. They NEED TO WORK for that money!!!and they need to do it NOW!!!
The world's reserve currency is about to change from the US$ to something else. WE NEED TO CHANGE with it or the change our POTUS promised us will NOT be much fun for any of us.
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Please tell me you weren't married on May 17th.Wifezilla said:ICU, chocolate does work on similar areas of the brain as sex...but the effects are NOT the same. A smart woman makes sure she has plenty of both for maximum happiness
(I have been married almost 25 years to the same guy. I know these things)
That's quite a bit, but to tell you the truth I was expecting more.miss_thenorth said:Ahem!...I just saw on the news last night (Canadian) that the prices of groceries will be going up 5% in the near future. It stressed mainly in the corn wheat and soy areas, but also produce.
Icu4dzs said:Boogity, et. al.,Boogity said:Do you guys really have a NEED for chocolate? I've never heard of such a thing.
This question has been answered indirectly by the 46XX population on SSF. There truly IS a physiologic explanation in this population that most of them are not aware of consciously but very much aware of it sub-consciously.
Chocolate contains phenylalanine. This substance is ubiquitous in nature but it is produced by the 46 XX member of society in LARGE quantities during the act of copulation. (Yes, ladies it IS A TRUE AND VERIFIABLE FACT OF HUMAN LIFE)
Chocolate replaces the absence or lower quantity of phenylalanine in the body and as one lady clearly pointed out:
So without coming right out and saying what the effects of both chocolate and "activity" are, she states that she is more pleasant to be around..." when she has it. Therefore, if chocolate becomes a really scarce comodity we all (in the 46 XY community)may find one of two things occurring...either they will kill us all when they don't have chocolateLorieMN said:no I dont NEED it,,but I am a lot more pleasant to be around some days if I have it.
or life at home will take a distinct upward turn in terms of happiness and affection because it gives the same emotional reward to them.
For those of you who "vehemently disagree" you can argue this all you want but it is true physiologically. The ladies who are very "physically active" at home, tend to need less chocolate than the ones who "aren't really interested in THAT" any more.
Did you ever wonder why chocolate is the primary gift at Valentines Day?Hmmm, perhaps Valentine's Day and "love" and its attendant behaviors have something in common.
Of note here is that when you look at this particular string, there appears to be two completely different subjects being discussed. K0xxx and Dunkopf appear to be very concerned (and rightly so) about the loss of "reserve currency status of the US$) and the ladies have a completely different agenda. I find this entertaining.
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