framing fowl -daily living

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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Weekend Report:

Saturday evening I spent with friends on their 80 acre farm. It was so great to get out of the city! A lovely drive of ten miles of dry stacked stone fences, pastures, trees, and animals peacefully grazing. Then we got to look at the garden, walk to the back of the 80 acres and see the cows and the bull, visit with the llamas and look at the bee hives. Then it was dinner and back to home. On the interstate, the sun was sinking down with Calumet Farm in the background and not a cloud in sight. It was just that golden beautiful sunset light. Came back home very refreshed.

Sunday: Worked in the yard for 4 hours and ran errands. Also got the first pullet egg!!! So much fun! I ate it for breakfast this morning and it was a double yoker.

Monday: Naturopath appointment. We spent about 20 minutes going through my dietary journal and questionaire that I had filled out. Found out why my extra fat is sitting where it is. This is a good thing because now I know better what to do about it. She was very pleased with most of my eating and lifestyle choices and recommended a few tweaks:
-10 minutes on a trampoline for exercise in the morning
-More red vegetables
-All cruciferous veggies lightly steamed
-NO PLASTIC (we'd been slowly eliminating this but now will do a complete conversion)
-Water filtered for chlorine and flouride
-Dr. Ron's butter supplement
-Grass-fed meat only (time to get serious about ordering 1/2 a beef)
-More lentils and beans

Then we got to the bloodwork results. There are a couple of serious things going on that need to be addressed: adrenals and digestion. She ordered two more tests and we will begin working through those issues.

I'm so glad I decided to go this route. I had done many things right but just didn't have the time and energy to keep researching what I needed to tweak on my own. She was able to pull it all together. I was headed in the right direction but now I can let her take the lead instead of trying to figure everything out on my own. I see a light at the end of this tunnel!!!

I have to do the two tests and then meet with her the second week of August for a follow-up. It is such an amazing experience to sit down with someone for an hour and have them actually listen to what you are telling you and not saying that you are nuts or that must not be right.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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Thanks Abi!

It is a relief to finally be getting some answers and I feel better already just because of that! Why do I wait and try to do everything myself??? :he

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Crazy, emotional week and have been EXHAUSTED. I think some of the stuff the naturopath has me doing is hitting the nail on the head and my body is spending lots of time healing (sleeping). Feeling somewhat back to normal this weekend.

Had seen an ad on CL for grass-finished beef about a month ago. Finally at the prompting of the Dr. decided to take the plunge. Called the lady and they are just starting out but they are buying out the husband's aunt's herd of cows. She's selling because her husband passed. He had spent a long time culling the herd for disease and building up a naturally healthy herd that's always been on grass so we feel really good about where these animals have come from. Anyway, they happened to have an extra 1/2 beef ready to go that a customer backed out on. We ended up with a great deal but didn't get to customize the cuts. That's okay because it took some of the guesswork out of everything.

So this week I need to dig into the freezer and can up all of the stock I have frozen in there and make some room! We're ending up with just over 200# at less than $6/lb. So bring on the beef recipes!!!

That's about it. Just trying to get enough rest, working, and cooking.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
You're really going to be glad you got that beef. There's nothing like grass fed beef, it's the best! :drool We have a farm that sells it a few miles down the road and try to stock up every once in a while. I also wanted to say that raspberry pic of yours is beautiful. I love it!

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you!

Beef will get delivered or picked up middle of next week. I'm good on the hamburger and roasts I think but will probably need to brush up on how to cook the steaks since they are so lean.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Had an unexpected 3 day weekend so it's been busy in the kitchen:

canned 6 quarts of turkey soup that was in the freezer
canned 7 quarts so far of dog food with another 7 to go in later after dinner (decided not to throw effort after foolishness and not make that tenderized gross pork into sausage)
made homemade taco seasoning
made black beans ala freemotion, remainders are fermenting right now
went to the farmers market and the pig guy didn't get my fat :he so he said check back next week
doing up a double batch of red onion marmalade
made up 4 pie crusts and made fresh peach pie that we shared with the neighbors last night
probably pop another one in after dinner

fresh pork chops with pepper peach sauce and sweet potatoes and green beans for dinner.

Tomorrow is picking up our beef after I have another blood draw. A few errands, and then it's back to the kitchen and into the office to square away some paperwork.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
For the next little bit, I'm really needing to keep track of my meal planning and be accountable to myself on that. I'm doing my meal planning on Friday nights so that Saturday I can shop the farmers market and grocery and then do the bulk of my food preps on Sunday which is now a self-imposed no driving day for me. If you have ideas or suggestions -feel free. If you want recipes, let me know & I will post them in the kitchen section. My main goal is to eat 2 - 3 servings of vegetables per meal, learn to economize and use in season, while still planning ahead.

breakfast -eggs & zucchini with salsa
lunch- refridgerator soup
dinner -marinated/roasted brussel sprouts
-cumin sw. potato chips with tomatillo pico

At the market I'm shopping for: check if my fat is in from the pastured pork guy, lettuce, green beans, fresh parsley, fresh rosemary, and a bunch of what ever is cheap and I will plan the rest of the week around that (beets?)

breakfast -eggs & whatever cheap veggie I found at the market
Lunch -fridge soup
-salad with hard boiled egg
dinner -beet tartare
-sweet potato

breakfast -eggs & veggie
Lunch -steak salad
-roasted chickpeas
-green beans
dinner -bbq beef sandwiches
-beet tartare

Mon night: reevaluate leftovers and plan for next three days.

We'll see how this goes.

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